Why do I want to present Russian youth at the international fora
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Why do I want to present the Russian youth at the international forums?
I would like to tell you about myself, and it is possible that you will carry out from my writing a conclusion. But to write about myself is not so easily, because objectively you can estimate only from outside. But nevertheless, allow me to be presented, my name is Ivan, the father granted a surname of Kulcha, me sixteen years old, I was born in 1995 in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny. The city is very beautiful and saturated clever people in spite of the fact that on population he holds only the 97th place from hundred largest cities of Russia. My mother and the father divorced though both of them live in the same city as me, but meet with each other categorically against. I live with my mother and her parents my the grandmother and the grandfather, I see my father seldom. I am compelled to carry out the target houses, helping my grandmother and my grandfather. I study at school number nine, I like local teachers, am fond of English, mathematics, physics and chemistry. Though the last two subjects are given me hardly all the same is inclined to studying them more. In the future I would like to become a worker in the power industry sphere, this profession is imposed to me by the grandmother, in her opinion there are the biggest salary. I have very interesting character according to my friends, I can be kind and malicious, collected - serious or diffused and not attentive, in my opinion my condition for every day depends on that as I will apprehend morning. Recently I learned how to consult with the character, so I speak to motivate myself for all day. I remember all the problems , and I think that there is a kind of people, who has more difficult problems anyway. I understand character of the person at the first meeting, I like people who aren't given in details. Sometimes I certainly like to listen to another's problems and try to find the way out of it. I don't love gossips and people who do not hold their words. I endured a lot of things despite of being young ,I differ both pain and pleasure. All eternally go on that I am the good leader and I am capable to understand such things as friendship and pain . Mother constantly says that the only thing on what she hopes is me. I don't like to be ideal. I constantly find occupation for myself such as going in for sports as I try to be in a good shape , I play football in the local club "Kamaz". In my free time I like to sit in front of the computer and to find in the Internet interesting things, especially articles about politics and news in whole. I always try to be better than others, I do not like to be alike with somebody else, on the contrary I want to be an example.
I believe that Russian teens are deserve to be the represents on the fora, because many of us are concerned about the future of our nation, we want to earn trust. Our youth want to be the leaders in the world. We understand all the responsibility and we try to justify all hopes. I strongly believe that in Russia we get the best education and all of us can express their own point of view. Our generation is mobile and progressive. We are patriot, we believe that Russia remains the strongest State heading be clever and talented president Putin.
Thank you for giving us a chance to represent Russia. I promise that we will do all of our best in supporting our mother-land!
Тема Эссе:
Толерантность – залог выживания человечества
Цель эссе:
Я считаю, что это главная проблема, ведь на отношении людей между собой строится вся Держава и жизнь людей. Сегодня эта тема очень актуальна, ведь на каждом шагу нас подстерегает предательство и, как результат, войны и конфликты во всем мире. Я знаю, что Россия старается не доводить до конфликтов между соседними странами, поэтому величие России заключается в том, что мы умеем договариваться. Но не все страны готовы к дипломатическим отношениям. Конкретной задачей является прекращение междоусобиц среди наций и то, что мы должны двигаться по пути, намеченным правительством России.
Содержание эссе:
Болевой точкой в данном эссе является военный конфликт, как результат потери доверия и толерантности между людьми. Россия не допускает разгорания войны между странами и выступает дипломатом, выдвигая разумные решения конфликта. Мне ситуация кажется серьезной и мы не должны допустить выливания конфликта во что-то более серьезное. В эссе представлены разные сценарии развития событий и пути их решения. Проблема конфликтов в том, что люди ищут выгоду и ради собственного благополучия готовы предать свои семьи, нацию и родину. Мы, молодое поколение, не должны допускать конфликты, быть здравомыслящими неиспорченными людьми. Мы должны верить в нашу силу, власть и Державу.
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