Контрольная работа по проверке навыков аудирования и информативного чтения без словаря
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Составлены по теме "Межличностные отношения. Мое окружение". Включают в себя тексты с заданиями, направленные на проверку навыков аудирования (если предъявляется учителем или в записи) или для информативного чтения без словаря (если читают учащиеся самостоятельно). Состоит из:
Text 1. “Two Gifts” (по теме «Моя семья»)
Text 2. “My busy Dad” (по теме «Моя семья»)
Text 3. “Five Minutes Peace” (по теме «Моя семья»)
Text 4. “Why was she angry?” (по теме "Межличностные отношения")
Text 5. “Leisure” (по теме "Выходной день")
Text 6. “A Good Lesson” (по теме "Межличностные отношения")
Предварительный просмотр:
Контрольные работы по проверке навыков аудирования и информативного чтения без словаря
Text 1. “Two Gifts” («Моя семья»)
Jim and Della were a newly married couple. They loved each other but they were very poor. They rented a small room in one of the dirty streets in the outskirts of New York.
They worked from early morning till late at night but they got very little money for their work. And still they had two treasures – Jim’s gold watch and Della’s beautiful hair.
Christmas holidays were coming and Della thought of presenting Jim with something but she had no money for it. She really did not know what to do. She sat on the sofa and began to cry. Suddenly an idea came to her mind. She got up and stood in front of the looking glass. She saw her beautiful long hair in it. She left the house and in a few minutes she was already at the hairdresser’s shop.
“Will you buy my hair?” she asked. The hairdresser looked at her hair and said, “Yes, I shall. I can give 20 dollars for it.”
Della was very happy. She took the money and went to buy a present for her husband. Soon she saw a very beautiful chain. “I’ll have it, Jim will be very glad,” she said to herself and bought it.
When she came home Jim had been there waiting for her. When he looked at his wife he understood everything. “Why did you do it?” he said.
“Dear Jim, I wanted to give you a present. Here it is.” She gave him a chain that she bought for his watch. But the beautiful chain, Della’s present, was of no use for him. The matter was that he had sold his watch to make a present to his wife. He took a package out of his pocket and gave it to Della. When she opened it, she saw two nice combs.
Слова к тексту:
rent – снять комнату внаем;
dirty – грязный;
outskirts – окраина, предместье;
treasure – богатство, сокровище;
chain – цепочка;
to be of no use – быть бесполезным, ненужным;
sell (sold, sold) – продавать;
comb – гребень, расческа.
- Прослушайте текст два раза и ответьте на следующие вопросы:
- Where did Jim and Della live?
- What treasures did they have?
- What did Della buy for Jim?
- What did Jim give to Della as a present?
- Where did they take the money for their presents?
Text 2. “My busy Dad” («Моя семья»)
I have a father. My father is usually very busy. He doesn’t have time to play with me. When I ask him to play with me he usually says: “I’m sorry, I can’t. I’m very busy…”
It is nine o’clock in the evening. It is time to go to bed. I open my father’s room and say: “Excuse me, Dad…”
“Shut the door. Can’t you see I am busy? Go and play with your sister or with your friends.”
“Oh, Dad, I want only to say good night to you.”
“Can’t you say it to me in the morning? I am busy now.”
- Прослушайте текст и выскажите свое мнение по следующим тезисам:
- There is no problem in this family.
- It is very good that the father tries to work hard.
- It is no matter that the father pays no attention to his son.
Text 3 “Five Minutes Peace” («Моя семья»)
The children were having breakfast. It was not very pleasant to look at them. They didn’t have good table manners. So Mrs. Large took a tray from the cupboard and set it with a teapot, her favourite cup, a plate of marmalade toast. She put the morning papers into her pocket and went to the door. “Where are you going with that tray, Mom?” asked Laura. “To the kitchen,” said Mrs.Large.
“Why?” asked the other two children.
“Because I want five minutes’ peace from all of you,” said Mrs. Large. “That’s why.”
The children looked surprised and worried. “Can we come?” asked Lester. “No,” said Mrs. Large. “You can’t”.
“What shall we do then?” asked Laura.
“You can play,” said Mrs.Large, in the sitting room by yourselves. And keep an eye on the baby.”
“I’m not a baby,” said Teddy, the little one.
Mrs. Large entered the kitchen, shut the door, sat down to the table and poured herself a cup of tea. She closed her eyes. Everything was so quiet. It was heaven.
Suddenly the door opened. “Can I play the flute?” asked Lester. Mrs.Large opened one eye. “Must you?” she asked. “I’ve been practising,” said Lester. “You told me to. Can I? Please, just for one minute.” “Go on then,” sighed Mrs.Large.
So Lester played. He played “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” three and a half times.
Laura came in. “Can I read you a page from my reading book?” she asked. “No, Laura,” said Mrs.Large. “Go to the sitting room, all of you.”
“You let Lester play his flute,” said Laura. “I heard. You like him better than me. It’s not fair”.
“Oh, don’t be silly, Laura,” said Mrs.Large. “Go on then. Just one page.” So Laura read. She read four and a half pages of “Little Red Riding Hood.” In came the little one with his toys. He put them on the table. “For you.” He said.
“Thank you, dear,” said Mrs.Large weakly.
“Can I see the cartoons in the paper?” asked Laura.
“Can I have some marmalade toast?” asked Lester.
“Can I play with you?” asked the little one.
Mrs.Large got up and headed for the door. “Where are you going now, Mom?” asked Laura. “To the garden,” said Mrs.Large. “Why?” asked Lester. “Because I want five minutes’ peace from all of you,” said Mrs.Large. “That’s why.” And off she went to the garden, where she had three minutes and forty-five seconds of peace before they all came to join her.
Слова к тексту:
Tray – поднос
Toast – гренка
Peace – покой
To look worried – выглядеть озабоченным
To keep an eye on – присмотреть за кем-либо
To pour – наливать
Flute – флейта, дудочка
Weakly – слабо
To join – присоединяться
- Прослушайте текст и выберите правильный вариант:
- Mrs.Large had got:
- three children;
- four children;
- five children.
- Mrs.Large went to the kitchen because:
- she wanted to have breakfast;
- she had to cook breakfast;
- she wanted to have five minutes peace.
- The first who came to the kitchen was:
- Lester;
- Laura;
- Teddy.
- Laura came to the kitchen with:
- her toys;
- her dolls;
- her reading book.
- The youngest brother came to the kitchen with:
- his books;
- his breakfast;
- his toys.
- Mrs.Large at last decided to go:
- to the shop;
- to the garden;
- to the sitting room.
- In the garden Mrs.Large had:
- three minutes and forty-five seconds of peace;
- four minutes and twenty seconds of peace;
- five minutes of peace.
Text 4. “Why was she angry?” (межличностные отношения)
A young man was in love with a beautiful girl. One day she said to him: “It’s my birthday tomorrow.” “Oh,” said the young man, “I’ll send you roses, one rose for each year of your life.”
The same evening he went to a florist’s. As he knew that the girl was twenty-two years old, he paid for twenty-two roses and asked the florist to send them to the girl the next day.
The florist knew the young man very well as he had often bought flowers in his shop before. When the young man left the shop, the florist thought: “This young man is a very good customer. I think that my price was too high. I’ll send ten more roses to his girl.”
He did so. The next morning thirty-two roses were sent to the girl. When the young man came to see her she didn’t want to speak to him. And he never knew why she was so angry with him.
Слова к тексту:
To be in love with – быть влюбленным в кого-либо;
Florist – цветочник;
Customer – покупатель;
To be angry with smb – быть рассерженным на кого-либо.
Прослушайте текст и выберите правильный вариант из предложенных утверждений:
- The young man decided to send roses to the girl because:
- she has a birthday next day;
- her mother has a birthday;
- he proposed to her.
- He sent her so many roses as:
- how many years they were in love with each other;
- how many years old her mother was;
- how many years old the girl was.
- The florist decided to send:
- five more roses;
- twenty more roses;
- ten more roses.
- Florist sent to the girl thirty-two roses because:
- girl asked him about it;
- the young man was a very good customer;
- the young man paid for thirty-two roses.
- The girl didn’t want to speak to the young man because:
- he made her for ten years older, than she was;
- she didn’t like the roses he had presented to her;
- she was in love with other man.
Text 5. “Leisure” (выходной день)
When we have time for leisure, we usually need something that can amuse and interest us. There are several ways to do this.
People use radio or television. Some people like music. They listen to various concerts of modern and old music, new and old songs, and see dances. Those who are fond of sports listen to or watch football and hockey matches. These are the most popular kinds of sports. People can also see championships in athletics, skating and dancing on the ice. Radio and television extend our knowledge about the world in which we live. Television helps us to ‘visit’ different lands, see new plants, animals, unusual birds, fish and insects mountains lakes, seas and many other things. This is what we can do at home.
If we want to go out, there are a lot of cinemas, theatres, museums, Houses of Culture and clubs in our country where we can spend our free time.
In big cities like Moscow and St.Petersburg it is often difficult to decide where to go in the evening because there are a lot of possibilities.
In small towns and villages both Houses of culture and clubs are the centres of cultural activities which are carried out through different sections. Those who like to dance join a dancing section. Those who are interested in music join musical section where they are taught to play different musical instruments. People who are fond of sports can join sport sections. The art section is one of the most popular with the people, because they can learn to create beautiful things there. Some members are taught to paint, and they organize local exhibitions of their paintings.
So you can see how interesting are the ways in which leisure time can be spend.
Слова к тексту:
Leisure – отдых, свободное время;
Amuse – развлекать;
Extend – расширять;
Knowledge – знания;
Insects – насекомые;
possibilities – возможности;
carry out – осуществлять;
to create – создавать;
to teach (taught, taught) – учить;
exhibition – выставка.
- Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы:
- What ways are there to spend your time at home?
- What ways of spending your time are there outdoors?
- What possibilities are there in big cities?
- How do people spend their leisure time in small towns and villages?
- What is your favourite way of spending leisure time?
Text 6. “A Good Lesson” (межличностные отношения)
Once a rich lady phoned the manager of the London Opera House. She said that she wanted to arrange a party and would like to invite one of their well-known singers.
The manager answered that he would make all the necessary arrangements about it. He passed the lady’s invitation to Mr. Roy, the best singer of the theatre. The man had to accept the invitation though he didn’t feel well enough to go to the party after the performance.
However, he took a taxi and a few minutes later came to the lady’s house.
The lady was pleased to see him, but she told him to have supper with the servants. Mr. Roy said nothing. He went to the kitchen, enjoyed his supper and after it sang to the servants with whom he had had supper. The lady didn’t expect him to stay there so long and called him, as she was not pleased with the delay.
“Will you sing something for us?” she asked him.
“I’m sorry, but I’ve already sung. You see I always sing for those people with whom I have supper.”
With these words he left the room. He gave a good lesson to the rich lady.
Слова к тексту:
rich – богатый;
party – вечеринка;
well-known – знаменитый;
arrangements – приготовления;
servant – слуга;
to sing (sang, sung) – петь
1. Прослушайте текст два раза и расположите предложения в правильном порядке.
- He went to the kitchen, enjoyed his supper and after it sang to the servants with whom he had had supper.
- The manager answered that he would make all the necessary arrangements about it.
- Once a rich lady phoned the manager of the London Opera House.
- He passed the lady’s invitation to Mr. Roy, the best singer of the theatre.
- The lady didn’t expect him to stay there so long and called him.
- She wanted to arrange a party and would like to invite one of their well-known singers.
- The lady was pleased to see him, but she told him to have supper with the servants.
- Mr. Roy refused to sing on the party, because he always sang for those with whom he had supper.
- Ответьте на вопросы:
- Whom did the lady want to invite for the party?
- Did the singer accept the lady’s invitation?
- Where did the lady offer the singer to have his supper?
- Why did the singer refuse to sing for the guests?
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