Using multi-sensory approach to present new words.
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме
Педагогическое исследование по теме "Using multi-sensory approach to present new words".
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Предварительный просмотр:
- Introduction…………………………………………………………………3
- Action plan………………………………………………………………….3
- Research findings…………………………………………………………...4
- Conclusion…………………………………………………………………..7
- Recommendations for practice……………………………………………...7
My name is Topantseva Svetlana Sergeeevna. I have been teaching English in a primary school for 4 years. I use “Enjoy English”. The topic was «Welcome to Green school! ». It consists of 18 lessons. It includes such words as: an apple, an orange, a cake, a pear, a banana, an ice-cream, a carrot, a fish, some bread, some ham, etc. There are 10 pupils in my group. My pupils are 9-10 years old. Their level is beginner.
Problem: My young learners have a problem in memorizing new vocabulary.
Question: Do I provide a variety of activities for presenting new words?
Action plan
- Choosing the topic.
- Identifying the hypothesis.
- Identifying the tasks.
- Choosing the instruments for collecting data.
- Collecting the initial data.
- Analyzing the initial data.
- Creating of the exercise system based on multi sensory approach.
- Using the new exercises in the teaching practice.
- Analyzing the final data.
- Making conclusion.
- Working out recommendations for practice.
For collecting data I used the following instruments: 1. Field notes
2. Picture dictation
3. Questionnaire
Research findings
Teaching the students of this group we have found the problems of memorizing new vocabulary by several students. Therefore I decided to find out the reasons of these problems and choose the appropriate way of solving them. Our school is using new techniques in teaching pupils according to their main channel of perception: auditory, visual or kinaesthetic. According to the modern research in teaching English to young learners, the process of memorizing involves three channels of perception: auditory, visual, kinaesthetic. If a teacher presenting new words involves these channels, memorizing meets better results. Thus we came to a decision to carry out a research based on these ideas.
The first step of the research was collecting the initial data. This process included two main stages:
1. Field notes . First we watched the students completing the activities and put the results in the field notes. This instrument contained the following activities: listen and hold up the picture; listen and number; listen and colour (see appendix A).
- Presenting new vocabulary in the way suggested by the course book. We used two methods: look, listen and repeat; listen and point.
The second step of the research was analyzing the initial data. It indicated the quantity of words memorized by the students. Then we used picture dictation. The students listen to the teacher’s instructions and draw pictures of introduced vocabulary. We used the same questionnaire at the beginning and at the end of the project to indicate the young learners’ attitude to the lesson and to the forms of the lesson’s activities (see appendix B and C).
The third step was the creating of the exercise system based on the multi sensory approach.
- Look and listen. Show students pictures of the new words. Point to a pictures and say the word. Then mime and repeat the word several times. Ask the students to look and listen first.
- Listen and do. Say a word and ask the students to respond with the correct gesture. Then say the words at random and wait until everyone responds correctly.
- Listen and point. Ask a student to point at the pictures you name. Then ask the students to point at two pictures simultaneously.
- Listen and say. Say each word in a different way, encourage the students to repeat the words exactly as you say them.
Echo game 1. Shout out a word and then say it quieter and quieter, whisper it. Encourage students to join in.
Echo game 2. Tell students to close their eyes and imagine the words they pronounce.
Say all the words, get students to repeat them after you. Say the individual words several times, pitching your voice at different levels (pronounce it in a happy, angry, sweet voice. Sing the word, whisper it, shout it out). Make sure that students pronounce the words correctly.
Read my lips game. Say the words one at a time, but without using your voice. Move your lips clearly as you say each word. Ask individual students to read you lips and say the word.
Guessing game 1. Mime one of the new words and ask students to guess and say it. The student who does it mimes another word.
Guessing game 2. Ask children to touch items of food and guess them.
Bingo game. Tell children to cross pictures of food they hear.
Dominoes game. Ask children to put mini-flashcards in the order they hear them.
Kim’s game. Ask children to look at the chain of flashcards, memorize them and then to close their eyes, put away one flashcard, then ask children to name it.
The fourth step was using the exercises which include all channels of perception in the teaching practice.
The fifth step was collecting and analyzing the final data. It was done the same way as it had been done at the second step. (see appendix C).
Comparing the initial and final data I come to the conclusion that multi sensory approach provides more effective way of presenting new vocabulary. The results showed the increasing of percentages of the memorized words (see appendix D). At the same time this method turned out to be relevant to the age of young learners. When we used the multi sensory approach more children were involved unlike when we used the method suggested by the course book (see appendix E).
Recommendations for practice
We recommend to use the multi sensory approach as one of the most effective way of presenting new vocabulary in the young learners class.
Предварительный просмотр:
Appendix D
The quantity of memorized words before and after using multi-sensory approach system
Предварительный просмотр:
Appendix D
Предварительный просмотр:
Appendix E
Предварительный просмотр:
Вопросы для учащихся
Тема ‘WeLcome to green school!’
1.Прочитай и обведи.
I'm a boy. I'm a girl.
Как тебе понравилась?
Игра «Бинго» | очень | не очень | нет |
Игра «Домино» | очень | не очень | нет |
Игра «Эхо» | очень | не очень | нет |
Упражнение «Прочти по губам» | очень | не очень | нет |
Упражнение «Потрогай и скажи» | очень | не очень | нет |
Игра «Что пропало?» | очень | не очень | нет |
2. Прочитай вопрос и обведи ответ.
Тебе понравился урок? | очень | не очень | нет |
Легко тебе было выполнять задания на уроке? | очень | не очень | нет |
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