Проект «О Ямале на английском языке»
проект по теме
Стремительное развитие Ямало-Ненецкого автономного округа, дальнейшая экономическая перспектива, богатое историческое прошлое, самобытное культурное наследие коренных малочисленных народов Севера, развитие туристического направления Ямала - всё это привлекает сюда отечественных, и особенно иностранных учёных, журналистов, бизнесменов, туристов. Мир хочет узнавать и изучать этот удивительный край. И уже никого не удивляет появление иностранцев в ЯНАО. Поэтому современный молодой человек обязательно должен владеть иностранным языком (в частности - английским), знать культуру, историю своего родного края, быть коммуникабельным, чтобы суметь общаться с иностранцами, рассказывать о своём родном крае на иностранном языке, если появиться такая возможность и необходимость.
Актуальность данного проекта обусловлена нехваткой учебных текстов и упражнений на основе национально - регионального материала в рамках обучения учащихся английскому языку.
Вложение | Размер |
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Предварительный просмотр:
Ямало – Ненецкий автономный округ
Муниципальное образование Ямальский район
Муниципальное бюджетное учреждение общеобразовательная школа – интернат «Новопортовская школа – интернат
среднего (полного) общего образования»
Автор: Мирских Ольга Владимировна, учитель английского языка МБУОШИ «Новопортовская школа - интернат среднего (полного) общего образования» 629712, Ямало - Ненецкий автономный округ, Ямальский район, с. Новый Порт
с. Новый Порт
2012 год
Программа проекта
№ | Пункт программы | Содержание |
Тема проекта | «О Ямале на английском языке» | |
Актуальность проекта | Стремительное развитие Ямало-Ненецкого автономного округа, дальнейшая экономическая перспектива, богатое историческое прошлое, самобытное культурное наследие коренных малочисленных народов Севера, развитие туристического направления Ямала - всё это привлекает сюда отечественных, и особенно иностранных учёных, журналистов, бизнесменов, туристов. Мир хочет узнавать и изучать этот удивительный край. И уже никого не удивляет появление иностранцев в ЯНАО. Поэтому современный молодой человек обязательно должен владеть иностранным языком (в частности - английским), знать культуру, историю своего родного края, быть коммуникабельным, чтобы суметь общаться с иностранцами, рассказывать о своём родном крае на иностранном языке, если появиться такая возможность и необходимость. Актуальность данного проекта обусловлена нехваткой учебных текстов и упражнений на основе национально - регионального материала в рамках обучения учащихся английскому языку. Данный проект даёт возможность учащимся овладеть лексикой, развить речевые навыки в рамках национально - региональной тематики, расширить знания об ЯНАО. Педагоги получат возможность обучать учащихся английской речи на основе небольших текстов и несложных упражнений, направленных на развитие говорения в контексте национально – регионального компонента. | |
Идея проекта | Идеей проекта выступает развитие коммуникативных навыков учащихся в рамках национально – региональной тематики. Одной из важных проблем методики является оптимизация коммуникативного процесса, т.е. поиск оптимальных путей развития коммуникативных способностей учащихся. Для этого в качестве инструмента развития коммуникативных способностей был выбран учебный текст, на основе которого были составлены разнообразные упражнения. Учебный текст в большей степени помогает формировать и активизировать речевую коммуникацию, как в устной, так и в письменной форме. Учебный текст является источником лингвистической, содержательной, культурно – страноведческой информации; обладает учебной, эстетической коммуникативной, прагматической, этической и другими функциями; оказывает воздействие на эмоциональную сферу обучаемого, стимулирует его мыслительную деятельность. Работа с таким текстом является существенным компонентом процесса обучения иностранному языку. | |
Объект эксперимента | Образовательная среда развития и поддержки одарённых учащихся с повышенной мотивацией к обучению английскому языку. | |
Предмет эксперимента |
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Цель проекта | Развитие навыков говорения у учащихся на английском языке в рамках национально – региональной тематики. | |
Задачи |
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Гипотеза | Овладение предложенным материалом данного проекта заложит определённые знания лексики, углубит навыки говорения, расширит знания учащихся в области «Краеведения ЯНАО» для коммуникации на английском языке с иностранцами (если представится такая возможность) и заложит почву для дальнейшего самосовершенствования, саморазвития одарённых учащихся в данном направлении. А в перспективе даст возможность применить свои знания в туристическом направлении, так как это направление будет стремительно развиваться в Ямало-Ненецком автономном округе. | |
Диагностический инструментарий | Сюжетно – ролевые игры. Круглый стол. Мозговой штурм. «Записки» о Ямале. | |
Критерии оценки ожидаемых результатов |
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Сроки | сентябрь 2012 – май 2013 года | |
Этапы проекта |
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Возможные риски | Нежелание детей заниматься; учебная перегрузка, низкий уровень мотивации | |
Способы коррекции, компенсации негативных последствий | Поиск интересного материала о Ямале, привлечение в сообщество ребят из Англии, привлечение родителей, мотивирование дальнейшими перспективами, гибкое расписание занятий, практико-ориентированный подход, доступ для общения в социальной сети, поиск новых друзей. | |
Состав участников эксперимента | Группа учащихся 8 – 11 классов, учителя английского языка, заместитель директора по ИТ, педагог-психолог | |
База эксперимента | МБУОШИ «Новопортовская школа-интернат среднего (полного) общего образования» Материально-техническое обеспечение проекта:
Научно-методическое обеспечение: 1. Англо – русский и русского – английский словарь / под редакцией М.В. Харламовой- 5-е изд., Стереотип.- М.: русс. яз.- Медия, 2006. 2. Англо – русский словарь / Авт. – сост. Н.В. Адамчик. – Мн.: Современный литератор, 2001. 3. Живой Ямал. Каталог выставки «Арктика- Антарктика» в Бонне(1997-1998)./ И. Крупник, Н. Наринская. – М.: Советский спорт, 1998. 4. Исторический атлас Ямало-Ненецкого автономного округа / И.А. Голикова, Ю.Н. Квашнин, А.В. Сазонова М.: Издательство ДИК, 1999. 5. Культура народов Ямала/ Борко Т.И. и др./ Учебник 5-7 классы. Тюмень: Из-во Института проблем освоения Севера СО РАН, 2002г. 6. Методика обучения иностранным языкам: Базовый курс лекций: Пособие для пед.вузов и учителей/ Е.Н.Соловова. – 2-е изд.-М.: Просвещение, 2003г. 7. Сборник статей. Обучение иностранным языкам в школе и вузе. СПб.: «Каро», 2001г. 8. Фотоальбом «Ямал – край земли» / А.Головнёв, 1995г. 9. Фотоальбом «Meet Yamal» о ЯНАО/ ООО «Русская коллекция» Санкт Петербург, С. Алексеев, Ю. Морозов, 1996г | |
Научно-методическая обеспеченность эксперимента | Нормативно-правовое обеспечение проекта
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Концептуальные основы проекта Основополагающие элементы системы индивидуальной работы с одаренными детьми:
Создание условий для формирования творческой и интеллектуально развитой личности, готовой саморазвиваться, самосовершенствоваться, для расширения и углубления знаний по предметам «Английский язык», «Краеведение», для профессионального самоопределения обучающегося, обеспечивает дополнительное образование по направлению: социально – педагогического. Технологичность реализации проекта Концептуальные основы реализации дополнительной образовательной программы:
Формы реализации проекта: - учебные занятия (практические); - практики; - текущий контроль, промежуточный контроль обучающихся; - Интернет-олимпиады, конкурсы, конференции и т.п.; - учёт результатов образовательного процесса; - внеклассные мероприятия; - создание собственного чата для общения с иностранными школьниками; -виртуальные экскурсии. Для проведения индивидуально-групповых занятий, внеклассных учебно-познавательных мероприятий формируется группа по интересам из разных классов. Участие обучающихся во внеклассных учебно-познавательных мероприятиях фиксируется организаторами данных занятий, итоги подводятся и оцениваются по мере достижения учащимися определенных успехов, которые составляют их портфолио. Решающие составляющие учебного процесса - самостоятельная деятельность и самоконтроль, выстроенные и реализуемые учеником. Методическое и психолого-педагогическое сопровождение Для успешной реализации проекта необходимо эффективное методическое сопровождение, психолого-педагогическое сопровождение в решении задач обучения, воспитания и развития одаренных школьников. Работа предусматривает различные формы взаимодействия: индивидуальное и групповое консультирование по проблемам индивидуально-психологических особенностей личности, тренинги личностного роста. | ||
Форма представления результатов эксперимента для массовой практики | Программа элективного курса «О Ямале на английском» может применяться педагогическими работниками других ОУ, обмена методическими и технологическими наработками. Банк инновационных методических материалов, выпуск методического сборника (программа элективного курса «О Ямале на английском», методические разработки уроков английского языка с использованием краеведческого материала, методическая разработка внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку) может пополняться и распространяться как отдельные образовательные продукты. Составленный комплект диагностических методик будет оснащен компьютерными технологиями. Опыт работы по реализации данного проекта будет обобщён в виде презентации. Данный проект был представлен на муниципальный конкурс программ по работе с одаренными детьми (1 место, 2011г), на I Всероссийском открытом конкурсе авторских программ, учебно-методических материалов и электронных ресурсов по развитию творческой активности детей, подростков и молодёжи «Поддержка творческих инициатив обучающихся и воспитанников в системе российского образования». Муниципальный этап. (3 место,2012г) | |
Финансовое обеспечение
| Источник финансирования Местный бюджет Местный бюджет Местный бюджет Привлечение внебюджетных средств (50 000 рублей) |
Перспективы развития проекта
Проект приобретет статус официального документа и может быть внедрен в работу школ, в которых реализовывается предпрофильное и профильное обучение, занимающихся формированием и развитием исследовательской культуры обучающихся.
Визитная карточка проекта
Название проекта: «О Ямале на английском языке».
Автор проекта: Мирских О.В., учитель английского языка.
Учебный предмет, в рамках которого проводится работа по проекту:
английский язык.
Учебные дисциплины, близкие к теме проекта: история ЯНАО, география ЯНАО, биология, краеведение, КНЯ, русский язык.
Возраст учащихся, на который рассчитан проект: учащиеся 8-11 классов.
Тип проекта: практико-ориентированный
Продукт проекта: учебное пособие “We speak English about Yamal”.
Краткая аннотация проекта
Данная работа направлена на развитие коммуникативных навыков учащихся в рамках национально – региональной тематики.
Данное пособие состоит из 9 учебных текстов (объёмом около 300 – 350 знаков), содержание, которых основывается на национально – региональном компоненте (Ямало-Ненецкий автономный округ) и имеет следующую структуру:
1. Чтение и понимание текста. (Read and translate the text)
Тексты имеют следующую тематику:
1) ЯНАО (Yamalo – Nenetsky Autonomous Region in brief)
2) Салехард (Salekhard)
3) Географическое положение ЯНАО (Geographical position)
4) Флора и фауна (Flora and fauna)
5) Оленеводство (Reindeer breeding)
6) Природные ресурсы (Region's natural resources)
7) Транспорт (Transport)
8) История региона (The history of region)
9) Мировая сенсация (The world sensation)
2. Изучение и отработка лексики. (Learn the words)
3. Шесть текстовых упражнений к каждому тексту. Задания типа:
а) на общее понимание прочитанного текста
например: - сказать кратко, определить тему; (The text is about…)
- ответить на вопросы по содержанию; (Answer the questions)
- задания типа “true”и “false”(правильно - неправильно);
(Answer “true” or “false”. If false, give the right answer)
- найти некорректное предложение; (Find the wrong statement)
- найти предложение, соответствующее тексту; (Choose the right sentence)
- сопоставьте английский и русский перевод; (Match the sentences and their translations)
- расставьте предложения согласно содержанию текста;
(Arrange the sentences according to the text)
б) на понимание отдельных деталей и нахождение запрашиваемой информации
например: - закончите предложения согласно тексту; (Complete the sentences according to the text)
с) лексико-грамматические задания
например: - подобрать синоним к подчёркнутому слову; (Choose the synonym to the underlined word)
- из предложенных слов найти не подходящее к подчёркнутому слову;
(Find out the inconvenient word to the underlined word)
- задать вопрос к выделенному слову; (Put the questions to the underlined words)
- дополнить текст, подходящими по смыслу словами;
(Complete the sentence with the convenient words)
- распределить слова, согласно темам;
(Distribute the words into four columns according to the topics)
- составить словосочетания (Make up the word combinations)
4. Задание на проверку понимания прочитанного.
Read and translate the text.
Yamalo – Nenetsky Autonomous Region
Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region is situated in the very heart of the Russian Arctic zone.
The region is renown in the domestic and world economics as a major fuel and energy supplier, providing a great part of Russia's natural gas, crude oil, and condensed gas output. One third of the world's natural gas resources are accumulated inside the region's bowels. The region also supplies its customers with products of deer-breeding, fishing, fur trade. The perspective plans for Yamal include creation of a major mining industry base here. The area of the Yamalo - Nenetsky Autonomous Region is 750.6 thousand square kilometers. The population is about 500,000 people, 83% of the population live in towns, and 17% live in villages. We can see here the representatives of different nations who live in Russian Federation and small ethnic groups of the Far North.
Yamalo-Nenetsky Region is the native land of some of the smaller peoples of the Far North, such as Nentsy, Khanty, Mansy, Selkupy. About 14 thousand natives are nomads.
What about the climate it is continental, with long and severe winters. Average temperatures in January: 23-27 degrees below zero (Centigrade), with absolute minimum being minus 59 degrees.
The summer is brief and cool, average temperatures in July: 5-16 degrees above zero, with absolute minimum being minus 5 degrees. It’s recommended to use insect repellents in summer to protect oneself from mosquitoes and gnats.
The territory of the autonomous region consists of Nadymsky, Priuralsky, Purovsky, Selkupsky, Tazovsky, Shuryshkarsky, and Yamalsky districts with the following districts centers: Salekhard, Gubkinsky, Labytnangi, Muravlenko, Nadym, Noyabrsk, Novy Urengoi, as well as eight industrial settlements and 103 villages.
Salekhard is the administrative center, the oldest and the only city above the Polar Circle with a 410-year history.
Learn the words.
to renew – обновлять
domestic – домашний, отечественный
supplier – снабжение
fuel – топливо
crude oil – нефть
to accumulate – накапливать
bowels - недра
deer-breeding – оленеводство
native – родной, местный
nomad – кочевник, странник
average – средний
severe – строгий, суровый
repellent – вызывающий отвращение
settlement – поселение
- Make up sentences with some these words.
- Answer the following questions:
- Where is situated Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region?
- What resources does the region provide the Russian Federation?
- What traditional products does the region also supply?
- What is the area of Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region?
- How many people live in the region?
- What kind of climate is it in the region?
- How many districts do the territory of autonomous region consist of?
- Call the names of the districts centers.
- What is the administrative center of Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region?
- Call the native nationalities that live in Yamalo-Nenetsky Region.
III. Complete the sentences according to the text.
- The summer is …..
- The region also supplies its customers ….
- One third of the world's natural gas resources…..
- The region is providing….
- The population is about….
- The area of the Yamalo - Nenetsky Autonomous Region is…..
- What about the climate….
- Salekhard is….
- The territory of the autonomous region consists of….
- The districts centers are….
- The average temperatures in July are…
- We can see here the representatives of…..
IV. Match the sentences and the translations.
1. Yamalo-Nenetsky Region is the native land of some of the smaller peoples of the Far North.
2. The region also supplies its customers with products of deer-breeding, fishing, fur trade.
3. Salekhard is the only city above the Polar Circle with a 410-year history.
4. They recommended using insect repellents in summer to protect oneself from mosquitoes and gnats.
5. Average temperatures in January are 23-27 degrees below zero, with absolute minimum being minus
59 degrees.
a) Летом рекомендуется использовать репелленты для защиты от гнуса.
b) Средняя температура января -23 С, -27 С, абсолютный минимум -59 С.
c) Ямало- Ненецкий округ – это родная земля северных малых народов.
d) Регион поставляет традиционную продукцию оленеводства, рыболовства, пушно –
мехового промысла.
e) Салехард – единственный город с 410-летней историей на Полярном круге.
V. Answer true or false. If false, give the right answer.
- The region is providing a great part of Russia's natural gas, crude oil, and condensed gas output.
- One second of the world's natural gas resources is accumulated inside the region's bowels.
- The area of the Yamalo - Nenetsky Autonomous Region is 640.6 thousand square kilometers.
- The population is about 500,000 people.
- About 20 thousand natives are nomads.
- The summer is brief and warm.
- In summer people must to protect themselves from mosquitoes and gnats.
- The territory of the autonomous region consists of seven districts.
VI. Arrange the sentences according to the text.
- Salekhard is the administrative center.
- The area of the Yamalo – Nenetsky Autonomous Region is 750.6 thousand square kilometers.
- The summer is brief and cool.
- Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region is situated in the very heart of the Russian Arctic zone.
- The perspective plans for Yamal include creation of a major mining industry base here.
- About 14 thousand natives are nomads.
- The territory of the autonomous region consists of as well as eight industrial settlements and 103 villages.
- One third of the world’s natural gas resources are accumulated inside the region’s bowels.
VII. What word is different?
a) severe b) rigorous c) strict d) mild
- Retell the text
Read and translate the text.
Salekhard is the administrative center of Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region. Salekhard, former Obdorsk, was founded by Russian Cossacks in 1595, in times of Ivan the Terrible, on the site of old Nosovoi town.
Salekhard was and is the center of Russian State system in the Far North of the Western Siberia. The Russian Federation state authorities and regional administrative offices are situated in the city.
Salekhard is the historical and cultural center of the autonomous region. The city is proud of its regional center of national cultures, regional museum of local lore named after I. Shemanovski, Russian educator of the early 20th century who founded a school for native children in Obdorsk as well as a museum and a library. The museum has extensive material on the history of exploration of the Ob’s river northern territories.
The region’s oldest educational establishments are also situated in Salekhard: Teachers’ Training College named after A. Zverev, interregional School of Culture and Arts named after L. Laptsuy (native Nentsy poet), Medical College, Zoological and Veterinarian Technical School, etc.
In 2010 Salekhard celebrated its 415th anniversary. By this date the old Cossack watchtower, one of the symbols of the city, was built anew in the square in front of the river port under the supervision of A. Opolovnikov, Doctor of Architecture. Salekhard’s other symbol is the Polar Circle Arrow crossing the city. The reconstruction of the Temple of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul built in 1894 was completed in 1998.
Salekhard is the major transport junction in the polar area. It maintains water and air links to the towns and villages of the region, as well as to Moscow, Tyumen, Omsk, Tobolsk, Ekaterinburg, Surgut, Khanty-Mansiisk, etc.
The population if the city is over 30,000 people.
Learn the words
authority – власть, полномочие, авторитет
lore – знания и сведения
extensive – обширный
exploration – исследование
establishment – учреждение, заведение
interregional – межокружной
anniversary – годовщина, юбилей
watchtower – сторожевая башня
anew – снова, заново
supervision of smb. - под наблюдением
junction – железнодорожный узел
to link – соединять
as well as – также
I. Make up sentences with some these words.
II. Answer the following questions:
- What was the firs name of Salekhard?
- When was founded Salekhard in?
- Salekhard is the historical and cultural center of the autonomous region, is it?
- What state offices are situated in the city?
- Who founded a school for native children in Obdorsk?
- What kind of educational establishments are also situated in Salekhard?
- Where the old Cossack watchtower was built anew?
- Salekhard is the major transport junction in the polar area is it?
- Is the city proud of its regional center of national cultures, regional museum named after I. Shemanovski?
- Name, please, native Nentsky poet.
- Arrange the sentences according to the text.
- Salekhard is the historical and cultural center of the autonomous region.
- Salekhard was and is the center of Russian State system in the Far North of the Western Siberia.
- In 2005 Salekhard celebrated its 410th anniversary.
- Salekhard is the major transport junction in the polar area.
- Salekhard is the administrative center of Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region.
- I. Shemanovski, Russian educator of the early 20th century who founded a school for native children in Obdorsk.
- The reconstruction of the Temple of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul built in 1894 was completed in 1998.
- The population if the city is over 30,000 people.
- Find the wrong statement.
- Salekhard is
- the historical and cultural center
- the administrative center
- the capital of Russia
- the major transport junction
- The city is proud of its
- interregional School of Culture and Arts named after L. Laptsuy
- regional museum of local lore named after I. Shemanovski
- Teachers’ Training College named after A. Zverev
- its old – house blocks
V. Choose the synonym to the underlined word.
The region’s oldest educational establishments are also situated in Salekhard.
a) offices b) institutions c) entertainments d) meetings
VI. Complete the sentence with the convenient words.
Regional museum, river port, authorities, former, watchtower, school, is proud of, center, the Western Siberia
Salekhard,…….. Obdorsk, was founded by Russian Cossacks in 1595. Salekhard was and is the…… of Russian State system in the Far North of………. The Russian Federation state …….and regional administrative offices are situated in the city. The city……… its regional center of national cultures, …….of local lore named after I. Shemanovski. He founded a…… for native children in Obdorsk.
By this date the old Cossack……, one of the symbols of the city, was built anew in the square in front of the …….under the supervision of A. Opolovnikov.
VII. Complete the sentences according to the text.
- The museum has extensive material on….
- The reconstruction of the Temple of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul….
- The city is proud of…..
- Salekhard maintains water….
- In the city are situated….
- Obdorsk was founded by….
- ….. founded a school for native children in Obdorsk as well as a museum and a library.
- The old Cossack watchtower, one of the symbols of the city……
- In 2010 Salekhard celebrated……
- The region’s oldest educational establishments….
VIII. Retell the text
Read and translate the text.
Geographical position
Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region is situated in the extreme north of the largest in the world West-Siberian lowland. It occupies the territory of 750.6 square kilometers, which is for instance, 1.5 bigger than the territory of France. A significant part of the region's territory, about 50%, is situated above the Polar Circle in the zone of Arctic deserts. The region's territory includes three peninsulas: YAMAL, TAZOVSKY, GYDANSKY, as well as a group of islands in the Karskoye Sea: BOLOTNY, LITKE, SHARAPOVY KOSHKY, BELY, SHOKALSKOGO, VILKITSKOGO, OLENII, and others. In the west the region covers a large part of Polar Ural.
The average number of days in a year with mean temperatures above +10°C in Salekhard is 60, in Mys Kamenny it is 50. The number of days when the ground is fully covered with snow in Salekhard and Urengoy it is 210, in Mys Kamenny it is 230. In Salekhard the sun shines 1,500 hours a year, and on Bely Island it shines 1,100 hours a year. The sun does not descend below the horizon (polar day) in Mys Kamenny for 45 days, in Seyakha it is up for 70 days and on Bely Island the sun does not go down for almost 100 days.
The whole territory of the autonomous region is plentifully covered with marshlands, lakes, and rivers. According to hydrologists' research the region has over 300 lakes. The largest among them are Varcheto, Pyakuto, Neito, Shchuchie, Yaroto, Nembuto, Chiortovy Ozera, Chaselskoe, Seimuto, and others. There are about 48 thousand rivers in the region. One of the greatest rivers in the world, Ob, crosses the region's territory. There are also other large and navigable rivers: Pur, Taz, Shchuchiya, Sob, Longot-Yugan, Messoyakha, etc. All smaller rivers belong to the basins of Ob, Pur, Nadym, and Taz with the exception of the tundra Zone Rivers in Yamal and Gydan peninsulas.
Learn the words
lowland – низкая местность, низина, низменность
significant – значительный, важный
peninsula – полуостров
island – остров
descend – спускаться, сходить
plentifully - обильно, богато
marshland – болотистая местность
according to - согласно
I. Make up sentences with some these words.
II. Answer the following questions:
- Where is situated Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region in?
- What territory does the region occupy of?
- What peninsulas does the territory include?
- Name a group of islands in the Karskoye Sea.
- What can you say about regional temperature?
- How many lakes does the region have according to hydrologists' research?
- How many rivers does the region have?
- What is one of the greatest rivers in the world is there in the region?
- What are also the other large and navigable rivers?
III. Answer true or false. If false, give the right answer.
- The whole territory of the autonomous region is not much covered with lakes, and rivers.
- The region occupies the territory of 750.6 square kilometers.
- The region's territory includes four peninsulas.
- The great part of the region is situated above the Polar Circle in the zone of Arctic deserts.
- One of the greatest rivers in the world, Lena, crosses the region's territory.
- The average number of days in a year with mean temperatures above +10°C in Salekhard is 60, in Mys Kamenny it is 50.
- There are about 48 thousand rivers in the region.
- According to hydrologists' research the region has over 200 lakes.
IV. Complete the sentences according to the text.
- The number of days when the ground is…..
- It occupies the territory of……
- Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region is situated…..
- A significant part of the region's territory….
- The sun does not descend….
- All smaller rivers belong to…..
- According to hydrologists' research……
- One of the greatest rivers…..
V. Match the sentences and the translations.
- In Seyakha the sun does not descend below the horizon up for 70 days.
- The number of days when the ground is fully covered with snow in Salekhard and Urengoy it is 210.
- In the west the region covers a large part of Polar Ural.
- A significant part of the region's territory, about 50%, is situated above the Polar Circle in the zone of Arctic deserts.
- Число дней со сплошным снежным покровом в Салехарде и Уренгое равняется 210.
- Значительная часть территории округа, это около 50%, находится на Полярном круге в зоне Арктических пустынь.
- В Сёяхе солнце не поднимается над горизонтом на протяжении 70 дней.
- Западная территория округа называется Полярный Урал.
VI. Find out the inconvenient word to the underlined word.
A significant part of the region’s territory, about 50%, is situated above the Polar Circle in the zone of Arctic deserts.
a) magnificent b) important c) considerable d) great
VI. Complete the sentence with the convenient words.
average, plentifully, lakes, includes, lowland, territory, territory, extreme north
Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region is situated in the ………of the largest in the world West-Siberian……... The region's territory ……..three……….. In the west the region covers a large part of Polar Ural. The…… number of days in a year with mean temperatures above +10°C in Salekhard is 60. In Salekhard the sun shines 1,500 hours a year, and on Bely Island it shines 1,100 hours a year. The whole ………of the autonomous region is ………covered with marshlands, ……, and rivers.
VIII. Retell the text.
Read and translate the text.
Fauna and flora
The herd of domesticated reindeer counts almost 500,000 heads; wild reindeer are also numerous. In tundra and taiga zones of the region one can find polar and brown bear, wolf, polar fox, wolverine, squirrel, ermine, beaver, and many other animals.
The northern shores of the region are washed by the waters of the Karskoye Sea, which is a part of the great Arctic Ocean. It is a place of clear water is the center of winter life. There are three kinds of seals living in the Karskoye Sea: spiky nerpa, lahtak or sea hare, Greenland seal or lysun. The seashore is frequented by gigantic walruses. Greenland whales, the largest animals on Earth weighing more than 100 tons, were reportedly seen near Yamal's shores. Typical for the Karskoye Sea waters are the herds of the northern dolphin, Belukha. In the summer while chasing fish they enter into Obskaya, Tazovskaya, and Gydanskaya Bays. Some of the animals inhabiting the lands and waters of the region are registered in the International, Russian, and Regional Red Books.
The region's water basins serve as spawning ground for the largest herd of white fish, comprising of 70% of all Russia's stock. Besides in lakes and rivers one can find white salmon, sturgeon, sterlet, smelt, omul, as well as taimen, grayling, and the so called «black fish»: eel-pout, pike, ruff, and many others. All of them are objects of the fishery industry except those recorded in the Red Book.
The region's bird life is also very rich: here one can find swans, ducks, seagulls, geese, owls, and many other birds. Rare birds such as red-crawed kazarka, white-tailed sea eagle, and others entered in the Red Book.
The flora world of Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region is also diverse: from cedars in the south to mosses and lichen in Arctic zones, and to alpine vegetation in the mountains of the Polar Ural. Various berries can be found everywhere: raspberry, cranberry, winterberry, blueberry, etc. Some of the plants are also registered in the Red Book.
Learn the words
herd – стадо
wolverine - росомаха
ermine - горностай
beaver – бобр
shore – берег
seal – тюлень
spiky nerpa – кольчатая нерпа
sea hare – морской заяц
to frequent – часто посещать
walrus – морж
to inhabit – жить, обитать
to spawn – метать икру, размножаться
grayling – хариус
cedar – кедр
cranberry - клюква
winterberry - морошка
blueberry - голубика
raspberry - малина
lichen – мох
to chase – охотиться
stock – род, порода, запас
I. Make up sentences with some these words.
II. The text is about …
a) the geographical position of the region
b) the Regional Red Book animals
c) the herd of domesticated reindeer
d) the various regional flora and fauna
III. Answer the following questions:
1. How many heads does the herd of domesticated reindeer count?
2. Are there the wild reindeer in the tundra?
3. What kinds of animals we can see in tundra and taiga zones of the region?
4. What kinds of seals do the Karskoye Sea live?
5. What kind of gigantic animal did the seashore frequent?
6. What is the name of the northern dolphin?
7. What kind of fish we can find in the region's water basin?
8. The region's bird life is also very rich is it?
9. What kinds of birds we can see in the region?
10. What can you say about the regional vegetation?
IV. Arrange the sentences according to the text.
1. The region's water basins serve as spawning ground for the largest herd of white fish, comprising of 70% of all Russia's stock.
2. The region's bird life is also very rich: here one can find swans, ducks, seagulls.
3. In tundra and taiga zones of the region one can find polar and brown bear, wolf, polar fox and many other animals.
4. Some of the plants are also registered in the Red Book.
5. Different kind of fish are objects of the fishery industry except those recorded in the Red Book.
6. There are three kinds of seals living in the Karskoye Sea: spiky nerpa, lahtak or sea hare, Greenland seal or lysun.
7. Various berries can be found everywhere: raspberry, cranberry, winterberry, blueberry, etc.
8. Besides in lakes and rivers one can find white salmon, sturgeon, sterlet, smelt, omul.
9. The flora world of Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region is also diverse.
10. The herd of domesticated reindeer counts almost 500,000 heads; wild reindeer are also numerous.
V. Distribute the words into four columns according to the topics: fish, berries, animals, birds.
fish | berries | animals | birds |
owl, wild reindeer, sterlet, polar and brown bear, red-crawed kazarka, wolf, grayling, squirrel, ermine, white salmon, beaver, swan raspberry, sea hare, eel-pout, cranberry, polar fox, winterberry, white-tailed sea eagle, omul, , goose, sturgeon, smelt, blueberry, taimen, pike, ruff, northern dolphin, Greenland whale, spiky nerpa, seagull, wolverine, lysun, duck, walrus
VI. Find out the antonym to the underlined word.
The region's bird life is also very rich: here one can find swans, ducks, seagulls, geese, owls, and many other birds.
a) various b) poor c) varied d) scanty
VII. Put the questions to the underlined words.
1. The northern shores of the region are washed by the waters of the Karskoye Sea. (What?)
2. Some of the animals inhabiting the lands and waters of the region are registered in the International, Russian, and Regional Red Books (Where?)
3. There are three kinds of seals living in the Karskoye Sea (How many?)
4. In the summer while chasing fish enter into Obskaya, Tazovskaya, and Gydanskaya Bays (When?)
5. The region's water basins serve as spawning ground for the largest herd of white fish, comprising of 70% of all Russia's stock (What?)
6. Greenland whales, the largest animals on Earth weighing more than 100 tons, were reportedly seen near Yamal's shores (What kind of?)
VIII. Retell the text.
Read and translate the text.
Reindeer breeding
The Russian herd of domesticated reindeer grazes in Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region. It numbers over 500 thousand reindeer.
Part of the reindeer industry produce is being sold in the breeding areas. Yet the reindeer is a universally productive animal. It is a source of top quality meat, fur, chamois, and medications for the treatment of some diseases.
Some companies established on the basis of former collective and state farms have installed imported production lines that allow achieving maximum utilization of reindeer meat for production of foodstuffs and endocrinology products. Specialists are working on technologies to produce medications out of young reindeer horns, new contracts have been signed for fur and leather production.
Yamal has become the site for international and Russian reindeer breeders' conferences. Dmitry Khorolya, the director of the Yarsalinsky Sovhoz Joint-Stock Company, was elected the Chairman of the Russian Union of Reindeer Breeders.
The leadership of Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region is paying serious attention to the solutions in the area of the agricultural sector of the region's economy. First of all agriculture means reindeer breeding, fishery, and some other trades which are all inherent to the local native population. For Nentsy, Khanty, Komy, Selkupy all these occupations comprise the basis of their worldview, culture, life style and existence.
According to the specialists' evaluation, both politics and economists think that the leadership of Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region was managed to preserve the traditional life style of the native population, in the process of transition to the market economy. The native population has retained its economic niche and its cultural traditions, its ethnic uniqueness.
Learn the words
to graze – пастись
chamois – замша
treatment – лечение
foodstuff – пищевой продукт
leather – кожа (пром.)
leadership – руководство
solution – решение
inherent – присущий, врождённый
worldview – мировоззрение
to manage – руководить, управлять
to retain – поддерживать, сохранять
niche – ниша, убежище
uniqueness - уникальность
I. Make up sentences with some these words.
II. The text is about …
1) the reindeer breeders' conferences
2) the traditional life style of the native population
3) the reindeer industry
4) the agricultural sector of the region's economy.
III. Complete the sentences according to the text.
- Part of the reindeer industry…..
- The native population has retained…..
- Yamal has become the site for…..
- It is a source of top quality…..
- The leadership of Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region is paying……
- Region was managed to preserve….
- Specialists are working on…..
- Some companies established on….
- Dmitry Khorolya…..
- According to the specialists' evaluation…..
IV. Choose the right sentence.
- The leadership of Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region is paying serious attention to the solutions in the area of the industrial sector of the region's economy.
- The native population has retained its economic niche and its cultural traditions, its ethnic uniqueness.
- Sergrgey Kharuchy, the director of the Yarsalinsky Sovhoz Joint-Stock Company, was elected the Chairman of the Russian Union of Reindeer Breeders.
- Yamal has become the site for international and Russian reindeer breeders' competition.
- Answer the following questions:
- How many reindeer does Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region number?
- What value does the reindeer have for native population?
- Who is the director of the Yarsalinsky Sovhoz?
- What serious attention does the leadership of Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region pay to?
- What occupations does the local native population do?
VI. Match the sentences and the translations.
1. The native population has retained its economic niche and its cultural traditions, its ethnic uniqueness.
2. The leadership of Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region is paying serious attention to the solutions in the area of the agricultural sector of the region's economy.
3. Yamal has become the site for international and Russian reindeer breeders' conferences.
4. Part of the reindeer industry produce is being sold in the breeding areas.
a) Часть оленеводческой продукции продаётся в регионе.
b) Власти ЯНАО уделяют серьёзное внимание проблемам функционирования аграрного сектора экономики.
- Коренное население сохранило свою экономическую нишу и свои этнические особенности.
- Ямал стал центром международных и Российских конференций оленеводов.
VII. Complete the sentence with the convenient words.
existence, sector, population, worldview, attention, local, comprise, fishery, economy
The leadership of Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region is paying serious……. to the solutions in the area of the agricultural……… of the region's………. First of all agriculture means reindeer breeding, ………and some other trades which are all inherent to the……… native……... For Nentsy, Khanty, Komy, Selkupy all these occupations ……….the basis of their ……..culture, life style and……….
VIII. Retell the text.
Read and translate the text.
Region's natural resources
Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region's fame was brought about by the discovery of gigantic oil and natural gas resources in its territory in the 50s and 60s. That gave a powerful impulse to the region's industrial and economic development. Modern cities were built in these remote northern outskirts of Russia: Nadym, Novy Urengoi, Noyabrsk, Muravlenko, Gubkinsky...
Powerful fuel, energy, and oil producing complexes ware created in the region. It provides up to 90% of Russia's natural gas output and about 12% of the county's crude oil output.
Huge condensed gas resources deserve special attention. The proven stocks of condensed gas in the region are about one billion tons; potential resources are about 5 billion tons.
Since the start of the geological study of the region 195 gas and oil fields were discovered in its territory, among them 19 unique: Medvezhie, Urengoiskoe, Yamburgskoe, Zapolyarnoe, Kharasaveiskoe, Bovanenkovskoe, and several others. «Yamalneftegazgeologia», and other geological companies carried out the geological research.
Great and diverse is the natural world of the mountains. Yet the main treasures of the Polar Ural Mountains are their solid natural resources. Throughout these years they have discovered and prospected several industrial deposits there: Yun-Yaginskoe — magnetite ores, Taikeusskoe — tanataloniobates, Kharbeiskoe — wolfram and molybdenum, Saureiskoe — lead ores, Voishorskoe — barites, Lekyntalbaiskoe — copper and molybdenum, Tyshorskoe — copper and zinc, and several others.
Deposits of strategic metals were discovered in Polar Ural: manganese, platinum, chromates the latter being the largest in Russia.
Precious stone deposits suitable for industrial mining have been prospected in Polar Ural as well as some rare metals such as rhenium, and various non-ferrous metals: lead, zinc, copper, etc. Prospected deposits of semi-precious stones, diamonds, and emeralds are also quite promising. Mining of barite deposits has started. After industrial processing this mineral is used in oil and natural gas industries, oil refinery and medicine.
Learn the words
fame – известность, слава, репутация
remote – отдалённый
outskirts – окраина
output – продукция
solid – твёрдый
to prospect – исследовать, разведывать
deposit - отложение, осадок, залежи
throughout – в продолжении, на протяжении
copper – медь
chromates - хромиты
manganese - марганец
suitable – пригодный
ore – руда
latter being – последнее месторождение
to deserve - заслуживать
crude oil – нефть
I. Make up sentences with some these words.
II. The text is about …
- the agricultural sector of the region's economy.
- the various regional flora and fauna.
- the region's industrial and economic development.
- the reindeer industry.
III. Complete the sentences according to the text.
- Huge condensed gas resources…..
- Precious stone deposits suitable for…..
- Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region's fame was brought about by the…..
- The proven stocks of condensed gas in the region……
- Deposits of strategic metals…….
- Since the start of the geological study of……..
- Throughout these years they have discovered and prospected several industrial deposits there……..
- Prospected deposits of semi-precious stones……..
- Yet the main treasures of……..
- Modern cities were built………
- Arrange the sentences according to the text.
- Since the start of the geological study of the region 195 gas and oil fields were discovered in its territory.
- Great and diverse is the natural world of the mountains.
- That gave a powerful impulse to the region’s industrial and economic development.
- Mining of barite deposits has started.
- Powerful fuel, energy, and oil producing complexes ware created in the region.
- Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region’s fame was brought about by the discovery of gigantic oil and natural gas resources in its territory in the 50s and 60s.
- Throughout these years they have discovered and prospected several industrial deposits there.
- It provides up to 90% of Russia’s natural gas output and about 12% of the county’s crude oil output.
- Modern cities were built in these remote northern outskirts of Russia: Nadym, Novy Urengoi, Noyabrsk, Muravlenko, Gubkinsky…
- Prospected deposits of semi-precious stones, diamonds, and emeralds are also quite promising.
V. Answer the following questions:
- What discovery was Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region brought the fame?
- When was it happened?
- What modern cities were in these remote northern outskirts of Russia built?
- What complexes were created in the region?
- How many percents of Russia's natural gas output does the region provide up?
- How many the proven stocks of condensed gas are there in the region?
- What kind of gas and oil fields were discovered in its territory?
- What the strategic metals and solid natural resources were discovered in the Polar Ural Mountain?
- What kinds of precious stones and of semi-precious stones have been prospected in Polar Ural?
VI. Answer true or false. If false, give the right answer.
- YNAR fame was brought about by the discovery of gigantic oil and natural gas resources in its territory in the 70s and 80s.
- Modern cities were built in these remote northern outskirts of Russia: Nadym, Novy Urengoi.
- Powerful fuel, energy, and oil producing complexes ware created in the region.
- Powerful fuel, energy, and oil producing complexes provide up to 50% of Russia's natural gas output and about 42% of the county's crude oil output.
- The main treasures of the Polar Ural Mountains are their solid natural resources.
- In spite of the solid natural resources precious stone deposits weren’t discovered in Polar Ural.
VII. Compose the word expressions from the words in columns.
semi-precious, economic, natural ,modern, producing, northern, potential, condensed, industrial, main | development, gas, oil, complexes, stones, resources, treasures, region, world, output, cities, |
VIII. Retell the text.
Read and translate the text.
The transportation system in Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region is rather diverse and has its own, typically northern peculiarities.
Development of means of transportation in the region is tightly linked to its social and economic growth. Yet even now in spite of existing powerful modern means of transportation across tundra they keep actively using the «all-weather», «cross-country» transport of the native population — reindeer sleighs.
River and sea navigation is traditional for the region.
Major river transportation streams flow along large, navigable rivers of the region: Ob, Nadym, Pur, Taz, and some others. Large river ports are functioning in Salekhard, Labytnanga, Nadym, Yamburg. River zone villages are equipped with jetties for cargo loading and passengers.
Air transport plays a special role in the region. With poorly developed territory and cluster type of settlements aviation is crucial for the transportation of passengers, cargoes, and medical servicing of the population. Large airports are functioning in Salekhard, Nadym, Noyabrsk, Novy Urengoy, Yamburg.
In 1997 the «Yamal» air company was established. It is the region's property, and it takes care of the region's internal flights. After purchasing new powerful planes the «Yamal» air company started has flights to Moscow, Ekaterinburg, and other cities in Russia.
The development of railways in the region had started in the 40s and was triggered by the construction of the Vorkuta—Salekhard—Igarka railway. The construction was suspended in 1954. Today only the Seida—Labytnangi section of this railway is functional providing for the transport needs of the western part of the region.
After the industrial development of the region had started in the 70s the Novy Urengoi—Tyumen railway was constructed. Like the Northern Railway it is linked to the network of Russian railways.
Until recently the region's automobile roads were rather under-developed, most of them were built as technological links for gas and crude oil sites, and they were owned by respective industries. The Governor of Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region has signed the newly developed program for the construction of a network of automobile roads, both federal and regional.
Learn the words
peculiarity – специфичность, особенность
tightly - тесно
growth – рост, развитие
in spite of – несмотря на
reindeer sleighs – оленьи упряжки
stream – поток
jetty – пристань, дамба
cargo – груз, грузовой
load – грузить , загружать
crucial – решающий
establish – учреждать, основывать
suspend – откладывать, приостанавливать
cluster – скопление, концентрация
network – сеть железных дорог
trigger – прокладывать
purchase – закупка, покупка
respective – соответственный
- Make up sentences with some these words.
- Answer the following questions:
- The transportation system in Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region has its own, typically northern peculiarities, hasn’t it?
- Does development of means of transportation in the region depend from its social and economic growth?
- What kind of transport does the native population keep actively using?
- What kinds of transport are traditional for the region?
- Name the navigable rivers of the region.
- What are the large river ports?
- What was air company established in 1997?
- When had the development of railways in the region started in?
- Find the wrong statements.
- Major river transportation streams flow along large, navigable rivers of the region: Ob, Nadym, Pur, Taz.
- The «Yamal» air company was established in 1996.
- After the industrial development of the region had started in the 80s the Novy Urengoi—Tyumen railway was constructed.
- The «Yamal» air company started has flights to Moscow, Ekaterinburg, and other cities in Russia.
- Air transport doesn’t play a special role in the region.
- Large river ports are functioning in Salekhard, Labytnanga, Nadym, Yamburg.
- Choose the synonym to the underlined word.
The aviation is crucial for the transportation of passengers, cargoes, and medical servicing of the population.
a) fast b) important c) cruel d) decisive
V. Match the sentences and the translations.
- River and sea navigation is traditional for the region.
- River zone villages are equipped with jetties for cargo loading and passengers.
- Yet even now in spite of existing powerful modern means of transportation across tundra they keep actively using the «all-weather», «cross-country» transport of the native population — reindeer sleighs.
- Until recently the region’s automobile roads were rather under-developed, most of them were built as technological links for gas and crude oil sites, and they were owned by respective industries.
- До недавнего времени автомобильные дороги не имели в округе значительного развития , большая их часть строилась нефтедобывающими предприятиями использовались в технологическом цикле, имея ведомственное значение.
- Традиционным для округа остаётся речное и морское судоходство.
- Посёлки речной зоны оборудованы пристанями для отправки пассажиров и грузов.
- Но до сих пор, несмотря на мощные современные транспортные средства, в тундре активно используется «всепогодный» и «всепроходный» транспорт коренного населения – оленьи упряжки.
VI. Complete the sentences according to the text.
- Air transport plays…….
- After the industrial development of the region……
- Large river ports…..
- The transportation system in Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region…..
- Major river transportation streams….
- In 1997……
- The development of railways in the region……
- The Governor of Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region has signed……
- Today only the Seida—Labytnangi section of this railway……
- Large airports are functioning in …….
VII. Complete the sentence with the convenient words.
Means, cargo, transportation, villages, linked, in spite of, streams, navigation, reindeer sleighs, navigable
Development of …..of transportation in the region is tightly…….. to its social and economic growth. Yet even now ……existing powerful modern means of ………..across tundra they keep actively using the «all-weather», «cross-country» transport of the native population —……….
River and sea ……..is traditional for the region.
Major river transportation ……flow along large, …….rivers of the region: Ob, Nadym, Pur, Taz, and some others. Large river ports are functioning in Salekhard, Labytnanga, Nadym, Yamburg. River zone …….are equipped with jetties for…… loading and passengers.
VIII. Retell the text.
Read and translate the text.
The history of region
The history of Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region is interesting and original. People have lived in the territory of the modern Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region since pre-historic times. Half-legendary stories about people living far in the north beyond Rifeisky Mountains can be found in the writings of ancient writers. The first evidences of pre-historical man living in the territory of Lower Ob were obtained in the 19th century, and studies still continue.
The history of the first Russians in the territory of modern Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region obviously dates back to times when the Nents nation had not yet formed, and whose ancestors invading the polar tundra were assimilating the local population that later became a part of the Samodi peoples. In ancient Russian scriptures they were called «samoyad» (self-eaters). The first written reference about them is found in the 11th century manuscript called «The Stories of Passing Years». Obviously Novgorodians at those times knew passages leading beyond Ural Mountains into the «midnight countries», and their trips to those lands had probably started even earlier. In the second half of the 11th century tribes beyond Ural were already tributaries to the Great Novgorod. Novgorodians visited these places to collect the tributes.
Ermak's crusade into Western Siberia was a turning-point in the history of Northern exploration. Immediately after that crusade Obdorsk (Salekhard) was developed, which opened a way for Russian merchants, and Russian Government into the tundra. Since then the territory of the modern Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region had become an integrated part of the Russian State.
In ancient times Lower Ob was a part of the «tributary provinces» of Great Novgorod, and after its downfall became a protectorate of Great Moscow Knights. In 1601 the Mangazeya stronghold was built on the Taz river, and soon this fortress became the town of Mangazeya — The Gold Boiling. For a long time Mangazeya was the main trade center in the northeast of Siberia. With its decline the role of Obdorsk (Salekhard) increased, in 1635 it got the title of «Obdorsk Outpost», and at the same time permanent residents started to settle here. The town founded by Cossacks in 1595 for a long time remained the last Russian settlement to the north of the river Ob. In 1730 by the Decree of Empress Anna Ioanovna a wall was built around Odborsk, and it became a fortress.
Learn the words
ancient – древний
evidence – доказательства
obviously – явно, очевидно
ancestor – предок, прародитель
to assimilate – осваивать
scripture – манускрипт, священное писание
reference – упоминание
tribute – дань
crusade - поход
downfall – падение, гибель
fortress - крепость
permanent – постоянный, неизменный
to remain - оставаться
Decree of Empress – Указ Императрицы
stronghold – крепость, оплот, опорный пункт
- Make up sentences with some these words.
- The text is about …
- Mangazeya
- the pre-historical men
- Obdorsk Outpost
- the history of YNAR
III. Arrange the sentences according to the text.
- The town founded by Cossacks in 1595 for a long time remained the last Russian settlement to the north of the river Ob.
- The first written reference about them is found in the 11th century manuscript called «The Stories of Passing Years».
- The first evidences of pre-historical man living in the territory of Lower Ob were obtained in the 19th century, and studies still continue.
- In the second half of the 11th century tribes beyond Ural were already tributaries to the Great Novgorod.
- In 1601 the Mangazeya stronghold was built on the Taz river, and soon this fortress became the town of Mangazeya — The Gold Boiling.
- The history of Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region is interesting and original.
- Novgorodians visited these places to collect the tributes.
- In ancient Russian scriptures they were called «samoyad» (self-eaters).
- Since then the territory of the modern Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region had become an integrated part of the Russian State.
- Obviously Novgorodians at those times knew passages leading beyond Ural Mountains into the «midnight countries».
IV. Answer the following questions:
- The history of Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region is interesting and original, isn’t it?
- Since what times have people lived in the territory of the modern Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region?
- When the first evidences of pre-historical man living in the territory of Lower Ob were obtained in?
- When did the history of the first Russians in the territory of modern Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region begin?
- In what manuscript was the first written reference about the local population called «samoyad»?
- How did the Novgorodians call the region beyond Ural Mountains?
- Whose crusade into Western Siberia was a turning-point in the history of Northern exploration?
- When was the Mangazeya stronghold built?
- How was Mangazeya called?
- Who and when was Obdorsk founded?
- Answer true or false. If false, give the right answer.
- The first evidences of pre-historical man living in the territory of Lower Ob were obtained in the 18th century, and studies still continue.
- The history of the first Russians in the territory dates back to times when the Nents nation had not yet formed.
- The polar tundra were assimilating the local population that later became a part of the Ugor peoples.
- Pugachov's crusade into Western Siberia was a turning-point in the history of Northern exploration.
- For a long time Mangazeya was the main trade center in the northeast of Siberia.
- Obdorsk founded by Cossacks in 1590 for a long time remained the last Russian settlement to the north of the river Ob.
- Find out the synonym to the underlined word.
Ermak's crusade into Western Siberia was a turning-point in the history of Northern exploration.
a) traveling b) campaign c) walking d) cruise
VII. Choose the wrong sentence.
1. The first written reference about them is found in the 11th century manuscript called «The Stories of
Passing Years».
- Novgorodians visited these places to collect the tributes.
- Since Ermak's crusade into Western Siberia the territory of the modern Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region had become an integrated part of the Russian State.
- In the third half of the 11th century tribes beyond Ural were already tributaries to the Great Novgorod.
- In 1601 the Mangazeya stronghold was built on the Taz river, and soon this fortress became the town of Mangazeya — The Gold Boiling.
VIII. Retell the text.
Read and translate the text.
The world sensation
The mammoth’s baby was found by Yamalsky reindeer breeder Yuri Khudy in May, 2006. It is 50 kilograms in weight and its height is less than one meter. For researching the place where the mammoth’s baby was found it was organized the expedition of Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region’s museum of Exhibition complex. The mammoth’s baby was named Luba in honor to the reindeer breeder’s wife. Luba was about four months when it was perished.
The scientists remember the local native population with the gratitude and pride those people who found the future world scientific sensation. When they discovered that unique find they didn’t try to make their personal profit but they reported about the mammoth’s baby to Yamal museum in Yar Sale.
The scientific expedition in April 2007 found out that the place where Luba was found was not her first natural grave. The scientists found out ice capsule on the river’s precipice Uribey where was as in fridge probably the mammoth’s baby “had slept” thousands years.
Luba have just visited Japan. In Tokyo the Japanese scientists made the detailed analysis and scanned the mammoth’s body. The researchers find out that the mammoth’s intestines: heart and lungs and stomach had survived very well in spite of 37 thousand years. They revealed that the body of mammoth has nothing dangerous microbes and microorganisms for human beings.
In summer the mammoths fed on vegetative food. They made stocks for winter laid in mineral substances. They felt them as camel in humps. According to numerous researching of scientists they permitted to make conclusion that Luba had perished tragically. Luba drowned.
Russian scientists lay stress on that Luba’s stay in Japan was very important and serious stage in your “contemporary life”. The next stage for Luba’s researching will take place in St Petersburg.
The scientists say that Luba is not the biggest enigma for them but that epoch and climate where it had lived. And the researchers believe that Luba will help to understand the reasons had become extinct the mammoths and the climate alteration in the past and then the science will be able to do prognosis similar change in future.
Learn the words
mammoth – мамонт
in honor to – в честь
to perish – погибать
gratitude - благодарность
precipice – обрыв
grave – могила
intestines – внутренние органы
lungs – лёгкие
to reveal – обнаруживать
vegetative – растительный
stock – запас
to become extinct – вымирать
alteration - изменения
to make conclusion – сделать вывод
I. Make up sentences with some these words.
II. The text is about …
- the pre-historical men.
- the various regional flora and fauna.
- the mammoth’s baby.
- the scientific expedition
III. Answer the following questions:
- Who was found the mammoth’s baby?
- When it was found?
- In what honor was the mammoth’s baby named to?
- What is it in weight and in height?
- Where had Luba slept thousands years?
- For what did Luba visit to Japan?
- What kind of food the mammoths feed?
- What did Luba happen with?
IV. Complete the sentences according to the text.
- Luba have just visited…..
- The mammoth’s baby was found by Yamalskii…..
- The scientists remember the local native population……
- The mammoth’s baby was named……
- They made stocks for…..
- The scientists say that…..
- According to numerous researching of scientists…..
- The scientific expedition in April 2007……
- When they discovered that unique find……
- The next stage for Luba’s researching…….
V. Arrange the sentences according to the text.
- They revealed that the body of mammoth has nothing dangerous microbes and microorganisms for human beings.
- It is 50 kilograms in weight and its height is less one meter.
- In summer the mammoths fed on vegetative food.
- The scientists say that Luba is not the biggest enigma for them.
- The researchers find out that the mammoth’s intestines: heart and lungs and stomach had survived very well in spite of 37 thousand years.
- Luba drowned.
- Luba has just visited Japan.
- The mammoth’s baby was named Luba in honor to the reindeer breeder’s wife.
- And the researchers believe that Luba will help to understand the reasons had become extinct the mammoths.
- They made stocks for winter laid in mineral substances.
VI. Match the sentences and the translations.
- The scientists say that Luba is not the biggest enigma for them but that epoch and climate where it had lived.
- The scientists found out ice capsule on the river’s precipice Uribey where was as in fridge probably the mammoth’s baby “had slept” thousands years.
The scientists remember the local native population with the gratitude and pride those people who found
- the future world scientific sensation.
- Учёные нашли ледяную капсулу на обрыве реки Юрибей, где как в морозильнике вероятно мамонтёнок «спал» тысячи лет.
- Учёные вспоминают с благодарностью и гордостью коренное население, которые нашли будущую мировую научную сенсацию.
- Учёные говорят, что Люба ещё не самая большая загадка, а эпоха и климат в которой она жила.
VII. Complete the sentence with the convenient words.
capsule, thousands years, Luba, pride, local native, gratitude, sensation, mammoth’s baby, expedition, grave
The scientists remember the ……… population with the ……. and ……. those people who found the future world scientific …… When they discovered that unique find they didn’t try to make their personal profit but they reported about the ………… to Yamal museum in Yar Sale.
The scientific ……….in April 2007 found out that the place where ……. was found was not her first natural ……. The scientists found out ice ……. on the river’s precipice Uribey where was as in fridge probably the mammoth’s baby “had slept” ……..
VIII. Retell the text.
1. Англо – русский и русского – английский словарь / под редакцией М.В. Харламовой- 5-е изд., Стереотип.- М.: русс. яз.- Медия, 2006.
2. Англо – русский словарь / Авт. – сост. Н.В. Адамчик. – Мн.: Современный литератор, 2001.
3. Живой Ямал. Каталог выставки «Арктика- Антарктика» в Бонне(1997-1998)./ И. Крупник, Н. Наринская. – М.: Советский спорт, 1998.
4. Исторический атлас Ямало-Ненецкого автономного округа / И.А. Голикова, Ю.Н. Квашнин, А.В. Сазонова М.: Издательство ДИК, 1999.
5. Культура народов Ямала/ Борко Т.И. и др./ Учебник 5-7 классы. Тюмень: Из-во Института проблем освоения Севера СО РАН, 2002г.
6. Методика обучения иностранным языкам: Базовый курс лекций: Пособие для пед.вузов и учителей/ Е.Н.Соловова. – 2-е изд.-М.: Просвещение, 2003г.
7. Сборник статей. Обучение иностранным языкам в школе и вузе. СПб.: «Каро», 2001г.
8. Фотоальбом «Ямал – край земли» / А.Головнёв, 1995г.
9. Фотоальбом «Meet Yamal» о ЯНАО/ ООО «Русская коллекция» Санкт Петербург, С. Алексеев, Ю. Морозов, 1996г
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