Вопросы к дифференцированному зачёту по английскому языку
тест по английскому языку по теме
Данный материал предназначен для дифференцированного зачёта по английскому языку, целью которого является проверка достигнутого уровня обученности в двух видах речевой деятельности (говорение, чтение), а также знания лексико-грамматического материала.
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Вопросы для беседы с преподавателем по одной из данных тем
Unit I. How Different the World Is!
- How does geography influence the life of the country (the UK, The USA and Australia) and its people’s lives?
- What is special about the geographical position of Russia?
- How does Russia’s geography influence the character of the people of different countries?
- What place would you like to live in? Why? What are the advantages of living there?
Unit II. Western Democracies. Are They Democratic?
- What do you know about the political system of Great Britain?
- What are the main branches of power responsible for?
- What do you know about the political system of the USA?
- Who is the head of state in the USA?
- What are the main branches of power responsible for?
- How does the system of checks and balances work?
- What is the difference between the political systems of Great Britain and the USA?
- What political system does Russian belong to?
- What political institutions represent power in the Russian Federation?
- How do the Russian branches of power interact?
- Does the medieval idea of being a good politician differ from that of the modern one?
- What kind of person can an ideal politician be?
Unit III.What Is Hot With the Young Generation?
- What are the characteristics of a subculture?]
- How do representatives of different subcultures express their individuality?
- What makes young people choose a subculture?
- What subcultures are popular in Russia?
- What are similarities and differences between subcultures in Russia and other countries?
- Is a subculture a real life for a teenager?
- Why do people feel against members of different subcultures?
- Why are the young violent?
- What subcultures existed in the time of your parent’ youth?
Unit IV. Is It Easy to Be Young
- What rights do you have?
- What do you think about your rights?
- What organizations help children to protect their rights?
- What are age limits in different countries?
- What social problems are associated with being young?
- What influences young people’s life?
- What problems worry you?
- What problems do you usually discuss with your friends?
- What organizations around the world help young people to cope with their problems?
- What is your attitude towards teenage years? Do they bring luck to you?
- What do your parents allow/forbid you to do?
- What rules does your family have?
- Do you have anything to complain about?
- Do the British like to complain? What do they usually complain about?
Unit V. Is the System of Social Welfare Fair?
- What benefits do people receive in Britain /US/Russia?
- What categories of people receive benefits in Britain /US/Russia?
- How is financial help distributed?
- What is special about Social Welfare in the USA?
- What benefits are you or your family/your relatives entitled to?
- Do you have to pay for medical care?
- What characterizes medical care services in Britain/ the USA/ Russia? What are good and bad points in the health care services in the USA, Britain, and Russia?
- How do elderly people live in Britain and in your country?
- How do the governments in different countries care for pensioners?
- How do your grandparents live?
- How should elderly people be treated?
- Do all people support the idea of a Welfare State?
- What do you think of a Welfare State?
Unit VI. What Helps You to Enjoy Yourselves?
- What do you know about cinema empire Hollywood?
- What do you know about the history of Russian cinematography?
- What people are involved in film making?
- What are the film genres?
- What genres do you like and dislike?
- What genres of the theatre do you like and dislike?
- What do you know about the history of English theatre?
- What is MPAA rating system for?
- Why do like or dislike action film?
Unit VII. Inventions That Shook the World
- Do you use modern inventions in everyday life?
- What electrical or electronic goods would you/would you never like to have at home?
- What inventions have become commonplace nowadays?
- Do you know anything about great inventions and great inventors?
- Can you represent inventions on the time line?
- What inventions have been made by Russian scientists and inventors?
- What fads about inventions do you know?
- What do you think about different inventions?
- How to organize the household?
- What are pros and cons of high-tech devices?
- What would you like to invent?
Прочитайте текст и выполните задания А1–А7. В каждом задании
обведите цифру 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному Вами варианту ответа.
Llandudno is truly a fine and handsome place, built on a generously proportioned bay and lined along its broad front with a huddle of prim but gracious nineteenth-century hotels that reminded me in the fading light of a lineup of Victorian nannies. Llandudno was purpose-built as a resort in the mid-1800s, and it cultivates a nice old-fashioned air. I don’t suppose that Lewis Carroll, who famously strolled this front with little Alice Liddell in the 1860s, would notice a great deal of change today.
To my consternation, the town was packed with weekending pensioners.
Buses from all over were parked along the side streets, every hotel I called at was full, and in every dining room I could see crowds – veritable oceans – of
nodding white heads spooning soup and conversing happily. Goodness knows what had brought them to the Welsh seaside at this bleak time of year.
Farther on along the front there stood a clutch of guesthouses, large and
virtually indistinguishable, and a few of them had vacancy signs in their windows.
I had eight or ten to choose from, which always puts me in a mild fret because I have an unerring instinct for choosing badly. My wife can survey a row of
guesthouses and instantly identify the one run by a white-haired widow with a fondness for children, and sparkling bathroom facilities, whereas I can generally count on choosing the one run by a guy with a grasping manner, and the sort of cough that makes you wonder where he puts the phlegm. Such, I felt, would be the case tonight.
All the guesthouses had boards out front listing their many amenities –
COLOUR TV, HOSPITALITY TRAYS, FULL CENTRAL HEATING, and the coyly euphemistic EN SUITE ALL ROOMS, meaning private bathrooms. One place offered satellite TV and a trouser press, and another boasted CURRENT FIRE CERTIFICATE – something I had never thought to look for in a B&B. All this heightened my sense of unease and doom. How could I possibly choose intelligently among such a variety of options?
I selected a place that looked reasonable enough from the outside – its
board promised a color TV and coffee making facilities, about all I require these days for a Saturday night – but from the moment I set foot in the door I knew it was a bad choice. I was about to turn and flee when the owner emerged from a back room and stopped my retreat with an unenthusiastic “Yes?” A short conversation revealed that a single room with breakfast was for £19.50. It was entirely out of the question that I would stay the night in such a dismal place at such an exorbitant price, so I said, “That sounds fine,” and signed in. Well, it’s so hard to say no.
My room was everything I expected it to be – cold and cheerless with
laminated furniture, grubbily matted carpet, and those mysterious ceiling stains that bring to mind a neglected corpse in the room above. There was a tray of coffee things but the cups were disgusting, and the spoon was stuck to the tray.
The bathroom, faintly illuminated by a distant light activated by a length of string, had curling floor tiles and years of accumulated dirt packed into every corner.
I peered at the yellowy tile around the bath and sink and realized what the
landlord did with his phlegm. A bath was out of the question, so I threw some
cold water on my face, dried it with a towel that had the texture of shredded
wheat, and gladly took my leave.
A1 Llandudno is described as a
1) fashionable 19th century resort.
2) beautiful growing resort.
3) place where Lewis Carroll lived.
4) place famous for its comfortable hotels.
A2The phrase “veritable oceans” in paragraph 2 refers to
1) hotel dining rooms.
2) hotel guests wearing white hats.
3) old people dining in cafes.
4) buses crowded with old Welsh people.
A3When choosing a guesthouse the narrator was worried because he
1) wasn’t good at making the right choice.
2) could not find a place run by a kind old widow.
3) did not know what to look for.
4) missed his wife for help.
A4The narrator thought that the choice of a guesthouse used to be easier because
1) all hotels had a private bathroom.
2) there were fewer options on offer.
3) there were fewer guest houses.
4) they were all of B&B type.
A5Why did the narrator agree to the room?
1) He felt sorry for the landlord.
2) He could not refuse the offer.
3) It was really cheap.
4) There was a TV and a coffee maker.
A6Why was the bath out of the question?
1) The water was too cold.
2) There was no hot water.
3) The bathtub was dirty.
4) There was no light.
A7What is the narrator’s attitude towards the room he stayed in?
1) Surprised.
2) Indifferent.
3) Positive.
4) Critical.
Прочитайте приведённые ниже тексты. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами B8–B14, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текстов. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию из группы B1–7.
A cup of coffee
Once I was travelling in Italy. It was a lovely day. I wandered
along the street until I came upon some parasol-shaded tables
B8 which seemed to _____________ very nice. I settled and I
opened my book.
It was taking a long time for the waiter to arrive, but I was in
B9 no hurry. I was sure that the waiter ______________ soon. COME
B10 But finally, becoming impatient, I turned to signal for service
and saw the neon sign. That was the ______________ BAD
moment ... I discovered that I was sitting outside a store selling
garden furniture.
The Great Wall of China
B11 The Great Wall of China runs for 6,700 kilometers from east to
west of China. It is one of the _______________ wonders GREAT
of the world.
B12 The Great Wall _______________ in order to protect BUILD
the country form different aggressors.
B13 The construction of the Wall _______________ in the 6th BEGIN
century BC and lasted until the 16th century AD.
B14 Since then, the Great Wall of China _______________ BECOME
a symbol of wisdom and bravery of the Chinese people and
a monument to Chinese nation for many hundreds of years.
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