разработки уроков для 5 класса по Биболетовой
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
Разработка урока по теме " Путешествие"
Разработка урока по теме «Marry Poppins’s Day out»
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Предварительный просмотр:
- Закрепление конструкции to be going to do smth. на уровне предложения.
- Активизация лексических единиц по теме «Мы собираемся путешествовать» и тренировка их употребления.
- Формирование навыков монологической и диалогической речи.
Задачи урока:
- Поддержать интерес учащихся к иноязычной деятельности.
- Активизировать лексику по теме «Мы собираемся путешествовать» в речи учащихся.
- Развить монологическую и диалогическую речь учащихся.
- Воспитать чувство прекрасное.
Оборудование: учебник, доска, наклейки, картинки по теме, картинка Лондона, транскрипционные значки, карточки с заданием для каждого ученика.
Ход урока:
1. Организационный момент.
T. - Good morning, boys and girls! I am glad to see you!
C. - Good morning, teacher!
T. - How are you today?
C. - We are fine.
T. - Sit down. How’s the weather today?
That’s fine, let’s begin our lesson, then. By the way, do you like to travel? (Of course, we do)
I’m sure, all people like to travel.
Today we have an unusual lesson. We are going to travel. We have a trip to London. Some of you will travel by plane, some of you – by train and some – by car. But you have no money that’s why you need to earn (заработать) it to buy a ticket. If you earn 5 pounds you will fly by the plane, if you earn 4 pounds – by the train and if you earn 3 pounds – by the car, but if you earn nothing you will go on foot.
2. Фонетическая зарядка.
We are going to London and there of course we shall speak to Englishmen so we need to refresh our memory and recall English sounds. (Учитель показывает звук, произносит его, дети хором повторяют. Затем учитель показывает, но не произносит звук. Дети сами хором его называют.) Сделать карточки с транскрипцией.
3. Речевая зарядка.
We remember English sounds; now let’s recall some words. As I know you like to play. I’ll throw you a ball and say a word in English. You throw it me back translating this word into Russian. Then vice versa.
to go by train to visit cinema to play tennis to travel
to go by car to visit friends to play soccer a trip to London
to go by bus to visit theatre to play golf a photo
to fly by plane to buy a ticket to go to the zoo a photo camera
to go on foot to walk in a park to take pictures
Основная часть.
As I said, we have a trip to London (показать на картинку Лондона) and for to earn money we need to do some tasks. You shall get a pound for every task if you do it. Good luck!
Task № 1 “Аудирование”
Well, let’s begin our work. The first task is to listen to me and then mark true or false . (Каждому ученику даётся карточка):
Now, listen to the text. You’ll listen to it two times. You have your cards. I’ll read you sentences and you’ll have to mark “true” or “false” in them. Listen to my first sentence:
True | False | |
1. | ||
2. | ||
3. | ||
4. |
1 Traveling by train is not of the most interesting methods of traveling.
2. It is not very expensive.
3. Traveling by car is very convenient.
4. Traveling on foot is the most expensive method of traveling.
People usually travel on land. You can go by bus or by train, by car or on foot. Traveling by train is one of the most interesting methods of traveling. It is not very expensive. Traveling by car is very convenient because you can stop everywhere you want. Traveling on foot is the cheapest method of traveling and for many people it is the hobby.
Task № 2 “Составить диалог”
Give me your cards. Now I’ll give you strips with phrases and your next task will be to make up a dialogue by the help of them. (Даются на парту полоски с фразами, из которых нужно составить диалог. Дети составляют диалог в парах на местах и потом его зачитывают).
(You have done your task well (badly) that is why you (don’t) get your pound for this task and for your previous).
- - Hello, how are you?
- Hi.I am fine, thanks.
- I am going to meet Peter at the café. Do you want to go with me?
- Sorry, I can’t. Today I am going to the cinema.
- Oh, well. Today “Tom and Jerry” is on, isn’t it?
- Yes, you are right
- Well, see you then. Good bye
- - Hello, how are you?
- Hi.I am fine, thank you.
- Where are you going?
- I am going to the countryside by my car.
- You have bought a car, haven’t you?
- Yes, I have
Well, see you later.
Good bye.
3. Hello. Today is Bob’s birthday, isn’t it?
Hi, yes, and we could arrange a party for him, couldn’t it?
Not a bad idea. I’ll be responsible for the music.
Well, and I am going to make a cake.
So, see you later. Phone me.
O.k. see you.
№4. - Hello, how are you?
- Hi.Betty has invited me to the picnic next weekend. Do you want to go with us?
-Yes, I do. And what are you going to do there?
- We are going to play tennis and have a good time.
- But I shall speak to my mother, shall not it?
- O’K. I am sure she will like this idea too.
№5 -Hello. What are you going to do during your winter holidays?
-Hello. I am going to travel to Moscow.
-Oh, well. You will visit theatres and cinema there, won’t you?
-Of course, I will. And also I am going to take photos of Red Square.
-So, have a good time there.
-Thank you.
-Bye - bye.
Task № 3 “Письмо”
Your next task will be to complete the sentences. You have to write a necessary word instead of dots. The picture after each sentence will help you to do this task. (Каждому ученику даётся карточка):
- Let’s arrange … together (a picnic).
- We are going … (to a park) next weekend.
- I shall go … (to buy a ticket) tomorrow morning.
- We are going to Moscow … (by plane).
- I like … (to play soccer) with my friends.
It’s time to have a rest... I see you are tired.
Let’s have a rest.
Stand up please, let’s do ex.
Hands up! Clap! Clap! Clap!
Hands down! Shake! Shake! Shake!
Hands on hips. Jump! Jump! Jump!
Hop! Hop! Hop! Stand still!
We have rested and I think we can continue our work.
Task № 4 “Чтение”
Now give me your cards. While I shall check your answers your next task will be to read the text and take away words unsuitable according to the meaning.
(You have done your task well (badly) that is why you (don’t) get your pound for this task and for your previous).
My family likes (to travel, well, a pen). Every year we (have a trip, on foot, a park) to abroad. We (buy ticket, buy a book, run) at the airport. We always travel (by car, on foot, by plane). I like (swimming, traveling, dancing) because I can see many interesting places. Also we can visit (a photo, bus, theatre), to walk in a park and to go to the zoo. My father likes to visit parks because he likes to (by train, a photo camera, to take pictures).But my Mum and me like (football team, to play tennis, in the hotel) in the park. We take many (picnics, friends, and pictures) for our photo album. We always (have a good idea, have a good time, have a bad time) abroad.
Task № 5 “Говорение”
Now your task is to say me what are you going to do in London? The pictures will help you to do this task. (Каждому ученику даются 2 картинки для ответа).
(You answer is good (bad) that is why you (don’t) get your pound for this task).
Итог урока.
Well, do you agree with me that to study English is an interesting job? At the beginning of the lesson our aim was to earn money for your tickets and now it is time to count it up. How many do you have? So you have 5 pounds so you fly by plane and your mark is 5.
Well the lesson is over. I hope it was interesting and useful for you, wasn’t it? Now write down your home task. It is to learn by heart these dialogues. Thank you for you work. Good bye.
Предварительный просмотр:
«Чего ради нам ненавидеть друг друга?
Мы все заодно, уносимые одной и той же планетой, мы - команда одного корабля.
Антуан де Сент-Экзюпери
Тема: «Путешествие»
Цель: закрепление лексических навыков; активизация грамматических навыков устной и письменной речи; совершенствование навыков монологической речи на материале текста «Marry Poppins’s Day out»
Ход урока:
1. Орг.момент.
Good morning my dear friends. I’m glad to see you. How are you?
That’s fine, lets begin our lesson, then. Today we’ll remember the grammar material and we’ll discuss the story about «Marry Poppins’s Day out».
Фонетическая зарядка
Now it’s time to practice our pronunciation.
Three, health, fourth, bath, both, thin, think.
What sound do we meet in all these words? (the sound..)
Let’s remember, how to pronounce this sound?
Reads word after me:
So, read the poem, please
I can think of six thin things
Six thin things, can, you?
Yes, I can think of six thin things
And of thick things, too.
Let’s repeat the most difficult words and word combinations: think, thin, things: six thin things, thick, thick things.
Egor, will you read the poem? Thanks.
Речевая разминка: I know you like to play. Let’s revise the lexics. Let’s play the ball. I’ll throw you a ball and say a word in English. You throw it me back translating this word into Russian. Then vice versa.
Well done, that’s enough.
Формирование грамматических навыков говорения.
We have learnt the construction last lesson. What construction? (to be going to)
Let’s remember the rule.
(вспоминают правило употребления, я записываю на доске формы to be, после каких местоим. употребляются) Скажите для чего нам нужна эта конструкция?
to be going to- запланированное, с четким намерением выполнить действие, которое вы собираетесь делать
It’s interesting to know what you are going to do in two days. Look throw your cards and tell us, please. So your task is: to make up the sentences with these words.
Задание на карточке:
1. To play comp., to a park, to visit friends,
2. To play soccer, to take pictures, to watch TV
3. To go to the zoo, to read a book, to visit cinema
4. I’m going to learn English in two days
Well. Did you finish? Let’s read.
Did you finish? Let’s read.
Well done. Now exchange your cards in pairs and say what you aren’t going to do.
Now we know what you are going to do in two days. And do you want to know what the members of your family are going to do on Sunday?
Let’s find ex.15, p. 30, say what they are going to do. (One of you asks a question and another of you answers it).
(уч-ся по цепочки составляют предложения по картинкам)
Thank you, boys and girls. I see you are tired.
Let’s have a rest.
Stand up please, let’s do ex.
Hands up! Clap! Clap! Clap!
Hands down! Shake! Shake! Shake!
Hands on hips. Jump! Jump! Jump!
Hop! Hop! Hop! Stand still!
Well down sit down, please.
We have rested and I think we can continue our work.
Активизация материала текста “«Marry Poppin’s Day out»
I hope you are ready to work with the text. It was your homework.
Let’s remember the story about “«Marry Poppin’s Day out” ex.20 p.32.
Well, I shall tell you the sentences, but in Russian, and your task will be to find these sentences in the text.
1. Мэри Поппинс и её друг Мэтч Мэн гуляли вместе в маленьком лесочке.
2. На зеленом столе стоял послеобеденный чай.
3. Они приступили к своему послеобеденному чаю, а официант стоял неподалёку от них и смотрел, не нужно ли им ещё чего-нибудь.
4. Они выпили по две кружки чая, затем доели булочки с малиновым джемом.
5. Мэри Поппинс и её друг увидели деревянных лошадок среди деревьев.
Correct the statements:
1. Suddenly they came upon a big open space filled with sunlight.
2. A pile of raspberry-jam-cakes as high as Mary Poppins waist stood under the table.
3. They turned and found a short man in a white coat coming out of the wood with a table-napkin over his arm.
4. He was angry that Mary Poppins had asked him to join them.
5. “There is a lot to pay” said the waiter, before they had time to ask for the bill.
Put the sentences in a logical order (расставить предложения в логической последовательности)
“I am the waiter, you know!” – explained the man in the black coat.
“Won’t you sit down, Madam?” – asked a voice.
“My goodness” said Mary Poppins, “I am having a Day Out!”
“It is a pleasure. You will find the merry-go-round just over there!”
“Won’t you sit down?” said Mary Poppins, politely.
Let’s check up them if they are in a logical order or not.
Thank you for your work. So I see that you worked hard and your marks for it are: …..
Now I want you to write down your homework. Your h/w is ex. 13 p. 15 in AB.
Correct the statements:
1. Suddenly they came upon a big open space filled with sunlight.
2. A pile of raspberry-jam-cakes as high as Mary Poppins waist stood under the table.
3. They turned and found a short man in a white coat coming out of the wood with a table-napkin over his arm.
4. He was angry that Mary Poppins had asked him to join them.
5. “There is a lot to pay” said the waiter, before they had time to ask for the bill.
Put the sentences in a logical order (расставить предложения в логической последовательности)
“I am the waiter, you know!” – explained the man in the black coat.
“Won’t you sit down, Madam?” – asked a voice.
“My goodness” said Mary Poppins, “I am having a Day Out!”
“It is a pleasure. You will find the merry-go-round just over there!”
“Won’t you sit down?” said Mary Poppins, politely.
Correct the statements:
1. Suddenly they came upon a big open space filled with sunlight.
2. A pile of raspberry-jam-cakes as high as Mary Poppins waist stood under the table.
3. They turned and found a short man in a white coat coming out of the wood with a table-napkin over his arm.
4. He was angry that Mary Poppins had asked him to join them.
5. “There is a lot to pay” said the waiter, before they had time to ask for the bill.
Put the sentences in a logical order (расставить предложения в логической последовательности)
“I am the waiter, you know!” – explained the man in the black coat.
“Won’t you sit down, Madam?” – asked a voice.
“My goodness” said Mary Poppins, “I am having a Day Out!”
“It is a pleasure. You will find the merry-go-round just over there!”
“Won’t you sit down?” said Mary Poppins, politely.
Correct the statements:
1. Suddenly they came upon a big open space filled with sunlight.
2. A pile of raspberry-jam-cakes as high as Mary Poppins waist stood under the table.
3. They turned and found a short man in a white coat coming out of the wood with a table-napkin over his arm.
4. He was angry that Mary Poppins had asked him to join them.
5. “There is a lot to pay” said the waiter, before they had time to ask for the bill.
Put the sentences in a logical order (расставить предложения в логической последовательности)
“I am the waiter, you know!” – explained the man in the black coat.
“Won’t you sit down, Madam?” – asked a voice.
“My goodness” said Mary Poppins, “I am having a Day Out!”
“It is a pleasure. You will find the merry-go-round just over there!”
“Won’t you sit down?” said Mary Poppins, politely.
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