презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Ткачева Людмила Викторовна

Презентация с репродукциями картин и их описанием.


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Слайд 1

Impressionist Trend in Art. Exhibition of paintings in Paris.

Слайд 2

In1874 there was an exhibition of paintings by French artists in Paris. Claude Monet exhibited his painting called Sunrise. An Impression. It was criticized and made fun of.

Слайд 3

One of the critics called the whole exibition impressionism and the term remains with us today. Edgar Degas was one of the Impressionists. He lived among them in a shabby house in Montmartre although he himself was a man of means. He helped to organize the group exhibits, and had his own paintings hanging in them for six years.

Слайд 4

In his paintings he wanted no poses, no prettiness. The world of his day was the world of his art. He painted Paris life in café, theatre, opera, on the racetrack.

Слайд 5

He especially liked to paint the ballet from the ‘wings’ where he could watch the dancers without being seen himself. He worked mostly in pastel and used a special fixative, the secret of which has never been discovered. Degas eyesight was very bad and eventually he became quite blind. He never married, for his one love was his pictures. He had a fine collection. He hated to hart with them.

Слайд 6

Claude Monet always painted his pictures outdoors as he wanted to capture the sensation of light. His paintings, bright in colour , can be seen in many art galleries of the world. Even the shadows in his pictures are colourful and not dark grey as in the works of other artists.

Слайд 7

Boulevar des Capucines in Pares.

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Слайд 9

Paul Cezanne, a French artist, who used the ideas of Impressionists about colour , painted mountains blue and the earth in front of them yellow or red. Cezanne used colour to paint form. He liked to paint apples and he often used blue for the background and bright reds and yellows for the apples. The apples in his paintings seem very round and three-dimensional.

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Pierrot andHarlequin .

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Still Life with Peaches.

Слайд 12

Mount Sainte- Victoire .

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Camille Pissarro stands out for amazing freshness, airiness of nature.

Слайд 14

August Renoir is famous for charming portraits.

Слайд 15

Some artists have used colour to express their emotions. Van Gog wanted,in his own words,”to paint the passions of men with green and violet”.

Слайд 16

Henry Matisse was also concerned with the harmony of colour .

Слайд 17

Thank you for attention.

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