Who wants to be a millioner?
классный час по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Материал можно использовать во время недели английского языка как внеклассное занятие с учащимися 7-9 классов. Материал связан со знаниями и английского языка, и истории, географии и т.д.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Who wants to be the champion 1000, 4000, 16000, 64000 (“3”), 250000, 500000 (“4”), 1000000 (“5”)

Слайд 2

Put the presidents of the USA in time order A) Washington B) Roosevelt C) Lincoln D) Clinton E) Kennedy

Слайд 3

KEY: A) Washington C) Lincoln B) Roosevelt E) Kennedy D) Clinton

Слайд 4

1) Your father’s sister is your A) aunt B) uncle C) cousin D) sister

Слайд 5

Key: A) aunt

Слайд 6

2) The largest city in Wales is: A) London B) Oxford C) Cardiff D) Edinburgh

Слайд 7

Key: C) Cardiff

Слайд 8

3) Washington is named after: A) the first state in America B) the river C) the first President in America D) the writer

Слайд 9

Key: C) the first President in America

Слайд 10

4) Hyde Park is in: A) the City B) the West End C) the East End D) the North End

Слайд 11

Key: B) the West End

Слайд 12

Congratulations! You have earned 64000 You get “3”

Слайд 13

5) The Lincoln Memorial is situated in : A) Washington B) New York C) London D) Cambridge

Слайд 14

6) Who was the youngest elected President in the history of the USA? A) Lincoln B) Kennedy C) Washington D) Roosevelt

Слайд 15

Key: B) Kennedy

Слайд 16

Congratulations! You have 500000 You get “4”

Слайд 17

7) The head of the English government is : A) the King B) the Queen C) the Prime Minister D) the President

Слайд 18

Key: C) the Prime Minister

Слайд 19

Well done! Congratulations! You are the winner! You have earned 1000000! You get “5”!

Слайд 20

The second player Put these British holidays in order (starting from December) A) Christmas B) Mother’s Day C) St. Valentine’s Day D) April Fools’ Day E) Father’s Day

Слайд 21

Key: A) Christmas C) St. Valentine’s Day D) April Fools’ Day B) Mother’s Day E) Father’s Day

Слайд 22

For the second player 1) Cheese is made of: A) sausage B) vegetables C) meat D) milk

Слайд 23

Key: D) milk

Слайд 24

2) The oldest part of London is : A) the City B) the West End C) the East End D) the North End

Слайд 25

Key: A) the City

Слайд 26

3) The biggest city in Scotland is: A) Glasgow B) Edinburgh C) London D) Oxford

Слайд 27

Key: A) Glasgow

Слайд 28

4) Which is the nearest neighbor to Great Britain? A) France B) Italy C) Ireland D) the USA

Слайд 29

Key: A) France

Слайд 30

Congratulations! You have 64000. You get “3”.

Слайд 31

5) Christopher Columbus discovered America in: A) 1392 B) 1492 C) 1482 D) 1566

Слайд 32

Key: B) 1492

Слайд 33

6) The first English settlements appeared in : A) Central America in the 16 th century B) South America in the 18 th century C) North America in the 19th century D) North America in the 17 th century

Слайд 34

Key: D) North America in the 17 th century

Слайд 35

Good! You have 500000 You get “4”

Слайд 36

7) The first colonists started the tradition of: A) Halloween B) Independence Day C) Thanksgiving Day D) Memorial Day

Слайд 37

Key: C) Thanksgiving Day

Слайд 38

My congratulations! You have won 1000000 You get “5”

Слайд 39

The third player Put these letters in order: A; Y; H; W; D

Слайд 40

Key: A D H W Y

Слайд 41

1) Name the holiday which belongs only to American people: A) Christmas B) Halloween C) Independence Day D) Mother’s Day

Слайд 42

Key: C) Independence Day

Слайд 43

2) Who was the 42dAmerican President ? A) Clinton B) Kennedy C) Johnson D) Washington

Слайд 44

Key: A) Clinton

Слайд 45

3) What was Abraham Lincoln? A) a writer B) the 16 th President of the USA C) a teacher D) Prime Minister

Слайд 46

Key: B) the 16 th President of the USA

Слайд 47

4) The US President’s term is : A) 2 years B) 4 years C) 6 years D) 3 years

Слайд 48

Key: B) 4 years

Слайд 49

Good luck! You have 64000 You get “3”

Слайд 50

5) How many years did the Civil War in America last? A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5

Слайд 51

Key: C) 4

Слайд 52

6) Jeans are clothes worn by: A) cowboys in the Wild West B) actors in America C) Levi Strauss people D) people all over the world

Слайд 53

Key: D) people all over the world

Слайд 54

Well done! Go on! You have 500000 You get “4”

Слайд 55

7) The official national symbol of the USA is: A) the Statue of Liberty B) the eagle C) the turkey D) the “Mayflower”

Слайд 56

Key: B) the eagle

Слайд 57

Fantastic! You have won! You are the winner! You have 1000000 You get “5”!

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