Сценарий сказки "The Sad Princess"
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме

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Предварительный просмотр:

Scene 1 At the palace

Narrator  This is Princess Anne. She is got a big palace and beautiful clothes. But she is not happy. There is a magic spell on Princess Anne. She cannot laugh. She cannot smile. She is the Sad Princess.

Flowers, birds and animals (Song)  

Princess Anne can not smile or sing.

No, she can not laugh at anything.                       alouette

The magic spell is bad, bad, bad.

And Princess Anne is sad, sad, sad.

Queen  Oh, what a terrible spell.

Anne is so sad. Prince Harry, make Anne laugh. Then you can marry her.

Prince Harry  Oh, look, Anne. I can sing and dance.  

Prince Robert  Anne, listen. I can play the guitar.

 (lavender’s blue dilly, dilly lavender’s green. When I am king dilly,dilly you shall be queen

Prince Tom  Anne, marry me

. I wrote it for you won’t you listen and give me a chance  simple a love song you still get the words

Queen  It is no good. She is not laughing.

Scene 2 In the woods

Prince John  I love Princess Anne. She is very beautiful.

Clown  Hello. My name is Punchinello.

Prince John  Hello, Punchinello.

Clown  I can help you. You can marry the Princess.

Prince John  Me? But I am not rich. I am a poor prince.

Clown  But you can make her laugh. I can help you. Come on. Let’s go to the palace.

Scene 3 At the palace

Prince John  Hello, Princess Anne. My name is John. I am not a rich prince, but I love you and I can make you laugh. Please watch my friend the Clown.

Clown  Watch this. It is my favourite trick.

Flowers, birds and animals (Song)what can we do for you princess?

What can you do, Punchinello?

Prince John  It is no good. Let’s go.

Clown  Oh dear. I am sorry. Oooops!

Anne  Oh, ha, ha! That is very funny!

Queen  Anne! You are laughing! You are laughing!

Anne  Oh, I am happy! The spell is over! Hooray!

Queen  Clown, you are very clever. You can marry Princess Anne.

Clown  Oh, er, thank you. But I don not love her. Prince John loves her.

Anne  Oh, and I love Prince John. Can I marry John, please?

Queen  Oh, well, er…if you are…really happy…

Oh, she is happy at last. Yes, yes. You can marry Anne.

John & Anne  Oh, thank you!

All  Hooray!

All (Song)  If you happy and you know it clap your hands

1 Ведущая

 2 Принцесса

3 Королева

4Принц гари

5Принц  роберт

6Принц том

7Принц джон




12,13,14 Животные

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