Blended Learning Approach
статья по английскому языку по теме
Being teachers of the English language we try different approaches to involve our students into the process of learning. We all understand the importance of student engagement. Traditionally, the more students are engaged, the more learning occurs.
The main aim of teaching the language is to teach our students how to use their knowledge in real life outside our class. We also want them to be autonomous and independent learners.
Nowadays students are digital natives. Digital tools are part of their daily lives. They spend a lot of time in Skype, social networks, they use smart phones everywhere. These students expect to use their digital tools in learning as well.
That is why teachers should seek the ways to use multiple approaches including face-to-face methods and on-line technologies that address the learning needs of students.
The best way is using a Blended Learning approach.
Blended Learning combines a face-to face classroom with an appropriate use of technology. It is integrating powerful interactive, rich digital tools to support and reinforce what happens in our classroom.
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Being teachers of the English language we try different approaches to involve our students into the process of learning. We all understand the importance of student engagement. Traditionally, the more students are engaged, the more learning occurs.
The main aim of teaching the language is to teach our students how to use their knowledge in real life outside our class. We also want them to be autonomous and independent learners.
On the other hand nowadays students are digital natives. Digital tools are part of their daily lives. They spend a lot of time in Skype, social networks, they use smart phones everywhere. These students expect to use their digital tools in learning as well.
That is why teachers should seek to use multiple approaches including face-to-face methods and on-line technologies that address the learning needs of students.
Classes are good for:
- communication activities (live communication prepares st-s to face-to face communication that they will have in their future life)
- creating a social learning environment (working together, helping each other, supporting each other)
- asking questions as they arise.
- co-operative learning (help each other, peer teaching, peer support)
- measuring progress against classmates (compare their development with their classmates’)
Working individually gives opportunities for:
- doing homework
- writing tasks
- increased sense of autonomy
- element of choice time and task
- extra work on weak areas.
And teachers are also important.
- encourage students
- monitor progress
- set up social learning groups
- provide a framework for learning
- correct errors
- give support.
The best way to combine all these is using a Blended Learning approach.
Blended Learning combines a face-to face classroom with an appropriate use of technology. It is integrating powerful interactive, rich digital tools to support and reinforce what happens in our classroom.
The three main areas of Blended Learning are:
- Enriched Learning (variety, interest and quality of teaching )
- Informed Teaching (teacher’s knowing what is going on in the teaching-learning process)
- Flexible Solutions(the use of digital tools, or a blended learning environment allows teachers greater flexibility in the classroom)
Blended Learning has advantages both for learners and for teachers.
The advantages for learners are obvious:
- the process of learning becomes more interesting and multi-dimensional
- students can set their own learning path
- using an enriched digital tool allows students to develop not only language skills but digital literacy as well.
The advantages for teachers are:
- easy assignment of homework
- less time marking
- communication outside of class
- freeing up classroom time for more communicative practice in class.
So teachers can use time on concentrating on the areas that students need the most but not waste classroom and own time on correcting and marking homeworks.
Using a blended learning approach allows teachers to be more informed about our students’ successes and failures and perhaps even our own.
Teachers can choose the most appropriate activities and customize course content to meet curricular and
program demands.
Teachers are provided with powerful tools that are easy to use.
Teaching with support of digital tools allows us to be more flexible both in and out the classroom.
But we should remember one thing: no one digital gadget will never replace a teacher (a face-to-face communication)
“Any teacher that can be replaced by a computer probably should be”
(Arthur C Clarke)
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