тест 6 класс 9 урок
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Парамонова Дарья Александровна

тест 6 класс 9 урок


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Lesson 9   6 Form

Lexical test

1. He didn't let anybody in his house. He_____________ it alone.

a) reigns    b) owned   c) have   d) own

2. There was a wonderful dress and a diamond _____________ on the Queen at the party.

a) crown  b) cap   c) hat  d) shoes

3. Do you know that a king or a queen has to be _____________ before he or she begins to reign?

a) married   b) crowned  c) defeated  d) ruled

4. The _____________ of the Queen Victoria was the longest in the history of Britain.

a) reign b) life  c) story d) history

5. The Russian army _____________ the German army during the Great Patriotic War.

a) touched  b) defeated  c) reminded d) protected

6. Nobody could defeat king Arthur. There was a legend that King Arthur and his men were _____________.

a) undefeated   b) excited  c) attracted d) dangerous

7. I always forget to put salt into soup.   _____________ me to do it.

a) Remember   b) Remind   c) Repeat   d) Retell

8. Don't_____________ the fire, you may hurt yourself.

a) take  b) touch  c) smell  d) play

9. — Why are you crying?

— The story is so_____________ I can't stop crying.

a) interesting b) boring c) touching  d) long

10. I think that there is no good_____________ for being late.

a) reason   b) idea  c) touching  d) season

11. The girl in the picture_____________ my grandmother much.

a) touches   b) reminds  c) owns  d) reigns

12. The Queen_____________ for such a long time because she was very wise.

a) reminded b) defeated  c) reigned  d) defeated

13. She was so angry, nothing could _____________ her.

a) remind  b) crown  c) touch  d) reign

14. The Queen couldn't_____________ the situation.

a) crown   b) own   c) control  d) reign

Extra lexical test

Fill in the blanks with the following words: to reign, to rule, to control, monarch, politics.

Eleanor was the queen who really_____________ two kingdoms, not just_____________. She was the

mother of two kings and_____________ the life of many_____________. She really ruled and influenced the _____________  of many countries.

Grammar test

1. It is_____________ a beautiful flower.

a) so   b) such   c) very  d) much

2. The young lady looks _____________ attractive in a red dress .

a) so   b) such   c) no  d) lots

3.  _____________ an interesting story it was.

a) How  b) What  c) Such  d) So

4. _____________ touching this story is.

a) What   b) Such   c) How  d) So

5. _____________ deep the snow is and _____________ beautiful it is!

a) So, how    b) How, how    c) Such, so    d) So, so

6. _____________ a great discovery Columbus made!

a) How   b) What   c) So  d) Such

7. The history of the family is _____________ exciting!

a) such   b) how   c) so  d) much

8. _____________  interesting the news about the weather is!

a) What b) Such  c) How  d) So

9. _____________  fresh the air in the mountains is!

a) Such   b) So   c) How  d) What

10. _____________  polluted the air and the water in big cities are!

a) What   b) How   c) Such d) So

11. He was_____________  a brave character!

a) so   b) such   c) what  d) how

12. The Queen reigned for _____________  a long period!

a) so   b) how  c) such   d) what

13. The death  of the  Queen Victoria was _____________  a tragedy to the whole nation!

a) such   b) so  d) what  d) how

14 _____________  a wonderful view the Royal crown is!

a) How   b) Such  c) So    d) What

Extra grammar test

Put in such or so.

— Have you seen the Royal Palace yet?

— Yes, why?

— Do you like it?

— Yes, I think it is _____________  a view! It is

worth seeing if you are in Britain.

— What about The Changing of the Guard ceremony?

— Oh, it is _____________  a performance! The guards wear _____________  nice clothes and march in _____________  perfect lines! I like _____________  performances. It is_____________  wonderful!

Complete the sentences with it's or its.

1. St. Petersburg is famous for..........museums.

2. I can't find Baker Street...........not easy.

3. Don't smoke...........bad for your health.

4. The Hermitage is the largest art gallery in the world...........collections are fantastic.

5. I'm fond of spending my holidays in Spain. I like..........beaches and national food.

6. London is a very large city...........museums are popular all over the world.

7. St. Petersburg is situated on the banks of the Neva...........very wide.

Open the brackets. Choose the correct form of the participles.

1. This book is very (boring/bored).

2. I like people (keeping/kept) their promises.

3. I easily found the seat (keeping/kept) for me.

4. The (blowing/blown) wind destroyed the crops.

5. The fair (opening/opened) yesterday was a great success.

6. The (interesting/interested) performance was sold out.

7. Not all people (speaking/spoken) French are from France.

8. The girl (showing/shown) her photos is a model.

9. The hat (leaving/left) in the sitting room is Bob's.

10. I'm fond of reading plays (writing/written) by Ibsen.

Write words for the definitions:

1. a broad street, often lined with trees - ______________________________________________

2. to cause (a person) to remember (something or to do something); make (someone) aware (of something he may have forgotten) - _____________________________________________________________

3. to rule a nation or a group of nations as their king or queen  - ___________________________________

4. why something happens or why somebody does something - _____________________________________

5. to have as one's possession, to have something which belongs to you, especially because you have bought it, been given - _______________________________________________________________

6.  to overcome in a contest or competition; win a victory over - ___________________________________

7.  the head dress of gold worn by a king or a queen - ___________________________________________

8.  the time during which a king or a queen rules - ______________________________________________

9.  to command, direct, or rule - _______________________________________________________

10.   a house, especially a large or official one - ___________________________________________________

11.  making you feel pity and sadness - _______________________________________________________

12.  a seat where monarchs sit during ceremonies - _____________________________________________

Translate into English using your active vocabulary:

1) Кто может это контролировать? __________________________________________________________


2) владеть фабрикой ______________________________________________________________________

3) плохое оправдание для чего-то ___________________________________________________________

4) Ты читал какие-нибудь трагедии Уильяма Шекспира? _______________________________________


5) быть коронованным ____________________________________________________________________

6) Он напоминает мне своего брата. _________________________________________________________

7) В Британии монарх правит, но не имеет силы. ______________________________________________


8) Короли и королевы носят короны на официальных церемониях. _______________________________


9) победить врага ________________________________________________________________________

10) Мужчины всегда интересуются политикой. _______________________________________________


11) Как трогательно! _____________________________________________________________________

12) править в стране ______________________________________________________________________

13) Да, кстати... __________________________________________________________________________

14) Король Артур и его рыцари были непобедимы. ____________________________________________


15) самое долгое правление в истории _______________________________________________________

16) единственная причина ________________________________________________________________

17) быть коронованным  __________________________________________________________________

18) трогательная история ___________________________________________________________________

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