Презентация на тему "Школьная жизнь" 9-11 классы
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Грозина Марина Викторовна

Эта презентация может быть использована в качестве вводного урока, а также урока-повторения лексического материала по теме "Школьная жизнь". В презентации использованы материалы УМК  издательства "Pearson Longman" "Longman Accelerator", 2012 г. Упражнения на словообразование прекрасно подойдут для подготовки к ГИА и ЕГЭ. 


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Слайд 1

“ What we want is to see the child in pursuit of knowledge and not knowledge in pursuit of the child” George Bernard Shaw SCHOOL

Слайд 2

Types of schools boarding, vocational, independent, nursery, middle, junior high My granddad was sent to a ____ school at the age of nine. He hated leaving home. My little brother’s just four years old. He goes to ____ school. Joe’s parents have decided to send him to a ______ as they are critical of state education. Now they have to pay school fees. If you want to train to be a mechanic, go to a _____ school. In some systems, there’s a ____ or ____ ____ school between primary and high school.

Слайд 3

Match the sentence beginnings and endings 1. Education is compulsory 2. The school year 3. There’s a syllabus for every subject 4. Some subjects are optional 5. In most schools 6. At the end of secondary school a) is divided into terms b) students take external exams and receive a certificate. c) there are also extra-curricular activities d) until the age of eighteen e) which means you don’t have to take them f) which says what teachers are supposed to teach

Слайд 4

Subjects Homework 1. Economics 2. English literature 3. History 4. Maths 5. Science a) Write up today’s experiment b) Read the source texts related to the Industrial Revolution c ) Solve equations 1-5 from page 43 d) Write an essay on colour symbolism in the novel The Great Gatsby e) Analize the graph showing real estate prices in the USA from 2007 to 2010 School subjects and school work

Слайд 5

Choose the two words 1. Robert ___ the driving test last week, but he failed it. 2. How many points did you ___ in the French test? 3. Julia failed the history exam, so she’ll have to ___ it next month. 4. Exam results will ___ next week. 5. Matura is a ___ exam. 1. a) took b) passed c) did 2. a) score b) get c) achieve 3. a) repeat b) retake c) resit 4. a) come out b) be announced c) appear 5. a) external b) internal c) school-leaving

Слайд 6

When I was eight years old, my primary school teacher told my parents I had learning1. __ (DIFFICULT). My reading was slow and I found it hard to 2. ___ (MEMORY) things. My mum took me to an educational 3. ____ (PSYCHOLOGY). That woman changed my life. She gave me a lot of tests to measure my 4.___ (ABLE) in different areas. She showed me pictures and played music to me. Then she told my mother I was slightly 5.___ (DISLEXIA). She said I might not achieve outstanding 6 .___ (ACADEMY) results, but I was 7.___ (GIFT) and talented in other ways. She said I couldn’t do standard tests and the school should use other, pupil-friendly forms of 8.___ (ASSESS). Finally, she suggested sending me to dance and drama classes to let me develop 9 .____ (ARTISTIC). Now I’m twenty-five and I’m a professional dancer. I always think with gratitude of the specialist who believed 10.____ (CREATE) was no less important than literacy.

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