Экология. Охрана окружающей среды
методическая разработка по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Обобщение лексико-грамматического материала, формирование навыков разговорной речи.
Задачи урока:
Учебный аспект:
отработать и закрепить введенную лексику по теме, обучение аудированию по теме, обсуждение проблемы по данной теме в монологических и диалогических высказываниях, закрепление употребления модальных глаголов, Чтение с извлечением конкретной информации.
Воспитательный аспект:
формирование уважительного отношения к природе, ответственного отношения к экологическим проблемам, формирование потребности в экологических акциях, потребности к достижению согласия и сотрудничества, воспитание бережного отношения к природным богатствам. Воспитывать активную жизненную позицию.
Развивающий аспект:
развитие мыслительных операций (анализ, сравнение, классификация, обобщение); развитие любознательности, воображения, объёма памяти, способности к логическому изложению содержания и самооценке своих действий.
Социокультурный аспект:
знакомство с экологическими организациями, их действиями, экологическим воспитанием в школах, действиями граждан по охране природы.
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Предварительный просмотр:
School № 2
Teacher:Kondratkova O.N
Тема: « Экология. Охрана окружающей среды».
Цель: Обобщение лексико-грамматического материала,
формирование навыков разговорной речи.
Задачи урока:
Учебный аспект:
отработать и закрепить введенную лексику по теме, обучение аудированию по теме, обсуждение проблемы по данной теме в монологических и диалогических высказываниях, закрепление употребления модальных глаголов, Чтение с извлечением конкретной информации.
Воспитательный аспект:
формирование уважительного отношения к природе, ответственного отношения к экологическим проблемам, формирование потребности в экологических акциях, потребности к достижению согласия и сотрудничества, воспитание бережного отношения к природным богатствам. Воспитывать активную жизненную позицию.
Развивающий аспект:
развитие мыслительных операций (анализ, сравнение, классификация, обобщение); развитие любознательности, воображения, объёма памяти, способности к логическому изложению содержания и самооценке своих действий.
Социокультурный аспект:
знакомство с экологическими организациями, их действиями, экологическим воспитанием в школах, действиями граждан по охране природы.
Оборудование урока:
- плакаты
- лозунги
- фотографии
- тексты для чтения
- карточки с заданиями
План урока
I Greeting
Teacher: Good morning! How are you? Fine that’s all right.
Today we’ll speak about our planet and the things which threaten it. Do you agree that our planet
is our home?
Class: Sure. Yes of course.
Teacher: Is it important to think and to act today if we want to save our Planet?
Pupil: I think ‘yes’. Our planet is in danger now and we must act to save our planet.
Teacher: Yes, and I suppose most of your classmates are of the same opinion. Am I right?
Class: Yes, you are.
II Phonetic drill
1) Teacher: Now look at the blackboard, read this quotation and try to translate it.
“Mother Planet is showing us the red warning light -‘be careful’ – she is saying.”
“To take care of the planet is to take care of our own house”. The Dalai Lama
“If you don’t think about the future you will not have it.” John Galsworthy
Teacher: Look at this poster and find out which sentence expresses the meaning of the poster better.
Fur looks better on animals. It’s wrong to kill animals for their skin. Animals look nice in fur. It’s good to have photos of animals in fashion magazines. |
2) Teacher: Now let’s see how many words which can describe ecological problems you know.
( Учащиеся разделены на группы по 4-5 человек. Каждая группа по очереди называет слово по теме: «Экология. Охрана окружающей среды».)
3) Teacher: It’s well done! You are great! But you must not only pronounce these words perfectly you must write them right as well. Please fill in the missing letters.
(Учащиеся заполняют пропуски, затем обмениваются работами и проверяют их.)
Card № 1
Ac-ident, aw-ul, c-n, ecolo-y, ga-bage, ha-mful, li-ter, to de-rade, to -unish, to spo-l.
Card № 2
An-mal, c-emical, di-ease, ene-gy, for e-er, j-il, nucl-ar, to po-lute, to re-ycle, to t-row.
Card № 3
Atmos-here, des-ruction, ear-h, envi-onment, ga-bage can, liv-ng thing, p-ant, to prote-t, to s-ve, -astes.
Card № 1
Accident, awful, can, ecology, garbage, harmful, litter, to degrade, to punish, to spoil.
Card № 2
Animal, chemical, disease, energy, for ever, jail, nuclear, to pollute, to recycle, to throw.
Card № 3
Atmosphere, destruction, earth, environment, garbage can, living thing, plant, to protect, to save, wastes.
III Speech drill (Беседа по проблемам окружающей среды).
Teacher: Ecology is the sciences of how living things are related to their environment, isn’t it?
Pupil 1: Yes, it is?
Teacher: Many people all over the world are concerned abut ecology today, aren’t they?
Pupil 2: Yes, they are.
Teacher: What does the world ecology mean?
Pupil 3: The word “ecology” came from the Greek which means “home”.
Teacher: What are the names of the environmental problems of today?
Pupil 4: They are littering, air pollution, water pollution, over crowding, destruction of natural recourses.
IV Auding
1) Аудирование с целью извлечения информации.
Teacher: Can you guess which of these problems I’m going to describe?
This problem is caused by dumping wastes into lakes, rivers, ponds and other bodies of water.
They can spread many diseases.
Pupil: It’s water pollution.
Teacher: Yes, you are right.
Every day people throw away amazing amount of garbage and trash. Tourists leave used cans and bottles in the forest, the owners of private houses in the country-side get rid of their plastic bags and trash throwing them to the out-of-the way places, far from their yards and gardens.
Pupil: It’s to my mind, a problem of waste and pollutions of our cities and forests.
2) Listening comprehension.
You will hear five different speakers answering the question “Do you recycle enough?”
Choose from the list A-F what each of them thinks. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter, which you do not need to use.
Speaker 1- A. Thinks that factories must also do something about pollution.
Speaker 2- B. Thinks that it is necessary to have extra rubbish bins where possible
Speaker 3- C. Thinks that people who pollute should pay money.
Speaker 4- D. Thinks that recycling can bring you extra money.
Speaker 5- E. Thinks that recycling is very expensive.
F. Thinks that recycling is quite simple for anyone who thinks that recycling
is quite simple for anyone who thinks about nature.
- Do we recycle enough?
- No. We should have bins placed along roads to make collecting cans and rubbish easier. What we have is not enough because we are still wasting natural resources.
- We can never recycle enough. Empty cans are worth money, so why not save them- either for extra money or for charity. Every little bit does help.
- No. Recycling is important for the environment making the world a better place. We should introduce more schemes so that people have to clean up in and around their homes – or pay a fine.
- There are lots of recycling bins at supermarkets and shopping centres for household waste. But industries should recycle their waste too. They often don’t seem to care that they are polluting the planet.
- We could all make a bigger effort to recycle. It’s so easy to throw empty cans and bottles in the bin - we just have to stop and think what we are doing to the planet. I’m sure we could all make a difference.
Key: Speaker 1- B
Speaker 2- D
Speaker 3- C
Speaker 4- A
Speaker 5- F
V Монологические высказывания учащихся по проблемам окружающей среды.
Teacher: Can you, please describe the following problems? What can you tell about the problem of de-
struction of natural resources?
Pupil: By the year 2030, they say, 25% of all animals, birds, fish and insects may be extinct.
Every year man cuts down more trees to make paper, wood, medicines. Many forests where millions of animals, insects live, are destroyed now too.
Teacher: And what about the air pollution?
Pupil: More and more factories, cars, trucks add their”bad breath” to the air. Polluted air causes different
diseases in big cities, such as cancer.
Teacher: Is litter a problem in our village?
Pupil: Yes, of cause.
Teacher: Why do you think so?
Pupil: I think that litter is a great problem in our village, because there is too much wastes in the streets,
in the parks, on the banks of the rivers, ponds and almost everywhere.
Teacher: Do you ever throw litter on the ground?
Pupils: Yes, I am. But it is practically imposable to find garbage cans in the streets, in the parks of our
Подготовленные монологические высказывания учащихся по проблемам экологии.
Teacher: We’ve discussed some environment problems, read some texts on this problem at our lessons let’s summarize our discussion on this problem in the country, in our region and in our village, of cause.
Group №1: We ought to take care of everything that nature gives us.
Nature gives people everything they need for their lives. People have learnt to use the soil, the water, and the minerals on the earth and under the earth.
Forests are the lungs of the plant. They give us fresh air, from the forest we get wood to build the houses, the furniture and what-not. Paper is also made from wood. Can you imagine our life without a common piece of paper? No books, no newspapers. Terrible, isn’t it? Most of our clothes are also made from natural material: leather, wool, cotton.
People will simply die if nature is spoiled. It may sound strange, but no one does more harm to nature than people do.
Plants and factories throw their wastes into seas and oceans, pollute water, and contaminate sea animals and fish. Some birds and animals have disappeared from the earth in this century. People often killed them for their beautiful skins and feather.
But today there are people in all parts of the world who are trying to protect wild animals and birds. There is even an international organization called “Green Peace”. Reservations for rare plants and animals are set up in different parts of the world. Hunting is not allowed there.
We all love our Earth. We love its green fields and forests, mountains, rivers and lakes. We must take care of every thing that grows and lives on the Earth.
Group № 2: We’ll speak about the environment problems in the Krasnodar territory.
Krasnodar territory is one of the overcrowded territories of Russia and the environmental problems are very serious there. Cars and factories spoil the air most of all. It is clearly seen in big industrial cities, such as Krasnodar, Novorosiisk, and Eisk. Plants and factories throw their wastes into seas, rivers, pollute water, and kill fish and living things in them.
The most dangerous situation is in Novorosiisk. The problems are typical for such territories: pollution of air, ground, industrial waste and garbage.
The air is spoiled by chemicals. It is very dusty because of rapid growth of transport, the development of navigation, the increasing of goods traffic on the railway. The agricultural enterprises burn plant leavings, leaves and grass in the autumn.
The Black Sea is the ‘south gate ‘of Russia. The environment situation in Sochi is better. But the water is spoiled by the town waste, oil products and harmful garbage of the fleet.
We have real threat for unique bioresource potential as well as for rare and endangers plant and animal species of this subtropical territory. Many of them have been written into the “Red book of Nature”.
We must do everything to protect the nature, to make our life healthy and happy.
We mustn’t forget: “To take care of the planet is to take care of our own house”.
Group №3: We’ll speak about the environment problems in our village.
We live in the village of Poputnaya in the south of Russia. Poputnaya is a small piece of our great country. But otherwise it has the same environment problems as the whole country.
First of all we think that our Village Soviet should pay more attention to this problem. Though the collecting of wastes is organized in our village some people don’t want to pay for it and throw litter on the banks of the Urup and the Bey-Murza-Chehrak, in the forest, and near the village, in the out-of-the way places, far from their yards and gardens. We have some photos to prove that.
We don’t like how recycling is organized in our village. I think that litter is a great problem in our village, because there are too much waste in the streets, in the parks, on the banks of the rivers, ponds and almost everywhere. It is practically imposable to find garbage cans in the streets, in the parks of our village. What we have is not enough.
There two big factories in our village. They throw their wastes into the river, pollute water, spoil the ground and kill all living things which live there.
People leave used cans, bottles, plastic bags, and paper in the forest, on the banks of the rivers, ponds after their rest there.
Some days ago we were very surprised and troubled to see dead birds in the park near our school. They were owls. People killed them for their beautiful feather. It is difficult to believe that it was done in the centre of the village, near school during the daylight time. It is very dangerous for the life of people too.
VI Group work
Teacher: Look through the texts we’ve read at the lessons. Think over these problems once more, and suggest the possible ways of solving them.
- Parents must teach their children to protect nature, give them ecology knowledge.
- Children must know how to behave in the forest, by the river.
- Everybody should love animals and plants, at school teachers must give knowledge to their pupils how to take care of their small “brothers and sisters”.
- Each family must not waste energy. We should turn off the light and the water when we don’t need it.
- School must organize “Green Clubs”.
- Nobody must cut trees and bushes in the forest.
- If everyone picks up the litter in the neighborhood, we’ll have clean streets.
- We should introduce more schemes so that people have to clean up in and around their homes – or pay a fine.
- We should have bins placed along roads to make collecting cans and rubbish easier
VII Conclusion
Teacher: We’ve spoke much on the environment problems. But what we: you and I, and all of us, can practically do in our every day life to keep our village, our country clean?
Task: match the verbs and the sentences. You may add your own sentences.
WE | ||
| ||
Teacher: Now we can clearly see that we can do much to keep our planet clean, healthy for us, for the future generations.
VIII Homework
Read, translate and explain the meaning of the proverb.
Explain the meaning of the proverb The frog doesn’t drink the pond in which he lives.
“Mother Planet is
showing us the red
warning light-‘be
careful’- she is saying.
To take care of
the planet is to take care
of our own house”.
The Dalai Lama
If you don’t think
about the future
you will not have it.
Fur looks better on animals.
It’s wrong to kill animals for their skin.
Animals look nice in fur.
It’s good to have photos of animals in fashion magazines.
Explain the meaning of the proverb.
The frog
doesn’t drink the
pond in which he lives.
Resource id #974
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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