открытый урок-дебаты: East or West - Home is Best!
план-конспект урока (английский язык, 10 класс) на тему
Задачи урока:
Учебная: активизация коммуникативных умений учащихся по теме раздела; освоение технологии «дебаты».
Развивающая: развитие у учащихся умения грамотно строить предложения на ИЯ, соблюдая логическую линию выступления.
Воспитательная: воспитание умения доказывать выбранную точку зрения; толерантности к противоположному мнению, корректного поведения при разрешении возникших противоречий.
Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа п.г.т. Уруша
Провела: Е.Е. Прекрасная
Класс: 10
Дата: 29.11.13
Уруша 2013 год
Задачи урока:
Учебная: активизация коммуникативных умений учащихся по теме раздела; освоение технологии «дебаты».
Развивающая: развитие у учащихся умения грамотно строить предложения на ИЯ, соблюдая логическую линию выступления.
Воспитательная: воспитание умения доказывать выбранную точку зрения; толерантности к противоположному мнению, корректного поведения при разрешении возникших противоречий.
Ход урока:
- Орг. момент.
Today we’ll go on speaking about the best place for living. The statement of our lesson is “The best place for living in the future is our native settlement”. Firstly, watch the film about it. It’s an advertisement. On your desks there are “The Tables of attention”. Watch the film and mark the information. How many and what aspects of the life in Urusha will be advertised? Do you agree with the authors of the film?
- Well, how many aspects of the life in Urusha were advertised? (P1, P 2, P 3)
- What are they? (P1, P 2, P 3)
- Do you agree with the authors of the film? Are there any pros and cons?
T. You see, this statement “The best place for living in the future is our native settlement” is a controversial one, isn’t it? Now we’ll discuss this problem in a form of a debate. The speakers will debate and you will mark the aspects of the debate according to the table. In the end you will vote for the more convincing speakers. Let’s start! Speakers1 you are welcome! Don’t forget about time!
Команда утверждения | Команда отрицания |
Самое лучшее место для жизни в будущем – это твой родной посёлок | Самое лучшее место для жизни в будущем – это город! |
Спикер У1 We say “The better place for living in the future is our native settlement” Our parents, our grandparents live in Urusha. And staying in Urusha in the future will make our families closer. We will communicate with each other every day. Our relatives will always help us in any situations. Besides, Urusha is a place for those people who are looking for peace and rural environment. The countryside around Urusha is green and nice. Nature is wild and magic. Everyday life is not easy. Fresh air, pure water always help you to relax at the weekend. More than that, living in Urusha parents don’t worry about their children. According to the statistics, the most part of crimes are committed in the cities. To begin with, alcohol and drugs are your own matter. But newspaper articles, TV programmes broadcast that the centres of drugs spreading take place in the cities. For those who want there are healthy opportunities in Urusha to spend free time skiing, skating, swimming, playing sport games and so on. On the one hand, you are right. It’s our burning problem. But I’m sure it depends on ourselves/. The population in Urusha is much smaller than in any city. So if we want we will solve this problem. | Спикер O3 You live in the 21st century and you’ll be able to communicate with your relatives with the help of mobiles, e-mail or Skype. Camping is a very popular business now. Living in the city you can spend your weekend in any camp you like and more comfortably than in Urusha
You say about the crimes in cities. In the villages there is nothing to do especially for the young. So they begin to drink alcohol and to take drugs. Isn’ t it a crime? You say that you enjoy nature in Urusha very much. And what about ecological problems in the settlement? There is so much litter in the forests around Urusha. |
Спикер У3 There are also many activities for children in the club and at school in Urusha, for example, dancing, singing, drama, playing sport and so on. And everybody all the city opportunities and entertainments are rather expensive. As for the employment, everybody who wants, works in Urusha. People go to Scovorodino or Takhtamygda but work. It’s dangerous to live in a city. There are even cases of terrorism. Don’t parents worry about their children? According to the newspapers, there is a problem of air and water pollution in any city, isn’t there? Besides what can you say about traffic jam? It is typical for a city, isn’t it? | Спикер O1 “The better place for living in the future is a city”! As for me I don’t want to live anywhere else but in a city. There are so many opportunities for children’s developing and keeping fit, for example, sport centres, cultural clubs, specialized schools. If your child enters a professional school, he will study and live at home not in a hostel. More than that a city is rich in various entertainments: cinemas, theatres, bowling, swimming –pools, and so on. And according to the TV and newspapers’ information the number of such centers is growing. Any city is a commercial centre. There is plenty of work in the city. Young people have many opportunities to find a job. Even school children can find a part – time job in a city. _________________________________ In Urusha there is only one policeman. And it is impossible for him to work well. In the cities people are defended by the police. Many people in the city have дача where they can breathe fresh air and drink pure water. As for the traffic jam there is a good intercity transportation system. Use public transport and everything will be OK. |
Спикер У2 | Спикер O2 |
We were born in Urusha and it’s our native land. There people we can rely on. Stay in the settlement, try to change it to the best and remember “East or West – Home Is Best”! Earn money in Urusha and visit any city you like. But it’s a fact there is no place like home! People always return to their home when they have problems or simply to rest from the city life or traffic jam. | Don’t miss an opportunity to leave Urusha. City will change your life to the best. You can’t deny the fact that nowadays young people try to leave villages to the cities. Go on line to Одноклассники. You can meet our school leavers in Благовещенск, Хабаровск, Владивосток, Москва, Иркутск аnd even in China, where they live and learn foreign languages. Don’t be afraid of changes1 |
T: Well, we have finished our debate. Now, dear guests and students, who has persuaded you more? Vote, please. Pink-for, green-against (the team of statement – the team of negative). (Цветные жетоны собираются в коробку, а затем подсчитываются голоса). Объявляется команда-победитель.
T: Students, underline your sheets of paper with the results of your work.
You have taken part in the debate. Analyze yourself. Have you understood the rules of the debate very well or not very well or not at all? Take the necessary card. (Дети отрывают от объявления нужные карточки).
T: I see your point!
Т: подводит итоги урока: It is your and your parents matter to choose the place of your future living. In spite of the choice you should be good people shouldn’t forget your parents and your home!
Thanks for your work! Your marks__________________
I have understood the rules of the debate |
very well | very well | very well | very well | very well | very well | very well | very well | very well | very well | very well | very well | very well | very well | very well |
The table of attention
Aspects of the life | Film about Urusha | |
Team of the statement | Team of the negation | |
Situation | ||
Nature | ||
Opportunities | ||
Climate | ||
Entertainments | ||
Employment | ||
Unemployment | ||
Criminal situation | ||
Culture | ||
Sports | ||
Police | ||
Medicine | ||
People, relatives | ||
Native land | ||
Children | ||
Commercial center | ||
Intercity transportation system | ||
Traffic jam |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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