Контрольные задания на письмо и говорение
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку по теме
Контрольные задания на письмо и говорение
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Подготовила учитель английского языка
Ловкова Я.С.
the 2nd grade
Вставь пропущенные буквы:
A dog can sw…m. A frog can sk…p. Nick’s cat is not bla…k. It is gr…y. Tom and Sam can s…ng. They have a big white r…bbit. They cann…t sw…m and sk…p. And Ann? Can Ann sw…m and sk…p? Can she j…mp and r…n?
the 3d grade
Прочти письмо от друга. Напиши ответ и пригласи его на свой день рождения.
Dear Friend, Thank you for your letter. I want to tell you about my brother. His name is Tom. He is lovely. He is brave and strong. Tom likes to play tennis. But he likes to play neither football nor hockey. He would like to see you. Would you like to visit us? My brother has a birthday on the 17th of October. Please come and see us. Best wishes Love, Ben |
the 4th grade
Напиши письмо. В письме расскажи о себе. Тебе помогут вопросы.
What is your name? What is your surname? How old are you? When is your birthday? Do you have pets? What do you like? What can you do? What is your favourite sport? What is your favourite season? Why? What is your favourite month?
the 5th grade
От своего английского друга вы получили открытку:
Dear N….., I arrive in Moscow on December 22 and I hope we will meet soon. I am going to see the sights of the city. Best regards to your family. Your friend, John | N…N… Flat 12 23 Lesnaya Street Moscow 146544 Russia |
Ваш друг John Low живет в Лондоне (London W13NP), в доме номер 130 по улице East 9th Street в квартире 76.
Напишите почтовую открытку, указав, когда вы приедете в Англию и какие достопримечательности вы бы хотели посетить.
Обратите внимание на правильное оформление открытки.
the 6th grade
ITV 6.30 – News 8.00 – Business Breakfast 9.20 – What would you do? 10.50 – News: Weather 11.00 - Neighbours 12.15 – Regional News 13.00 – Film “Gone with the Wind” |
the 8th grade
Ваша подруга прислала вам открытку следующего содержания:
Dear N…, I’m writing to you to say that we moved in a new flat and my address has changed. My new address is: 10 Stamford Road Street, Melbourne 3166, Australia. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon, Love, Kate
| N…N… Flat 28 14 Radio Street Moscow 347849 Russia |
Напишите Kate Bush в ответ, поблагодарив за сообщение и высказав надежду, что вы скоро увидитесь.
Не забудьте правильно указать адрес.
the 7th grade
Pen pals across the world
Fill in the blanks. Write about yourself. Send this sheet or a letter to a pen pal.
1. Hi! My name is _____________________________________________
2. I am in the _____________ grade and I am _______________years old.
3. My favourite subject in school is _______________________________
4. I have _________________brothers and ____________________sisters.
5. Do you have any pets? I have__________________________________
6. One time my family went to___________________, I like the________.
7. ______________________________________is my favourite TV show.
8. My hobbies are _____________________________________________.
9. Would you like to be my pen pal? My address is: __________________
10. When you write to me, I would like to know these things about you: __
the 9th grade
1.Ваш друг, который путешествует по Великобритании, прислал вам открытку:
Dear N…, Hi! How are you? I’m in London. I’m studying now. Yesterday I went to Trafalgar Square. It was great! I’ve taken a lot of pictures. Love, Joe | N…N… Flat 11 25 Novokuznestkaya Street Moscow 126574 Russia |
Ваш друг Joe Kaplansky временно проживает на частной квартире в Лондоне по адресу ул. Walton Street дом 30.
Напишите ему открытку в ответ, указав, что вы за него рады и надеетесь увидеть фотографии с видами Великобритании.
Не забудьте правильно указать адрес.
2. Ваша подруга Стефания (Stephanie) прислала вам письмо, в котором пишет, что она обеспокоена своим лишним весом и просит у вас совета, как привести себя в форму. Напишите ей письмо:
1) успокойте и приободрите ее;
2) посоветуйте ей диету;
3) посоветуйте ей заниматься спортом;
Напишите Стефании ответ.
Обратите внимание на правильное оформление письма.
the 10th grade
1. Ваш друг прислал вам открытку:
Dear N…, I’m writing to say that I was sorry to hear that your aunt has fallen seriously ill. I hope she’ll feel better soon. She must get on. Write soon, Love, Alex
| N…N…, Apartment 140 21A Leskova Street Moscow 123331 Russia |
Ваш друг Alex Richter живет в Германии (Germany) в городе Берлин (Berlin) в доме номер 14 по улице Hochstrasse. Его почтовый код: 12R.
Напишите ему ответ, поблагодарив за его открытку и сказав, что вашей тете уже лучше.
Не забудьте правильно указать адрес.
2. Напишите письмо своим друзьям Дэвиду и Анне (David and Anna), что вы с вашей семьей отдыхаете в Лондоне, упомянув:
1) где вы остановились;
2) какие достопримечательности посетили;
3) куда вы только собираетесь поехать;
4) когда вернетесь.
Обратите внимание на правильное оформление письма.
the 11th grade
1. Вы получили от своих друзей открытку следующего содержания:
Dear N… and M…, We are organizing a party next Sunday and we would love it if you could come at 6p.m. Hope you can come. Looking forward to seeing you then. Love, Jim and Sara | N…N… Flat 56 22 High Street Los Angeles 12 A 13 USA |
Ваши друзья Jim and Sara Stone живут в Лос Анджелесе (Los Angeles), на улице в доме 22, номер квартиры 132. Напишите им в ответ открытку, поблагодарив за приглашение и подтвердив свое согласие прийти.
Не забудьте правильно указать адрес.
2. Вы уехали учиться в университет в другую страну. Спустя месяц, вы решили написать письмо своей маме с рассказом о том:
1) почему вы так давно не пишете;
2) как вы устроились на новом месте;
3) что у вас появились новые друзья;
4) когда вы приедете навестить ее.
Обратите внимание на правильное оформление письма.
3. Вы получили от своих друзей открытку следующего содержания:
Dear N… and M…, I’d love you could come to my Saturdays barbecue. Hope you can come. Please let me know if you will be able to come. Love, Mad and Courtney | N…and M…N… 75 White Street California 43 A 67 USA |
Ваши друзья Mad and Courtney Davis живут в Калифорнии (California), на улице Betroat в доме 21. Напишите им в ответ открытку, поблагодарив за
приглашение и вежливо отказавшись прийти. Не забудьте правильно указать адрес.
Подготовила учитель английского языка
Ловкова Я.С.
the 2nd grade
1.У тебя появился новый друг. Расскажи ему о себе и о своей семье.
2. Опиши дом. Докажи, что твой дом самый лучший.
3. Расскажи о том, что ты умеешь и не умеешь делать.
4. Расскажи о том, в какие спортивные игры ты умеешь играть.
5. Опиши любимое животное.
the 3d grade
1. Ты познакомился с английским другом. Расскажи ему о себе. Как тебя зовут, где ты живешь, что любишь и умеешь делать.
2. Твой друг хочет узнать побольше о твоей семье. Расскажи ему об этом.
3.Ты находишься в Лондоне, и зашел в кафе. Закажи обед себе и своему питомцу.
4. Ты решил познакомить английского друга с кем-нибудь из своих друзей. Опиши ему своего друга.
5. Загадай загадку про животное.
the 4th grade
1. You have got a pen-friend in England. He wants to know about your family. Tell him some facts about your family.
2. Many children like animals. Tell us about your pet or about your friend’s pet.
3. You are a new pupil at school in London. Tell your new classmates about yourself.
4. Write a post-card to your English-speaking friend. Tell him about what you like or don’t like to do in winter and in summer.
5. You know Hobbit lives in a very nice house. He likes it very much. Do you like your flat/house? Why? Please, tell us about it.
the 5th grade
1. You visited England last year. You made many new friends there. Please, tell your classmates about your English friends.
2. You are going to England. You want to stay at your pen-friend’s house with his family. Please, tell his parents and him about yourself and your family.
3. You want to invite your pen-friend from England to visit your school. He doesn’t know anything about Russian schools. Tell him about your school and subjects.
4. Different people like different seasons. Please, tell your classmates what your favourite season is and why.
5. Please, tell your new friend about your hobbies and how you spend your free time.
the 6th grade
1. You are going to England. What do you want to visit at first and why?
2. You have got a pen-friend in England. Please, tell him about one of the Russian holidays.
3. Many people like reading books. What English writers do you know? Which of them have you read in English? Did you like these books? Why?
4. Friendship is a very great thing. Please, tell us about your best friend. What does he/she look like? Which of his/her interests are close to yours?
5. Your pen-friend has pets. And you? Please, tell us about your pet or your friend’s pet. What do you do for “our lesser brothers”?
the 7th grade
1. Your English pen-friend wants to know about your city (town).
What’s the name of your native town? When was it founded?
What’s the name of the river that flows across your town?
How many theatres and cinemas are there in your town?
What are the most interesting sights of your town?
2. Tell us about your school.
What’s your school building like?
How many days a week do pupils go to school?
What form are you in?
What subjects do you study? Have you got any favourite subjects?
What are your teachers like?
Who is the best pupil in your class?
3. Tell your pen-friend how you spend your out-of-school time.
How much free time have you got a day?
What is your hobby? What do you like to collect? Have you got a favourite collection of things?
How much time do you spend on watching TV? What are your favourite TV programs?
How often do you go for a walk? Whom with?
4. People like sports. Are you fond of sports?
What kind of sports are you fond of? What kind of sports games do you like best of all? Are you a good player?
What sports are popular in Russia?
What famous Russian athletes and sportsmen can you name?
5. Please, tell what you know about London and its sights.
the 8th grade
1. You will visit Great Britain soon. What do you know about this country and its capital? What do you imagine when you think of Britain and its people?
2. The usual English meals. What are they?
Where do the English prefer to have their meals?
What does lunch consist of? What is “high tea” among the English?
What do the English have for dinner and supper?
What is the chief meal of the day?
What are traditional English dishes? What are their favourite drinks?
3. Sport holds an important place in our life. Sports help people to keep in good health. What can you tell your foreign friend about physical training at your school? What kinds of sport are popular with our people? What is your favourite sport?
4. Great Britain is a country with its holidays and traditions. Tell us about some of them. How are they celebrated?
5. The capital of Russia is Moscow. Your foreign friend wants to know about Moscow. Tell him some interesting facts about its history and sights.
the 9th grade
1. People cannot live without books. What do you prefer to read? Why?
What types of fiction do you prefer?
What kind of information do you get from reference books and dictionaries?
What kind of books enjoy the greatest popularity among teenagers?
How often do you take books from library?
How many books are there in your home library? What are they?
What kind of books do you go on buying for your home library? Why?
2. Tell your foreign friend about one of the famous man (scientist, inventor, musician, sportsman etc.) in our country.
What contribution did Russian scientists and inventors make to the development of world science and technology?
3. The UK and its countries. (Location, capitals, population, languages, places of interest).
4. The system of education in Great Britain. (The types of schools, subjects, further education).
5. The system of education in the USA.
the 10th grade
1. You are going to invite guests to a New Year party. You are discussing the best way to do it. Discuss the following options and choose one you both like most of all:
personally telephone
e-mail mail
You begin the conversation. Your partner will be your sister.
Remember to:
- be active and polite
- agree or disagree with your partner
- give reasons
- take your partner’s attitudes into account
- come to an agreement
2. Give a 2 minute talk about appearance
Remember to:
- describe your appearance/your friend’s appearance
- say what you want to correct
- explain why you think it is important to have good looks
3. The keeping of pets is quite popular now. When the subject of animals comes up in conversation, everyone usually has something to say. What do you think about it? Explain why you think it is important to have pets. Describe your pet and say what you like in it.
4. You are in a restaurant. You are hungry. You need to make an order.
Remember to:
- call for a waiter
- ask the menu
- choose a dish and ask what is it made of
- make an order
You begin the conversation. Your partner will play the role of a waiter, ask him/her all the questions. You need to be active and polite.
the 11th grade
1. Give a 2 minute talk about healthy nutrition.
Remember to:
- describe what kind of food do you think is healthy
- say if it is tasty or not
- explain why you think it is important to follow a healthy diet
2. You need to book two tickets to a theatre.
Ask a booking clerk about:
- actors
- sort of performance
- time of the beginning
- how long the performance lasts
- better seats
- price of the tickets
You begin the conversation. Your partner will play the role of a booking clerk.
Remember to:
- to be active and polite
- ask all the questions
3. Give a 2 minute talk about bad habits.
Remember to:
- say what bad habits mean
- describe why they are dangerous
- explain why you think it is important to get rid of bad habits
4. You need to get a part-time job as a secretary.
Don’t forget to:
- ask for a as a secretary
- tell employer about your work experience, about what you can do
- discuss conditions
You begin the conversation. Your partner will play the role of an employer
Remember to:
- be active and polite
- ask all the questions
- consider your interests
- accept/refuse
Список литературы:
1. Контрольные и проверочные работы по английскому языку. 7-9 кл.: Метод. пособие / Н.Г. Брюсова, Н.Ф. Лебедева, Г.Ю. Настенкова, Т.М.Сапгир.- 2-е изд., перераб.- М.:Дрофа, 2000.
2. Ивашова О.Д. Английский язык. Практикум по выполнению типовых тестовых заданий ЕГЭ: Учебно-методическое пособие.
М.: Издательство «Экзамен», 2005.
3. Клементьева Т.Б., Шэннон Д.А.
Счастливый английский. Кн. 2 для 7-9 кл. - Обнинск: Титул, 2000.
4. Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н.
Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику англ. яз. «Enjoy English» для 5-6 кл. - Обнинск: Титул, 2001.
5. Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н.
Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику англ. яз. «Enjoy English» для 4 кл. - Обнинск: Титул, 2001.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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