презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Романенко Елена Андреевна



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Слайд 2

Peter and Paul Fortress There’s a beautiful legend connected with the founding of the city. Tsar Peter was viewing an island in the delta of Neva. He cut two pieces of turf and made a cross out of them, saying, “ Here will be the city” But this is a legend. What happened in reality? To secure his position on the Baltic coast Peter I decided to build a new fortress on the Hare Island. Do you know the fotress.

Слайд 3

The Angel above the city. The first figure of our city’s guardian angel was made in the 1720s. After the fire of 1756 it was reconstructed to Domenico Trezzini’s design. In the beginning of the Great Patriotic War the spire was painted with camouflage paint, and the angel was covered by sackcloth to conceal it from artillery fire. The angel is 3.48 m tall. The wings are 3.56 m wide. The cross is 6.5 m tall. The angel and the cross weigh 250 kg.

Слайд 4

Peter I’s House Peter I’s House was the first Dwelling house of the new city and also the only wooden building surviving from Peter I’s times. In 1930 a museum was opened in the house. There you can see things that belonged to Peter I, an imprint of his hand and household things of that era.

Слайд 5

The Admiralty The Admiralty is the beautiful masterpiece of the architect Andrey Zakharov, one of the best monuments of Russian architecture. The little ship on its spire is our city’s main symbol. Peter I planned St Petersburg as the main centre of shipbuilding and navigation in Russia. The word “admiralty” means the place where military ships are built and repaired The city needed a big admiralty shipyard. Peter I chose for it an island between the Neva and Moika (then called Mia) River. The island was named Admiralty Island

Слайд 6

The Summer Garden The Summer Garden is one of the most poetic and interesting places in St Petersburg. It began in May 1704, a year after the city was founded, on Peter I’s orders. The railing consists of 36 dusty pink granite columns. They alternate rhythmically with iron railing sections of simple and clean design. They are adorned with golden-plated bronze ornaments. The light and elegant classical railing became one of the symbols of the city.

Слайд 7

Winter Palace. Hermitage. The present Winter Palace, the sixth one, was built in 1754-1762 by Bortolomeo Rastrelli’s plan on the place of the fourth palace. It is the last and most perfect creation of the great architect. The main façade of building looks on to Palace Square. From 1762 the Winter Palace for over 150 years was the residence of Russian emperors. The base for the museum were the art treasures that Catherine II started to collect. The museum was founded in 1764, when 225 paintings were brought to the palace.

Слайд 8

The Monument to Peter I The famous Bronze Horseman is one of the symbols of the city on the Neva. The monument was built on the order of Catherine II. The tsaritsa entrusted this task to the French sculptor Etienne Falconet. The Bronze Horseman is one of the highest achievements of monumental sculpture of the 18 th century, the symbol of Russia’s growing might.

Слайд 9

St Isaac’s Cathedral In 1710 near the Admiralty a wooden church of St Isaac the Dalmatian was built. This saint’s day (May 30 by the old calendar) coincides with Peter I’s birthday. It was in this church that Peter I married Catherine in 1712. In 1818 the new cathedral designed by Auguste Montferrand began. The work went on for 40 years – the cathedral was opened in 1858.

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