Урок английского языка по сингапурской методике по теме "Идеальная семья."
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Тема урока: Идеальная семья. Совершенствование УН монологической речи.
Цель урока: Совершенствование УН монологической речи.
Вид урока: комбинированный.
Задачи урока:
- вспомнить необходимый материал по теме «Семья», чтобы учащиеся могли рассказать о своей будущей семье;
- развивать лексический материал;
- дать учащимся возможность использовать язык в проблемных ситуациях;
- учить быть внимательными, слушать других;
- расширение кругозора учащихся;
- развитие языковой догадки;
- развитие интереса к языку;
- социокультурное развитие;
оснащение урока:
- классная доска;
- интерактивная доска;
- аудиозапись;
- раздаточный материал.
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Предварительный просмотр:
МБОУ «Арская средняя общеобразовательная школа №1 им.В.Ф.Ежкова
с углублённым изучением отдельных предметов»
Урок английского языка по сингапурской методике
Тема урока
Идеальная семья. Совершенствование УН монологической речи
Учитель: Брунько Лариса Викторовна
Тема урока: Идеальная семья. Совершенствование УН монологической речи.
Цель урока: Совершенствование УН монологической речи.
Вид урока: комбинированный.
Задачи урока:
- вспомнить необходимый материал по теме «Семья», чтобы учащиеся могли рассказать о своей будущей семье;
- развивать лексический материал;
- дать учащимся возможность использовать язык в проблемных ситуациях;
- учить быть внимательными, слушать других;
- расширение кругозора учащихся;
- развитие языковой догадки;
- развитие интереса к языку;
- социокультурное развитие;
оснащение урока:
- классная доска;
- интерактивная доска;
- аудиозапись;
- раздаточный материал.
План урока.
I. Начало урока.
1. Приветствие.
- Good morning, my dear!
- Let’s begin our lesson. Greet your face partners. Now your shoulder partners, our guests and me.
- I’m glad to see you. Sit down.
2. Речевая зарядка.
- Look at the screen. Read the sentence (Everyone who has a happy family background can consider themselves to be in luck) and try to guess the topic of our lesson, what we are going to speak about. You should discuss it in your groups. You have 15 seconds.
- Don’t forget to show that you’ve finished discussion.
- What is the topic of our lesson? (…)
- (…), do you agree with her?
3. Сообщение темы и цели урока.
- You are quite right. Family is a topic of primary importance and though everyone sees things differently, we all want to have good families. So we are going to speak about an ideal family.
II. Центральная часть урока.
1. - Take your sheets of paper with the Frier Model and write down in the middle of the paper our today’s topic – An ideal family.
- How do you think what are the features of an ideal family. Well, you’ve got some seconds to think over. Now share with your face partners the features of an ideal family using Rally Robin. Now share with your shoulder partners only the features which are the most important for you in your future family. Use Rally Robin.
- Now take your sheets of paper with the Frier Model and fill in the box – the features of an ideal family. Share your opinion in your group using Single Round Robin. While listening to your partners you should add the features which you haven’t written. Be ready to share your group opinion.
- …, what have you written in the first box? (… – friendly, supportive, loving, always do something together)
- …, and what about you? (… – polite, honest, hospitable)
- Now, let’s try to fill in the box – the examples of an ideal family. First think a little bit and write down the examples in the Frier Model .
- Share your opinion in your group using Single Round Robin. Be ready to share your group opinion.
- …, What examples of an ideal family can you name? (… – As we learn the English language we can’t but say about the Queen’s family. I think this family is an ideal, because they are always together, they have a lot of traditions and they are famous)
2. - Now I want you to stand up and have a rest.
- Mix.
- Pair up.
- Using Timed Pair Share answer the questions. You have 20 seconds.
- The first question is – What’s the best age for getting married in order to have an ideal family? First think a little. A person who is taller begins. Well, the time is up. Second partners your turn. Don’t forget to thank each other for answers.
- …, What is the best age for getting married? (To my mind the best age for getting married is 25 because if you want to have your own family it is important to have good education, to have a house to live in and of course to have a good job).
- (…, what does … think is the best age for getting married?)
- …, is it so? (… отвечает – Yes, she is right).
- Mix.
- Pair up.
- The second question – Is it important for people to be legally married or can they just live together to have an ideal family? A person who has longer hair begins.
- … Is it important for people to be legally married or can they just live together ( … – As for me I think if people are legally married they can make closer and stronger family and it is better to upbring children in legally married family.
(…, what does … think is better – to be legally married or just live together to have an ideal family?)
- …, is it so? ( … – Yes, it’s true)
- Mix.
- Pair up.
- The third question – How many children should a family ideally have? A person who’s name is shorter begins.
- …, How many children should a family ideally have ( … – I think 3 or even more. In a big family children can help each other, support in difficult situations, make their duties together and of course can help their parents when they become old)
- (…, how many children does … think should be in an ideal family?)
( … – she thinks there should be 3 children as in her family. She has a younger sister and brother)
- …, is it so? (… – Yes, she is right)
- Mix.
- Pair up.
- The fourth question – Can a big difference in people’s age be an obstacle to marriage? A person who’s eyes are brighter begins.
- …, Can a big difference in people’s age be an obstacle to marriage? ( … – I think yes. People of different ages have different interests. For example a person in a couple who is younger wants to go to the cinema and who is older wants to spend calm evening and that’s why there can be different quarrels. I think it is better not to have long difference in age.)
- Mix.
- Pair up.
- The last question – Why do you think there are so many divorces in the modern world? A person who wants to begin will be the first.
- …, Why there are so many divorces? (… – there are many divorces in the modern society because people in a family are impatient to each other, they can’t listen to each other’s problems)
3. - Now take your seats and tell me please, can a divorce be in an ideal family? Is it an example of an ideal family?
- And what is it? ( … – Maybe Non-example)
- Now your task is to fill in the third box of the Frier Model and write down non-examples of an ideal family. First think. (widow, widower, when children or somebody in the family is ill, when there isn’t any traditions in the family, when they don’t support each other, selfish, greedy, lazy)
- Share your opinion in your group using Single Round Robin. Be ready to share your group opinion.
- …, What non-examples of an ideal family can you name?
- So what is an ideal family for you? Let’s complete the Frier Model and fill in the last box – the definition of an ideal family. While writing the definition you may use the features, examples, non-examples. First think.
- Share your opinion in your group using Single Round Robin. Be ready to share your group opinion.
- …, what is an ideal family for your group?
- …, What about your group?
- … and your group?
III. Завершающая часть урока.
1. - Now we know what an ideal family should be. So what about your own future families? What in your view will you future family be? Try to answer this question, but first think. Share your opinion with your shoulder partner using Timed Pair Share. Let’s begin.
- At what age will … get married?
- How many children will … have?
- What will your future family be?
2. - You will think over this guestion in detail at home. How do you think your hometask will be? You are to share your opinion about your future family with me in written form. You may use the information in the model of Frier.
3. Exit ticket.
- Take two stickers. On the first write down everything what you would like to tell you classmates who are absent today about an ideal family. On the second write a question or a problem you would like to discuss the next lesson.
4. - So I’d like to finish our lesson with the words – Everyone who has a happy family background can consider themselves to be in luck.)
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