Разработка внеклассного мероприятия "English and American Writers"
проект по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
Материал содержит разработку проекта "Экскурсия в английскую библиотеку", информацию о некоторых английских и американских писателях. Цель проекта: формирование социокультурной компетенции, повышение интереса к английской и американской литературе. Проект может быть реализован в средних и старших классах.
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Внеклассное мероприятие.
«English and American Writers»
Цель: формирование социокультурной компетенции, повышение интереса к английской и американской литературе
- обучающая: расширение по сравнению с базовым уровнем знаний о культурном наследии стран изучаемого языка в области литературы англоговорящих стран.
- развивающая: развитие у учащихся познавательных потребностей путем нетрадиционного проведения урока.
- воспитывающая: приобщение к иной культуре и участие в диалоге культур.
Для плодотворной и эффективной деятельности учащихся используется метод проектной деятельности – экскурсия в английскую библиотеку. Реализация проекта - в рамках Предметной недели иностранных языков.
Основные этапы работы над проектом - это проблематизация, целеполагание, планирование, реализация, рефлексия.
Проблематизация – дефицит знаний об английской и американской литературе, низкая читательская активность (можно провести исследование в школе с целью выяснить процент активных читателей).
Целеполагание - формирование социокультурной компетенции, повышение интереса к английской и американской литературе, вовлечение учащихся в активную творческую деятельность.
Реализация 1) Подготовительный этап (до начала Предметной недели):
- В школе создаётся библиотека иностранной литературы (учителя и ученики приносят из своих домашних библиотек книги на английском языке любого жанра).
- Создаётся список авторов и произведений.
- Учащиеся гимназии (средние и старшие классы) получают задание найти информацию об этих английских и американских писателях, красочно представить её на листах бумаги формата А 4.
- Зал оформляется работами учеников. По всей школе можно увидеть крылатые выражения У. Шекспира.
- Книги расставляются в актовом зале, и в перемену у учащихся есть возможность ознакомится с книгами, узнать об авторах, рассмотреть картинки, почитать понравившиеся книги).
- В рамках Недели иностранных языков
проводятся уроки - экскурсии в английскую библиотеку для разных классов, из учеников старших классов выбираются экскурсоводы – библиотекари. Во время экскурсии ребятам напоминают правила поведения в библиотеке. Учащиеся не только слушают экскурсоводов, но в конце им предлагается выполнить лингвистический тест. Такая нетрадиционная форма урока вызывает живой интерес у учащихся и желание приобщится к процессу.
Ход урока:
- Организационный момент. Постановка цели и объяснение задач.
Учитель: Dear children! WELCOME to our English library, to our exhibition! Our lesson today is unusual. Here you can learn a lot of interesting information about outstanding people of the UK and the USA. Not only will you hear the short biography of the people but you will look at and through the books they wrote and even read them if you get interested. We are very thankful to the pupils who have helped us to gather the material and to let the exhibition be realized. So let me introduce our guides . . . to you. One more thing, at the end of the excursion each of you will get a quiz based on the main points of the exhibition. You will have to answer the questions. The more answers will be correct, the more points you will get. So let’s begin.
Guide 1: The world knows the names of such a great number of outstanding people: scientists, musicians, politicians, writers that it is impossible to speak about all their achievements during one lesson. So today we are going to talk about English and American writers mainly.
(Читает высказывание на стене):
Knowledge is a city, to the building of which every human being brought a stone. Emerson, P. Ralph Waldo (1803-1882)
an American essayist, philosopher and poet
London has been the home of many famous Englishmen. Some were born there. Some lived there all their lives. Others lived in London only for a short time but all gave something to this great city.
English literature is represented by such famous writers as: (перечисляются имена писателей)
One of the first names of importance is that of Geoffrey Chaucer, the poet. He lived most of his life in London from around 1340 - 1400. This was the time when English was replacing French as the first language of the court and of the aristocracy in England. Chaucer had a successful public career as a diplomat and administrator. He travelled around Europe and he spoke and read French, Italian and Latin. On two visits to Italy he learnt about Petrarch and 'the great poet Dante'.
Chaucer's masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales, is about a group of pilgrims (Пилигрим — паломник. Пилигримы (колонисты) — английские колонисты в Плимуте, Массачусетс) travelling to the shrine (гробница, место поклонения святым) of Thomas Becket in Canterbury. (Thomas Becket (1118[1] – 29 December 1170) was Archbishop of Canterbury from 1162 to his death. He is venerated as a saint and martyr by both the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican Communion. He was engaged in conflict with Henry II of England over the rights and privileges of the Church and was assassinated by followers of the king in Canterbury Cathedral.) The pilgrims amuse themselves by having a story-telling competition. In the stories and in the descriptions of the story-tellers themselves, Chaucer gives a magnificent picture of ordinary daily life in medieval England. He knew the courts of King Richard II and King Henry IV. He held official posts in London and is buried in Westminster Abbey.
Guide 2: William Shakespeare also lived in London. Do you know when and where he was born? (23 April, 1564 in Stradford-upon-Avon) When did he die? (23 April, 1616). He lived there for more than twenty years. He acted at the Globe Theatre and wrote his plays in London. Shakespeare's Globe was rather different from modern theatres. The plays were performed in the open air and the audience got wet if it rained. There was no scenery, very few props, and the only lighting was the daylight that came from the open roof above. Women in those days weren't allowed to act in public and all the parts (even Juliet!) were played by men. Much of the audience stood to watch the performance and moved around, talking with each other and throwing fruit at the stage if they didn't like something.
Shakespeare wrote 37 plays: 10 tragedies (such as Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, Macbeth), 17 comedies (such as As You Like It, Twelfth Night, Much Ado About Nothing), 10 historical plays (such as Henry IV, Richard III). He also left 7 books of poems. Shakespeare spent the last years of his life at Stratford, where he died, ironically, on the same date as his birthday, the 23d of April, 1616. He was buried in the church of Stratford. A monument was erected to the memory of the great playwright in the Poet's Corner in Westminster Abbey. In 1997, Shakespeare's Globe was restored.
Now Shakespeare quotations. Will you please give Russian/ English equivalents
(Учащиеся произносят цитаты из произведений У. Шекспира)
Guide 1: I think all of you have heard of Gulliver’ Travels , haven’t you? Who was it written by? Jonathan Swift was born in 1667 and died in 1745. He was a satirist, a publicist and a public figure. In his books he wittily makes fun of human and social faults. For the last 250 years people everywhere have enjoyed reading about Lemuel Gulliver’s travels in the strange countries of Lilliput and Brobdingnag. Here is the story to make you laugh – but to make you think too.
Guide 2: Jane Austen was born in 1775. Her father was a vicar in a village in the south of England. As a teenager, Jane started writing plays and books. Because she was the daughter of a gentleman, Jane was not able to choose a profession as her brothers did and spent most of her life at home. Writing novels was also not considered the occupation of a lady. So, in 1811 she published her first novel, Sense and Sensibility, anonymously. She wrote five more novels, including Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion before she died in 1817.
Jane Austen is now regarded as one of the major English writers of the period. Her books about the lives of middle- and upper-class people contain fascinating descriptions of the society in which she lived.
Guide 1: George Gordon Byron (1788 – 1824). The great English poet was born in an old aristocratic family. His father died when he was three years old. The family lived in Scotland, where the boy went to a Grammer school. He liked history and read much about Rome, Greece and Turkey. “I read eating, read in bed, read when no one else read since I was 5 years old.” The boy was born lame, but he liked sports and trained every day. At 17 Byron entered Cambridge University and there his literary career began. IN 1809 he went travelling round Europe and saw exploitation the same as in his country. He described his travels in a long poem “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage”, which made Byron famous. Byron’s death was mourned by the progressive people all over Europe. Do you know the name of the great Russian poet who devoted a part of his poem «К морю» to Byron as a poet of freedom?
(Один из учащихся читает наизусть стихотворение А. С. Пушкина «К морю»)
Guide 2: Mary Shelley was born in 1797 in London. In 1814 Mary met and fell in love with Percy Shelley, the poet. Mary travelled around Europe with Percy Shelley and another poet, Lord Byron. One night, while they were staying in a villa in Geneva, Byron announced: 'We will each write a ghost story'. Percy Shelley began a story but didn't finish it; Byron wrote a story about a vampire; and Mary began to write Frankenstein. The sad life story told by the monster has often been ignored in film productions of the book.
Guide 1: Charles Dickens (1812 – 1870) is one of the greatest novelists in the English language. He wrote about the real world of Victorian England. His life was very hard. When he was a child he went to work in a factory where he washed bottles. Charles hated it and never forgot the experience. He used it in many novels, especially David Copperfield and Oliver Twist.
Guide 2: Charlotte Bronte (1816—1855)an English novelist of the 19th century, was a contemporary2 ( современник) of Dickens, Thackeray3 . She was the daughter of a poor clergyman.5(священник) There were six сhildren in the family, five girls and one boy. Their mother died when Charlotte was a very small child. The girls were sent to a charity-school6 (ПРИЮТ) which Charlotte Bronte described later in her novel “Jane Eyre".7 The children lived at that school in cold gloomy8 rooms, and were always hungry.9 Charlotte's sisters, Mary and Elisabeth died of tuberculosis 10/In her best novel "Jane Eyre" Charlotte Bronte tells the readers the story of a poor governess.2 The author gave much attention in her novel to the problems of education.
The novel "Jane Eyre" is partly an autobiography where the author describes the beginning of her life.
The main character of the novel is Jane Eyre, an orphan5 girl (сирота) who had lost her parents when she was a child. She lived in the family of her uncle, her mother's brother, Mr. Reed, who had died some years before. His wife, Mrs. Reed, had promised to her husband to look after Jane as one of her own children.
Jane was not happy in this family. Mrs. Reed had three children, two girls and a boy, who made the life of the poor girl very hard. They beat the child, called her names and when she wanted to defend herself, they punished her and shut her in a dark room. One day she decided to send her to charity - school. The book is worth reading.
And here you can see the book “Wuthering Heights” by Emily Bronte (1818 – 1848). Whose sister was she? (Charlotte’s)
Guide 1: “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”. You must have seen the cartoon of course. But have you read the book? Now don’t miss the chance to read the book in English.
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, better known by the pen-name Lewis Carroll was a master of word play, logic and fantasy.
George Bernard Shaw (1856 – 1950), the great English playwright, was the founder of the social realistic drama in English literature. The most popular of his plays are “Pygmalion” (1913), “The Apple Cart” (1929) «Тележка с яблоками», “Too True to Be Good” (1931) «Плохо, но правда» .
Английский драматург Бернард Шоу создал пьесу "Пигмалион" в 1913 году, вспомнив миф о скульпторе Пигмалионе, который, изваяв статую прекрасной Галатеи, влюбился в нее и, с помощью богини Афродиты, сумел оживить ее.
Guide 2:In the history of English literature Jerome K. Jerome occupies a modest[1] place. He cannot be compared2 with such literary figures as Dickens, Thackeray or Bernard Shaw, but he is well known as a writer-humourist3 not only in his country but in other countries too.
Jerome Klapka Jerome was born in England, on May 2, 1859 in the family of a ruined 4 businessman. The family moved to London, but there too the father was unsuccessful and could not pay his debts. Jerome's childhood was poor and sad. He could not finish school because his father died in 1871 and the boy had to work to support his family.
His first literary success was a one-act comedy which was performed in the Globe Theatre in 1886 and ran there for some time. At the same time Jerome began to publish some of his articles which later made up a book under the title "The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow".2 («Досужие мысли досужего человека»). This book became very popular in England. During four years it was published one hundred and five times.
In the same year, Jerome's best book "Three Men in a Boat" also came out. The Idle Thoughts of an Idle Fellow" and "Three Men in a Boat" made the author famous. The books were translated into several European languages.
Guide 1: Beatrix Potter (1866 – 1943) is an English children’s writer and artist. She wrote fairy tales in which the main characters were animals. She loved animals and studied them all her life. Beatrix Potter illustrated her books herself. “The Tale of Peter Rabbit” (1902) made her famous. And here you can see another story “The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher”.
John Galsworthy (1867—1933)
1 John Galsworthy, a novelist, dramatist and a short-story writer, was one of the representatives of critical realism in English literature.
He came of an upper middle-class [2] family and was educated at Harrow School and Oxford University. His father was a well-known lawyer in London and John Galsworthy began to practise [3] law after graduating from Oxford in 1890. But in a year the young lawyer left his work and spent some years in travelling over the world. He visited Russia in 1891, before he had begun to write. The trip made a great impression on him. John Galsworthy turned to Russian literature and read all the books he could get in English translation. In his later years he named Turgenev, Chekhov and Tolstoy among his teachers, when he spoke of the beginning of his literary career. Returning to London John Galsworthy began his literary work.
Galsworthy's most famous work is the trilogy "The Forsyte Saga"[4] (1906-21). It includes "The Man of Property" (1906), "In Chancery" [5] (1920) and "To Let" [6] (1921). The next three novels — "The White Monkey" [7] (1924), "The Silver Spoon" (1926) and "The Swan Song" [8] (1928) form another trilogy — "A Modern Comedy".
Guide 2: Abraham “Bram” Stocker (1847 – 1912) is best remembered as the author of Dracula, the vampire tale (1897), the inspiration of countless films and plays.
One of the world’s best-known adventure stories is ……… «Остров сокровищ». We have the book in Russian, in English it is called ………”Treasure Island”. Who is the author? (Robert Louis Stevenson). But we would also like to recommend you “THE STRANGE CASE OF DR JEKYLL AND MR HYDE”, which shows two sides of the same human nature.
Guide 1: The end of the 19th century is the time when Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) starts his literary career. The Picture of Dorian Gray is a brilliant story about moral decadence. The Canterville Ghost is a funny and touching story about the American family Otis, who move into an old English castle where a ghost has walked for three hundred years. You might have seen the cartoon.
Guide 2: And now answer the question, please. Who is known all over the world as the Queen of Crime? (Agatha Christie 1890 – 1976). Can you name the most popular private detective (Hercule Poirot) the old lady with her own method of investigation (Miss Marple) ? Agatha Christie became generally recognised in 1926, after the publishing of her novel The Murder of Roger Ackroyd. It’s still considered her masterpiece. Ten Little Niggers is one of the most popular novels. Her plots always mislead the reader keep him in suspense. He cannot guess who the criminal is. Fortunately, evil is always conquered in her novels. Agatha Christie’s language is simple and good and it’s pleasant to read her books in the original.
Guide 1: The USA has given the world such great names as Mark Twain, Lyman Frank Baum, O’Henry, Ernest Hemingway, Stephen King.
Mark Twain (1835 – 1910), whose real name was Samuel Clemens, spent his boyhood by the Mississippi and was always fascinated by this river which became one of the main themes in his writing. His pen-name was, in fact, an expression used by the Mississippi riverboat pilots. They would call, “By the mark, twain!” This meant that the river was two (twain) feet deep. He led an adventurous life travelling and contributing to various newspapers. He wrote many stories but the most famous are “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” (1876) and “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” (1884).
Guide 2: Lyman Frank Baum (May 15, 1856 – May 6, 1919) was an American author, poet, playwright, actor and independent filmmaker, best known today as the creator of one of the most popular books in American children's literature, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. His works predicted such century-later commonplaces as color television, wireless telephones (Tik-Tok of Oz), and the ubiquity (повсеместность) of advertising on clothing (Aunt Jane's Nieces at Work).
Guide 1: Ernest Hemingway is another outstanding person. He is one of the greatest American writers. Ernest was born in Illinois in 1899 into the family of a doctor. In childhood Ernest went in for sport and was a great sportsman. He was also a very bright student at school. He wrote poetry and prose for school magazine. In 1914 World War began, and Hemingway joined the army. He was sent to Italy and was badly wounded there. Later he was awarded a silver medal by the Italian government. The war made a great influence on his future work. In 1920 Ernest returned to the United States and started working as a foreign journalist in a newspaper. But his dream was to write novels. He travelled a lot to get material for his work. In 1929 his first novel,
A FAREWE LL to ARMS(«Прощай оружие»), was published. It made Hemingway famous. In this novel he protests against war. In 1936 Ernest went to Spain and took part in the Civil War. Later he wrote another novel called For Whom the Bell Tolls (« По ком звонит колокол»). It was devoted to the Americans who died in the war for Spain.
During World War 2 Hemingway was a war journalist. In 1954 he was given the Nobel Prize for literature for his last novel The Old Man and the Sea ( «Старик и море») which was called the best of his works. Ernest Hemingway died in 1961 by shooting himself in Cuba.
Guide 2:O'Henry: 1862-1910
O'Henry is a well-known American short-story writer. He had to earn his living from the age of fifteen and he educated himself with the help of friends.
O'Henry knew people very well, especially the ordinary people of New York. In his stories you can feel satirical criticism of the American way of life. Most of his short stories are full of warm sympathy for ordinary American people.
O'Henry was the pen-name used by author William Sydney Porter. Porter was a great admirer of another American writer, Edgar Allan Рое, and he was influenced by Poe's style. O'Henry wrote many popular stories and earned a reputation as the master of surprise endings. He was especially talented at developing his characters, and at portraying city life accurately. He wrote over 600 stories.
Guide 1: Stephen Edwin King was born on 21 September 1947 in Portland state Maine. King began his career as a writer in January 1959, when he and his elder brother decided to publish their local newspaper.
The most famous of his books is «1408». It is about the man, who didn't believe that in Room 1408 ghosts existed. You might have seen the film.
Teacher: now let’s pass to the quiz.
Literature Quiz
(While doing the quiz children may use the books)
1) Match the two columns
1. L. F. Baum a) “Pride and Prejudice”
2. William Shakespeare b) “Too True to Be Good”
3. Mary Shelley c) “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”
4. Lewis Carroll d) “The Wizard of Oz”
5. Geoffrey Chaucer e) “Gulliver’s Travels”
6. G. B. Shaw f) “Frankenstein”
7. Jonathan Swift g) “King Lear”
8. Jane Austen h) “The Canterbury Tales”
9. John Galsworthy i) “David Copperfield”
10. Charles Dickens h) “A Modern Comedy”
2) Divide the names into two groups (authors and characters) and match them
Mr Hyde, Dorian Gray, J. B. Byron, Miss Marple, Oscar Wilde, G. B. Shaw, Agatha Christie, Childe Harold, Robert Louis Stevenson, Jane Eyre, Jane Austen, Roger Ackroyd, Dr Jekyll, Eliza Dolittle, Alice, Charlotte Brontё.
- 1- d, 2 – g, 3 - f, 4 – c, 5 – h, 6 – b, 7 – e, 8 – a, 9 - h , 10 – i
- Authors characters
J. B. Byron Mr Hyde
Oscar Wilde Dorian Gray
G. B. Shaw Miss Marple
Agatha Christie Childe Harold
Robert Louis Stevenson Jane Eyre
Jane Austen Roger Ackroyd
Charlotte Brontё Dr Jekyll
Eliza Dolittle
Рефлексия. После проверки заданий, идёт обсуждение, подводятся итоги, награждаются победители.
[1] hole — яма
[2] "Jocelyn" ['d33slm] — «Джослин» (имя собственное)
[3] "The Island Pharisees"—«Остров Фарисеев»
[4] "The Forsyte Saga" ['fo:sait 'sa:g3] — «Сага о Форсайтах» 6 "In Chancery" ['tjamsari] — «В тисках»
[5]8 "To Let" — «Сдается в наем»
[6]г "The White Monkey" ['mAgkl[ — «Белая обезьяна»
[7]?"The Swan [swon] Song" — «Лебединая песня»
[8] chronicle ['kroniklj — летопись
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