Разаботка сценария инсценировки
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
Сценарий инсценировки "Принцесса на горошине"для учащихся 5 классов по мотивам одноимённой сказки Г.Х Андерсена.
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Сценарий инсценировки
«Принцесса на горошине»
по мотивам сказки Г.Х. Андерсена
для учащихся IV – V классов
Разработан учителем Кривошеевой Т.А.
Цели и задачи:
1. Развитие и повышение учащихся к урокам английского языка
2.Совершенствование навыков аудирования, устной речи
3 . Повторение и закрепление ранее изученного лексико-
грамматичеcкого материала.
4. Развитие творческих, артистических способностей учащихся.
Оформление и оборудование:
- Декорации к постановке: зал, стол, кресла, камин.
- Костюмы: короля, королевы, принца, принцессы, прислуги.
- Музыкальное оформление.
- стук в дверь, разряды грома и молния.
The Princess on the Pea
Once there was a Prince who wanted to marry a Princess. Only a real one would do. So he traveled through all the world to find her, and everywhere things went wrong. There were Princesses aplenty, but how was he to know whether they were real Princesses? There was something not quite right about them all. So he came home again and was unhappy, because he did so want to have a real Princess.
Act I
( At the palace)
The King, the Queen and the Prince are in the hall.
King: What a terrible weather!
Queen: A fearful tempest arose. There is thunder and lightning.
King: And the rain is pouring down from the sky in torrents.
The Prince is sitting in the armchair looking at the fire in the fireplace.
Queen: My dear son! Why are you so sad?
Prince: I have been travelling for a long time to find a real Princess. I have found a lot of beautiful ladies. But there was always something wrong. How was I know whether they were real Princess?
Queen: Don’t worry my dear. One day you will meet a real lady.
King: I see, you wished so much to have a real Princess for your wife. That’s why you returned home quite cats down.
There is a knock at the door.
Maiden: Your Majesty! There is a girl at the door. She says she is a Princess.
Queen and King: A Princess!
Prince: Let her in.
Maiden: Come in. This way, please.
Princess: Good evening. I am Princess .I’ve got lost.
Queen: Poor bird! But I am really a Princess.
Princess: I am wet and cold.
King: Oh! Water is streaming from your hair down your clothes into your shoes.
Prince: Take of your coat and sit by the fire.
Princess: Well, I am much better. I’d rather have a rest if you don’t mind.
Queen: Of course, your Majesty. The bed for you will be ready in a minute.
The Queen goes o of the room. In a minute she is back.
Maiden: Your Majesty, let me show your room.
Queen: Tomorrow we will find out whether you are a real Princess.
Prince: How can we know?
Queen: I put a little pea in the bottom of the bed and then I took twenty mattresses and pilled them on the pea. Up on the top of all these the Princess will sleep the night.
Act II
The next morning the King, the Queen and the Prince meet their guest in the hall.
Prince: Good morning! Did you sleep well?
Princess: Oh, no! I could hardly close my eyes. Heaven knows what‘s in bed. I lay on something so hard. I am black and blue all over. It was very terrible!
Prince: (takes the Princess by the hand and leads her to the King and the Queen). Father, mother! I’ve found a real princess to marry.
Compere: Nobody but the Princess could be so delicate!
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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