Презентация к уроку "Особенности русской кухни" по учебнику ENJOY ENGLISH-6 - "Russian Borshch"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Презентацию можно использовать не только на уроке "Особенности русской национальной кухни", но и на уроках по темам; ПРОДУКТЫ ,РУССКИЕ ТРАДИЦИИ а также как занимательный конторль техники чтения.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Which food would you like to have: 1) for your everyday dinner 2) for a picnic 3) for a holiday party Use these prompts: I usually have for ……. What do your and your relatives eat at Maslenitsa or Easter ? When we have a picnic……… My favourite food is……. What do you like best ? In summer/In winter we prefer……… Make up a short story.
fffafa RUSSIAN BORSHCH A saucepan on a stove
New vocabulary Borsh с h Medium- средний the boil/to boil -варка/ варить A frying pan -сковорода To stew -тушить To stir [ st з :] -размешивать To remove –достать из Т o return -вернуть To pour -влить
500 Gram meat 2 medium onions 2 medium carrots 1 medium beetroot 2 medium potatoes a half of medium cabbage 2 tomatoes 1 tablespoon vinegar some salt and pepper [ vinige ]
Put the instructions for making Russian Borshch in the right order. 1 Cook the mixture about 10 minutes. Bring to the boil for an hour. (to boil- варить ) Wash the beef, then put into a large saucepan with water 4 When the meat is ready, remove it, cut it up and return to the soup. Add the chopped potatoes and cabbage then boil the soup again. 6 While the beef is boiling wash and peel the vegetables. 7Put the fried mixture of vegetables into the saucepan 8.Chop the beetroot, carrots and onions into small pieces. 9After that put the chopped vegetables into a frying pan with some oil. 10 Finally pour the tablespoon vinegar, add salt and pepper to taste. 11 Stew the vegetables 10 minutes and add sliced tomatoes. ( to stew [ stju :]- тушить
Check yourself Wash the meat, then put into a large saucepan with water. Bring the saucepan to the boil for an hour. While the meat is boiling wash and peel the vegetables . Chop the beetroot, carrots and onions into small pieces. After that put the chopped vegetables into a frying pan with some oil. Stew the vegetables 10 minutes and add sliced tomatoes. Cook the mixture about 10 minutes. When the meat is ready, remove it, cut it up and return to the soup. Add the copped potatoes and the cabbage, boil again. Put the fried mixture of vegetables into the saucepan. Finally pour the tablespoon vinegar, add salt and pepper to taste.
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