Игра по станциям "Люблю тебя,Петра творенье!"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Игра на английском языке по теме  "Санкт Петербург" для учащихся 7 кл.


Файл match.docx17.42 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon choose_the_right_variant.doc29.5 КБ
Файл word_order.docx11.96 КБ
Файл obyavlenie.docx1.81 МБ
Office presentation icon zadanie_dlya_bolelshchikov.ppt1.69 МБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Match the architects with their creations

  1. D. Trezzini
  2. C. Rossi                  
  3. A. Zakharov
  4. A. Montferrand
  5. V. Rastrelli
  6. Th. de Thomon
  7. A. Voronikhin
  8. E. Falconet, M. Collot
  9. G. Quarenghi
  10. Yu. Felten

  1. The Bronze Horseman
  2. The Peter and Paul Fortress
  3. The Russian Museum
  4. The Admiralty
  5. The Rostral Columns
  6. The Kazan Cathedral
  7. The Winter Palace
  8. St. Isaac’s Cathedral
  9. The Hermitage Theatre
  10. The Railing of the Summer Gardens

Предварительный просмотр:

      Choose the right variant.

  1. The city was founded by ……… .
  1. Paul
  2. St Peter
  3. Peter the Great
  1. The main street in St Petersburg is ……… .
  1.  Ismailovsky Prospect
  2. Nevsky Prospect
  3. Moskovsky Prospect
  1. The main square in St Petersburg is ……… .
  1. Sennaya Square
  2. Palace Square
  3. Isaac ‘s Square
  1. The highest building in St Petersburg is ……… .
  1. St Peter and Paul Cathedral
  2. The Admiralty
  3. The Smolny Cathedral
  1. One of the drawbridges in St Petersburg is called ……… .
  1. The Liteiny Bridge
  2. The Short Bridge
  3. The Long Bridge
  1. The longest and main river in St Petersburg is ……… .
  1. The Moika
  2. The Neva
  3. The Fontanka
  1. The monument to Peter I is called ……… .
  1. the Bronze Horseman
  2. Peter the Great
  3. Tsar the Great
  1. St Petersburg is the twin-city of many foreign towns as ……… .
  1. Manchester
  2. London
  3. Liverpool
  1. We have celebrated the ……… in 2003.
  1. 300th anniversary of the city
  2. 295th anniversary of the city
  3. 290th anniversary of the city
  1. St Petersburg reminds some visitors of ……… .
  1. Venice
  2. London
  3. Helsinki

Предварительный просмотр:

                             Word  order.

Put  the  words  in  the  sentences  below  into  the  correct  order.    


1. the / Swedes / were / defeated /  In / 1240 / on  / banks / the / Neva / Nevsky / by / Alexander / Prince

 2.The / Swedes / the / Lands / Neva / named / by / were / Ingermanland / as

3.Peter I / 1700 / In / the / resumed / struggle / Sweden / with / Russia / for / exit / Sea / the / to /Baltic

4.was / It / to / built / decided / a / new / on / Zayachy / fortress / Island  

5.“opened” / The / “windows” / was / Europe / on

Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

The cabin of Peter the Great

Слайд 2

The Menshikov Palace The State Hermitage The Admiralty The Kunstkammer

Слайд 3

The Twelwe Collegiums Building The Academy of Arts The Marble Palace The M anège

Слайд 4

The Academy of Arts The Admiralty The Central Naval Museum The Peter and Paul Cathedral

Слайд 5

The Marble Palace The Twelwe Collegiums Building The Kunstkam m er The cabin of Peter the Great

Слайд 6

The Sheremetev Palace The State Hermitage The Stroganov Palace The Menshikov Palace

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