УЧЕБНО-МЕТОДИЧЕЧСКОЕ ПОСОБИЕ по английскому языку для обучающихся III курса специальности 260 807 «Технология продукции общественного питания»
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку по теме
Данное учебно – методическое пособие по английскому языку предназначается для самостоятельной работы. Основной акцент в пособии сделан на расширении и закреплении профессионально-значимых лексических единиц. Основной целью пособия является подготовка обучающихся к чтению профессионально-ориентированной литературы, совершенствование сформированных ранее умений устной речи и формирование новых умений группового общения по профессионально-ориентированные темы.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Министерство образования Ставропольского края
ГБОУ СПО Государственный агротехнический колледж с. Московское
по английскому языку для обучающихся III курса
специальности 260 807
«Технология продукции общественного питания»
К. С. Кафян
Составитель: К. С. Кафян - преподаватель иностранного языка
УЧЕБНО-МЕТОДИЧЕЧСКОЕ ПОСОБИЕ по английскому языку для обучающихся III курса Специальность: 260807 «Технология продукции общественного питания»
- Пояснительная записка
- The way you eat
- The names of foodstuffs.
- The way you cook
- Shopping for foodstuffs
- Литература
Пояснительная записка
Данное учебно – методическое пособие по английскому языку предназначается для самостоятельной работы обучающихся III курса по специальности 260 807 «Технология продукции общественного питания».
Пособие рассчитано на 20 часов внеаудиторной работы.
Основной акцент в пособии сделан на расширении и закреплении профессионально-значимых лексических единиц.
Основной целью пособия является подготовка обучающихся к чтению профессионально-ориентированной литературы, совершенствование сформированных ранее умений устной речи и формирование новых умений группового общения по профессионально-ориентированные темы.
Учебно – методическое пособие включает 4 темы:
- The way you eat.
- The names of foodstuffs.
- The way you cook.
- Shopping for foodstuffs.
Каждая тема состоит из лексического материала по данной теме, диалогов и текстов, вопросов для обсуждения и заданий на перевод. На изучение каждой темы отводится не менее 5 часов.
Vocabulary |
1. - to be hungry
- to be starving (I’m starving.)
- to be thirsty
- -to be on a diet
-to keep to a diet
-to be slimming (I’m slimming as I have put on some weight.)
- -to have 3 meals a day
-to keep regular meals
4. -to have _ breakfast/ lunch/ dinner/ supper
-to have a light/ substantial lunch/ dinner/ etc.
-to have a full-course dinner
-to have something (smth.) to eat
-to have a snack
5. -to have smth. for _ breakfast/ dinner/etc.
-to have smth. for the first/ second course
-to have smth. as a starter
-to have smth. for the main course
-to have smth. for _ dessert
6. -to have meals home/ in
-to have meals out (at a restaurant, at a café, at a refectory, at a canteen, at a snack – bar)
-to dine in/ out
7. -to do the cooking
-to cook meals
-to lay the table
-to clear the table
-to do the washing – up/ to wash up/ to wash the dishes
-to run out of smth.
-to buy smth.
-to do the shopping/ to go _ shopping
8. -to enjoy a meal
-to be a good cook
-to like the way they cook
-to prefer smth. to smth.
9. -to be tasty/ delicious
-It makes my mouth water.
-to have/ to be a sweet tooth
10.-to do smth. on an empty stomach
Vocabulary Practice |
- Try to paraphrase the following using the vocabulary given above:
-I want to eat very much.
-I want to drink.
-I’m not eating sweets and fatty food at the moment.
-I like to eat chocolate, sweets and cakes.
-When I smell fried potatoes, I want it eat them right away.
-You shouldn’t go to the institute without having breakfast.
-There’s no bread at home.
-I like the taste of this pudding.
-I usually eat something sweet at the end of the meal.
-I never eat any soup.
2. Make sure you can answer the following questions:
-How many meals a day do you have?
-Where do you usually have breakfast/ dinner/ etc.?
-When do you have dinner/ lunch/ etc.?
-What are the most substantial meals of the day?
-Can you work on an empty stomach?
-Can you say you keep regular meals?
-Who does the cooking for you?
-Do you like to cook/ wash up? Why?
-Do you prefer to have meals at home or out?
-Have you ever been on a diet?
Stories and Dialogues
1. About Meals
I’m a student and live in a hotel. So I have my meals out. Mostly I have them at the institute refectory. As a rule, I try to keep regular meals, it’s good for your health. I cook my breakfast and have it in.
As for my dinner I usually have it out. Usually it’s a four-course meal. At four o’clock I have tea with some cake or a piece of cheese. I seldom have my supper out. Anyway it’s very light. I don’t believe in having a substantial meal before going to bed.
2. About Meals
If you ask me, I wouldn’t say I keep regular meals, though I live at home. I make it a rule to eat something before going to work. But normally it’s a very light breakfast: just a cup of coffee and a sandwich. I have a substantial meal in the middle of the day and call it dinner. But when I have no time to cook,
I can do with some sandwiches. In the evening I have a light supper only.
3. My Mother Is Good at Cooking
My mother is very good at cooking. She spends a lot of time in the kitchen. She collects recipes and always invents new dishes.
We always have a houseful of guests. My friends say that the smell from the kitchen makes their mouth water when they are still in the doorway.
My mother knows that I have a sweet tooth and always cooks something delicious. Frankly speaking I’m constantly putting on weight because of that.
I ‘m afraid I’ll have to start thinking of keeping to a diet.
- Afternoon Tea
- Good afternoon, Mrs. White, how are you?
- Very well indeed, thank you, and how are you?
- Quite well, thank you, won’t you sit down? Excuse me, please, I think that’s my niece at the door.
- Hallo, Betty, dear! I’m so glad to see you. You do look well. I don’t think you’ve met each
- other before. Let me introduce you. This is my niece, Miss Smith. Mrs. White, Mr. White.
- How do you do.
- How do you do.
- And now let’s have some tea. How do you like your tea, Mrs. White, strong or weak?
- Not too strong, please, and one lump of sugar.
- I like my tea rather sweet, but my husband prefers him
without sugar.
- Well, what’s the news, Mr. White? How’s business?
- Pretty good, thank you. And how are things with you?
- Well, not too good, I’m afraid, and going bad to worse. In fact, it’s the worst year had for a long time.
- I’m sorry to hear that. I hope things will soon improve.
- Yes, let’s hope for the best. And how’s you nephew Richard getting on?
- Oh, he’s getting on quite well, thank you. He’s staying in the country just now with his Uncle William and his cousins.
- How long is he going to stay there?
- I don’t know exactly, but he’s having a very pleasant time and it’s doing him a lot of good, so the longer he stays, the better.
-How do like your tea, strong or weak?
-It’s going from bad to worse.
-It’s the worst year we’ve had for a long time.
-It’s doing him a lot of good.
-The longer … the better.
Comprehension Question:
- How many people have gathered to have tea?
- Who are the guests and the host and hostess?
- What are they discussing at tea?
Discussion Question:
- What do you think of the age and social status of the people talking?
2. Is the situation of the dialogue formal or informal?
3. Would people of your age talk like that?
Recurrent Speech Acts:
- Offering Something to Eat
-Let’s have something to eat.
-What about having lunch/ dinner?
-Would you like to have something to eat?
-Have some more coffee.
-Have another cup of coffee.
2. Accepting/ Refusing
-I’d love it.
-Why not? I’m hungry
-No, thanks, I’m not hungry.
-No, thanks, I’ve had though.
Translation Practice:
- В котором часу вы обычно обедаете? – В 2 часа. У меня перерыв с 2 до 3, и я обедаю в столовой
- Хочешь есть? – Нет, спасибо, я уже пообедал.
- Ты уже завтракал сегодня? – Да , я всегда завтракаю перед, тем как идти на работу.
- Как насчёт того, чтобы выпить чашечку кофе? – С удовольствием.
- Мне очень понравился ужин. Всё было очень вкусно. Ваша мама прекрасно готовит.
- Что бы ты хотел на ужин? – Не знаю, что-нибудь лёгкое, я обычно мало ем на ужин.
- Очень хочется есть. Уже давно пора обедать. – Подожди минутку. Сейчас обед будет готов.
- Почему ты ничего не ешь? Тебе что, не нравится? – Нет, наоборот, всё очень вкусно, но дело в том, что я на диете.
- Чем ты занималась в воскресенье? – Я провела
почти весь день дома, а потом мы с друзьями
пошли в ресторан обедать. Мне очень понравилось, как там готовят.
- Как тебе удаётся есть регулярно? – Дело в том, что я живу с родителями, и мама следит за тем, чтобы я ела 3 раза в день.
- Как насчёт того, чтобы основательно пообедать? – С удовольствием. Я сегодня рано завтракал и уже хочу есть.
- Помоги мне накрыть на стол.
- Что ты будешь на десерт?
- Сходи, пожалуйста, в магазин, у нас нет хлеба и молока.
- Ты обычно обедаешь дома или в кафе?
- Будешь ужинать? – Нет, спасибо, я только выпью чаю.
- Ты так похудела! – Рада это слышать. Я уже две недели как на диете. – Да? А это трудно – соблюдать диету?
- У меня нет времени, убери, пожалуйста, со стола и помой посуду.
- Ты не хочешь пойти со мной пообедать в столовую? – Нет, спасибо, я всегда обедаю дома.
- Ещё одну чашечку кофе? – С удовольствием.
- Пора обедать. Где Мэри? Катя, я спрашиваю тебя, где Мэри. – Она готовится к контрольной работе. Она не знает ни новых слов, ни правил.
Она должна лучше заниматься.
- Будешь пить чай? – Спасибо, не хочется. – Я очень люблю крепкий чай и хочу пить его в любое время дня.
- Анна спрашивает, хочешь ли ты ещё кофе.
- Интересно, у нас есть дома сахар? Может быть, нам нужно его купить?
- Интересно, что у нас сегодня на первое?
- Немного сахару? – Нет, спасибо, я пью чай без сахара. Немного молока, если можно.
- Ну что, когда мы будем ужинать? – Через полчаса. Пока сходи в магазин за хлебом.
- Я помогу тебе убрать со стола, но я не могу вымыть посуду. У меня нет времени. – У меня тоже.
- Может быть, ещё кусочек торта? - Нет, спасибо. Я боюсь поправиться. – Я съем ещё кусочек. – Ну конечно, сладкоежка.
- Когда ты ужинаешь? – Обычно часов в 9 вечера. – А моя сестра вообще не ужинает. Она говорит, что вредно есть перед сном.
- For breakfast
a) sandwiches (a cheese/ sausage sandwich, bread
and butter)
b) eggs (hard/ soft – boiled eggs, fried eggs, an omelette)
c) cereals (porridge, buckwheat porridge, rice, semolina)
d) dairy produce (milk, butter, cream, sour-cream, curds)
e) bread (a loaf/ a piece of white/ rye/ fresh/ stale bread)
f) pastries (biscuits, a cake, a pie, a pancake)
2. For dinner
a) for the first course (borscht, clear/ meat/ vegetable/ cabbage/
noodle soup)
b) for the second course
(- a beefsteak, a chop, a cutlet, sausages;
- meat: fried, roasted,
smoked; beef, pork, veal, mutton;
- poultry: chicken, duck, turkey;
- fish: perch, salmon, herring,
sardines, cod, trout;
- macaroni;
- vegetables: potatoes, (boiled, mashed, fried),
cabbage, carrot, cucumber (pickled), tomato, cauliflower,
mushrooms, onion, egg-plant, garlic, parsley)
c) for dessert (sweets/ candy, a bar of chocolate, jelly,
honey, marmalade, an ice-cream.
3. Soft drinks
a) tea ( strong, middling, weak, sweet)
b) coffee ( black, white (with cream), instant)
c) cocoa
d) water (fresh, mineral, soda)
e) lemonade
f) juice
4. Alcoholic drinks (aperitif)
- beer – vine - cognac – champagne – vodka
5. Fruits
- apple – apricot – banana – cherry – currant – grapes -
gooseberry – raspberry - strawberry – lemon – water-
melon – orange – peach – pear – pineapple – plums –
tangerine – walnut – chestnut – date – raisin
6. Seasoning and spices
- margarine - sunflower oil – salt, pepper – vinegar –
baking powder – flower – mayonnaise
What Do They Eat?
- For breakfast
- sandwiches
- eggs (bacon and eggs, scrambled eggs, poached
- cereals (cornflakes)
- dairy produce (yoghurt, cheddar cheese)
- toast with marmalade
- For lunch
a) for the first course: -meat with vegetables
-fish and chips
-chips and sausages (plain
and butter)
-Yorkshire pudding, cottage
-barbecued meat
-vegetables (beans, peas,
lettuce, celery)
b) for dessert: -plum/ jam/ rice/ pudding
3. For their afternoon tea
- pastries: -a cheese/ plum/ chocolate cake
-a doughnut
-a strawberry tart
-an apple pie
4. For dinner
a) for the first course: -chicken broth, beef tea,
vegetable soup
b) for the second course: -meat with vegetables
5. Supper
Vocabulary Practice |
1. Enumerate (as many as you can)
- kinds of meat
- kinds of fish
- fruits
- vegetables
- dairy produce
- dishes with eggs
- pastries
2. Make sure you can answer the following questions:
- What did you have for breakfast/ dinner/ supper yesterday?
- What are you going to have dinner/ supper today?
- What’s your favourite fruit/ vegetable/ kind of fish/ first course/ second course/ desert?
- What do you like having for dinner/ supper?
- What dishes do you cook?
3. Odd Man Out
- In each of these lines, there’s one word should be not there. Can you find it and explain why you think so?
- butcher, greengrocer, baker, newsagent;
- orange, potato, apple, grape;
- kitchen, bedroom, garage, dining-room;
- gin, vodka, whiskey, lemonade;
- pear, biscuit, plum, cherry;
- carrot, vegetable, cabbage, egg-plant;
- beef, lamb, egg, pork;
- noodles, beefsteak, fish, chop;
- cornflakes, porridge, poultry, rice.
Stories and Dialogues
1. Breakfast
They say, breakfast should be substantial, but I don’t
like to have breakfast. I prefer a cup of tea or cocoa with a couple of sandwiches. Sometimes I have coffee in the morning, but not very often. I have it white. My mother likes eggs for breakfast, but not me. I like neither boiled nor fried eggs. On Sunday when I take it easy, I like a toast with butter and honey. But my favourite Sunday breakfast is cold meat with mustard, or ham with brown bread.
2. Dinner
Dinner is my most substantial meal. Usually I have a four-course dinner. I like to have vegetable salad for an appetizer or herring with oil and onions. Cabbage soup is my favourite first course. I have it with sour-cream and brown bread. But sometimes I have chicken soup
or broth with rice. I prefer meat to fish for the second. I like fried or stewed meat with gravy and mashed potatoes or boiled vegetables. If I have fish for dinner I have it fried with chips and green peas. I'm very particular about my dessert. In summer I have stewed fruit or fruit juice. In winter I prefer to have hot strong and sweet tea with lemon if there's some.
3. Tea
Englishmen like to have tea at five o'clock. So do I. I
think it does you good as you can have a very light supper after five-o'clock tea. I usually make my tea myself and like to lay the table for it. I like to have tea with lemon and sugar. My mother prefers hers with
jam or marmalade.. Very often we have tea with honey and buttered toasts. On Sunday my mother or we bake something to a chat a cake or a pie. We like to have a chat over a cup of strong nice tea.
4. At Lunch
Vocabulary Notes:
tempt – соблазнять
I must have put on pounds as it is. – Я так уже поправился.
You have hardly eaten anything. – Вы почти ничего не ели.
Just take it to please me. – Ну, съешьте ради меня.
… or I shan't have any room for the pudding. – а то у меня не останется места для пудинга.
1 2
-You must have some -Wouldn''t you like
more chicken. to finish up the
-No, thanks. I'm slimming. omelette?
-Can't I tempt you? -No, really, thank
-Well, may be I could you. I just couldn't
manage a very small piece. eat any more.
-Come on, now.
Surely you can
manage it
-No, thank you
really, I must have
put on pounds as it is.
3 4
-Another piece of meat -Do you have the rest of
pie? the mashed potato?
-No, thanks, really, I'm -No, thank you, I have
on a diet. had too much already.
-Please, do. You have -Just take it to please me.
hardly eaten anything. –OK, but only a small
-It's delicious, but I piece, or I shan't have any
don't think I ought to. room for the pudding…
NOTE: Although the correct name for the midday meal is ''lunch'', many English families call it ''dinner''.
To complicate matters further, the mid-morning break of coffee and biscuits is also called ''lunch''. English people do not wish each other ''Good appetite''.
5. An English Restaurant
- Can we take this nice table for two?
- No, I'm sorry, you can't. It's reserved. Come over here, please. You'll be very comfortable at this table. Here is the menu card.
- Thank you very much. Give us some time to look it through.
- Of course. (in some minutes) have you made the choice?
- I'll start with soup and have a beef steak to follow.
- Do you prefer the beef steak underdone or well-done?
- I like it tender.
- As for me, I had meat for my main course yesterday, so I'll have fish for a change.
- Will you have any dessert? What would you like?
- Fruit salad and ice cream for me.
- I'll have the same. And I'll take a cup of coffee. Won't you have one also?
- Yes. Make it two. That'll be all, I suppose.
- What do we have to pay, waiter?
- 69 euros and 20 cents, sir.
- Here you are. (Give a €100 note.)
- Here is your change – 30 euros and 80 cents.
- Forget 80 cents.
- Thank you. Goodbye.
1. –to lay the table
-to spread the table cloth
-to put smth. down
2. Grockery and Cutlery
-bowl – salad/ fruit/ sugar bowl
-plate – butter/ meat/ soup/ deep platу
-dish – butter/ meat dish
-coffee pot/ cup
-water/ milk jug
-soup tureen, soup ladle
-salt cellar
-pepper/ mustard pot
-frying pan, cooking pan
- tea kettle/ pot
-spoon – soup/ dessert/ tea spoon
-knife – fish/ butter/ caviere/ carving knife
3. taste: salty, sweet, hot, sour, bitter, spicy
smell: strong, appetizing
way of cooking: to roast, to fry, to boil, to barbeque,
to bake, to grill, to stew
Vocabulary Practice |
Make sure you can answer the following questions:
- Can you lay the table properly?
- What do you need to lay the table for breakfast/ dinner/ tea/ supper?
- Have you tried your hand in cooking?
- What was the first dish you cooked?
- How often do you cook for yourself?
The Brown's Dining Room
In the dining-room we have our meals: breakfast in the morning, lunch In the middle of the day, and supper or dinner in the evening.
Here you see Mr. and Mrs. Thomson who've just arrived from abroad and are having dinner with the Browns. The host, Mr. Brown, is sitting at the head of the table, and the hostess, Mrs. Brown, is at the other and, Mr. and Mrs. Thomson are sitting on either side, facing each other.
The dining-room table is covered with a white cloth. Mrs. Brown has laid the table In the usual way, and has put the right number of knives, forks, spoons and glasses for each person. There's also pepper and salt, oil and vinegar, and mustard. On the left of each person is a table-napkin and a plate with a roll on it. In front of the host there's a carving-knife and fork.
On the sideboard the Browns usually have a bowl of fruit: apples, pears, plums, cherries, grapes, oranges or bananas, according to the season. The mistress of the house has just served the soup. After this there'll be fish, meat or poultry with vegetables, then a sweet, and perhaps cheese and biscuits to finish with.
Comprehension Questions:
- Who is having dinner with the Browns?
- Where are the host and hostess sitting?
- Who has laid the table?
- What is there on the table?
- What are they having for dinner?
Discussion Questions:
- Is the table laid correctly?
- Do you lay the table in the same way or not?
- Do you always lay the table like that or only when you have guests coming?
Group Activities
1. Brush up your table manners.
A. Answer the following questions and then check your answers by comparing then with the answers below:
- What is correct way to sit at table?
- Should you use your fork or your knife for taking a slice of bread from the bread-plate?
- How should you get a slice of bread from the plate standing on the far end of the table?
- What is the correct way of using spoon, fork and knife?
- How should you cut your meat?
- What are the dishes for which knife shouldn't be used?
- What is the way to eat chicken?
- What is one supposed to do with the stones while eating stewed fruit?
- What should you do with the spoon after stirring your tea?
- What should you do if food is too hot?
- What should you say to refuse a second helping?
- What should you say if you like the dish very much?
- What should you say if you dislike the dish?
- What shouldn't one do while eating?
- What should one keep the newspaper or the book during a meal, on the table or on one's lap?
B. Make up dialogues discussing good and bad manners.
Use material of Section A for questions and that of Section for answers.
Answers to Section A:
- «It tastes (really) fine» or «It is delicious».
- Never eat the stones (trying to be overpolite). Neither would it be a good idea to dispose of them dropping them under the table, placing them in your pocket or in your neighbour's wine-glass. Just take them from your mouth on your spoon and plate them on your own saucer.
- Nowhere near the table. Reading at one's meals is a bad habit: it is bad for your digestion and impolite towards others sitting at the same table.
- Sit straight and close to the table. Don't put your elbows on the table. Don't cross your legs or spread them all over the place under the table.
- Never lean across the table or over your neighbours to get something out of your reach. Just say: «Please pass me the bread» or «Would you mind passinh the bread, please»
- Nothing. Keep your impressions to yourself and don't embarrass your hostess.
- Fish dishes are usually eaten without using knife. If one does, it is considered to be a serious breach of good table manners. The same refers to rissoles, cereal and, in general, to anything that is soft enough to be comfortably eaten with spoon or fork.
- Neither. Your hand quite correct for getting a slice of bread for yourself. And after all, it is you who is going to eat it.
- While eating, one should produce as little noise
- or sound as possible. It is decidedly bad manners
- to speak with your mouth full. Don't put your bread In your soup. Don't pour yuor tea In your saucer. Don't leave much on the plate: it is impolite towards your hostess. If you have liked the dish, it doesn't follow that you should polish the plate with your bread.
- Don't hold your spoon In your flat, don't tilt it so be to spill its contants. The fork should be held In your left hand, the knife In your right.
- It is wrong first to cut all the meat you have got on your plate In small pieces and then eat it. Cut off a slice at a time, eat it, then cut off another, holding your knife In the right hand and your fork In the left.
- «No more, thank you.»
- Cut off and eat as much as possible by using your knife and fork: the remaining part eat holding the piece In your hand by the end of the bone.
- Never cool your food by blowing at it. Just wait a bit, there's no hurry.
- Don't leave your spoon In the glass while drinking. Put it on your saucer.
2. What would you say about the following questions?
- Some people eat to stay alive, while for others eating In a hobby. Do you enjoy your food? Are you careful about your food or do you eat what you enjoy?
- Homes are not just places, and when we invite people into our homes what happens in one country can be very
- different from what happens in another.
- In what happens in your country and In England the same when you ask somebody for dinner?
- You have invited guests for dinner. What time would you invite them? If you invited them for that time, what time would you expect them to arrive: before that time, after it or exactly at that time?
- Would you expect them to bring a gift with them? If so what sort of gift?
- When they arrive would you offer them anything to drink before the meal?
- If somebody who was invited for dinner brought a box of chocolate, would you open it during the evening or not?
- What do you think the men guests will wear?
- If you invite guests to your home (for dinner), what time would you expect them to leave?
- When would the guests thank you for the meal, during it or after it? On the same day or later?
Translation Practice |
- Бери конфеты, мармелад, печенье. – Да, спасибо. Передай мне, пожалуйста, печенье.
- Папа просит принести салфетки.
- Где солонка? – Ой, я забыла поставить её на стол, сейчас принесу.
- Обычно бабушка накрывает на стол, когда у нас гости. Она очень красиво это делает.
- Передай мне, пожалуйста, мясо. – Вот.
- Ты уже положила скатерть на стол? – Нет ещё.
- Скажи Ане, чтобы принесла солонку. Суп совсем недосолённый.
- Где заварной чайник? – На кухне. – Принеси его, пожалуйста.
- Я решила испечь шоколадный торт. А у нас закончились мука. Ты не сходишь в магазин?
- Давай сделаем блины на ужин. – Давай. А ты умеешь? – Это не просто. Яйца, молоко, мука. Единственное, жарить их долго.
- Помоги мне, пожалуйста, накрыть на стол. Поставь чашки, блюдца и тарелки для пирожных. Не забудь поставить сахарницу и молочник.
- Ты умеешь готовить? – Немного. Я умею печь неплохо. Но я никогда не пробовала варить суп или приготовить сложное мясное блюдо.
- Так вкусно пахнет. – Да? Это моя сестра жарила утку в духовке.
- Такая хорошая погода. Давай на выходные съездим на пикник, пожарим шашлыки. – Великолепно.
- Принеси вазу с фруктами. Я купила абрикосы и персики сегодня.
Vocabulary: |
1. Names of shopes:
- butcher's (at the - ) – baker's – grocer's – greengrocer's – fishmonger's – confectioner's – supermarket
2. At the supermarket:
- customer/ shopper
- cashier
- shop-assistant
- carrier – bag/shopping bag
- conveyer belt
- check – out desk
3. Departments at a supermarket
- frozen foods
- dairy produce
- tinned food
- meat
- packeged goods
- vegetables and fruits
Vocabulary Practice |
1. Name all the things you can buy at different shops and departments at a supermarket.
2. Will you please decide what things you would buy In an American store and which in an English shop:
- cookie, biscuit
- chips, French fries
- chocolate, candy
- tin, can
- biscuit, cracker
3. for each of the quantities on the left find an appropriate kind of uncountable food or drink on the left:
- a slice of a) cake
- a loaf of b) ham
- a piece of c) lemon juice
- a bowl of d) cornflakes
- a bunch of e) salt
- a pinch of f) bread
- a crop of g) grapes
Dialogues |
1. Daily needs
Gene: This is the last of milk. (We've run out of milk).
Mother: I know. I intend to go to the store today.
- Would you get some of that new cerial we saw advertised on TV?
- Which one?
- You know… the one with the silly ad (advertisement) about how vitamins jump up and down.
- Oh, you mean «Kikies»
- Yeah. That's the one.
- Well, I'll see. Sometimes the stores don't haev some of the new kinds of cereal.
2. A few Errands
Felix: I'm just going down to the shops to buy some cigarettes, Gertie. Do you want anything while I'm there?
Gertie: Yea, what a good idea! There's a lot of things I need, as a matter of fact. Let me see… We haven't got many eggs left, so bring a dozen large ones. And there isn't much cooking-fat In the jar, so bring a pound of lard.
- Hold on! If you want me to get a lot of things, write them down on a piece of paper, or I'll forget something.
- All right. But wait a minute, while I look in the other cupboard to see what we need.
- Hurry up, then I want to call In for a chat with Gerry on the way back.
- We've got a plenty of cocoa, but we've nearly run out of coffee and there isn't a great deal of tea left. So bring a large tin of instant and a quarter pound of tea. Oh! And I want some ham.
- How much?
- Half a pound will do. We're short of vegetables, tea, bring some beans and a tin of carrots…
- I only wanted to go out for a stroll and a chat. I'll need a lorry to bring all that home…
Group Activities
1. In the following dialogues the part of Jennifer has been left out. Put in the words she speaks in the right order from the phrases below:
- A bar of lux, please.
- And a dozen eggs, please.
- Haven't you?
- A packet of crisps, please. And a bar of soap.
- Standard, please.
- Tea, please.
- Thank you. Cheerio.
- Hello, Mr. Davies. I'd like to have a pound of butter, please.
- And a tin of pears, please.
- No, just one more thing – a pound of cheese.
- All right. I'll take a tin of peaches them.
Mr. Davies – Hello, Jenny. What can I do for you?
Jennifer 1) ………
- Yes. Anything else?
2) ………
- Large or standard?
3) ………
- Here you are.
4) ……….
- Oh, I'm afraid we haven't got any peare left.
5) ……….
- No, but we've got lots of peached.
6) ………..
- Right you are. Anything else?
7) ………..
- Yes. Now what sort of soap do you want?
- 30 -
8) ………..
- Right. Is that all?
9) ………...
- Cheddar?
10) ………
- Right, then, let's see now… That's 1.5 L pounds, altogether, please, Jenny. ( Jenny hands him 2 pounds). Thank you. And 49 pence change.
11) ………
- Cheerio, love.
2. In pair try to decide on foodstuffs you need at the moment/ for a party. Then interact talks between the one who goes to a shop with your shopping list and a shop-assistant.
Translation Practice |
- По-моему, у нас закончился сахар, да и масла немного осталось. Придётся сегодня зайти в магазин по дороге домой.
- Ты не сходишь в булочную? У нас нет хлеба. – Хорошо.
- Я терпеть не могу ходить по магазинам. Особенно, когда приходится стоять в очереди.
- Так хочется рыбы. Давай пожарим рыбу на ужин. – Тогда нужно сходить в рыбный магазин. – Давай, ты пойдёшь и купишь форель или треску, а я пожарю.
- Представляешь, сегодня пока я стояла в очереди в
- универсаме, женщина впереди увидела подругу и позвала её. Пришлось ждать лишних полчаса, пока эта дама делала закупку продуктов на целую неделю.
- – Тебе помочь? У тебя, по-моему, тяжёлая сумка. – Да, спасибо. По дороге из института я зашла в мясной и овощной, и накупила мяса, картошки, огурцов т. д.
- – Я собираюсь в магазин. Что нужно купить? – Много всего. Завтра у нас гости. Купи, пожалуйста, цыплят, колбасы, ветчины. Нам также нужно немного горошка; ах да, ещё масла, сметаны … - Подожди, может, ты лучше составишь мне список? А то я что-нибудь забуду.
- – Что бы вы хотели? – 2 фунта говядины и ветчины. – Отлично. – Что-нибудь ещё? – Нет, спасибо.
- – Я бы хотела купить компот из абрикосов, немного апельсинового сока. - Что-нибудь ещё? - Да. Банку сливового варенья. - Это будет 5 фунтов.
- – Чья очередь идти в магазин? – Моя. – Отлично. Не забудь купить кофе. У нас его почти не осталось. – Ладно, ладно, я уже посмотрела, кофе у нас нет.
- Агабекян, И.П. Английский для обслуживающего персонала. / И.П. Агабекян. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2005
- Щербакова, Н.И., Звенигородская, Н.С. Английский язык для специалистов сферы общественного питания. / Н.И. Щербакова, Н.С. Звенигородская. – М.: Академа, 2005
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