Контрольные работы для 8-9 классов
тест (английский язык, 8 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Test for the 8th year students
Variant 1
- Match the suggestions to their results.
1. Governments should improve public transport.
2. People should get involved in recycling schemes.
3. We should ban cars from city centres.
4. Governments should force factories to put filters on chimneys.
5. We should stop using the products of companies whose factories cause pollution.
- There will be less rubbish to pollute the environment.
- We will force them to use environmentally friendly production methods.
- We can make the streets cleaner, safer and quieter.
- People won’t have to use cars to get around.
- Harmful gases won’t pollute the atmosphere.
- Rewrite the sentences above using unreal conditionals: if + past simple, … would + infinitive.
- Change the words if it possible.
Beauty, work, water, hurt, protect, predict, compete, nature, ecology, culture, teach.
IV. Use suitable forms of the words above to fill the gaps below.
1. We have a lot of _________________ problems nowadays.
2. He is the best ____________ of our company.
3. If you make a ____________ about something, you say what you think will happen.
4. If you describe something as___________, you mean that it is very attractive or pleasing.
5. It is impossible to change the laws of nature.
6. She didn't want to_______ his feelings.
7. The _________ of a mineral spring is used medicinally for bathing in or drinking
8. The government has organised some _____________ for school children in the area..
V. Work with the texts: a) Decide if each sentence correct, incorrect or not stated;
b) Join the titles with the paragraphs.
Test for the 8th year students
Variant 2
I. Match the suggestions to their results.
1. Governments should improve public transport.
2. People should get involved in recycling schemes.
3. We should ban cars from city centres.
4. Governments should force factories to put filters on chimneys.
5. We should stop using the products of companies whose factories cause pollution.
- There will be less rubbish to pollute the environment.
- We will force them to use environmentally friendly production methods.
- We can make the streets cleaner, safer and quieter.
- People won’t have to use cars to get around.
- Harmful gases won’t pollute the atmosphere.
- Rewrite the sentences above using unreal conditionals: if + past simple, … would + infinitive.
- Change the words if it possible.
Wonder, drive, waste, damage, pollute, explore, collect, nation, geography, music, sing.
- Use suitable forms of the words above to fill the gaps below.
1. It was rather interesting _________________research.
2. Recycling also helps control environmental __________ by reducing the need for waste dumps.
3. His goal was to______________the world of science and technology.
4. The climate was ______________ all the year round.
5. They liked that song as they had similar ____________ tastes.
6. The car was badly______________ in the accident.
7. A ___________ is an individual country with its social and political structures.
8. I don't use the car, so why should I ____________ my money on it?
- Work with the texts: a) Decide if each sentence correct, incorrect or not stated;
b) Join the titles with the paragraphs.
Test for the 9th year students Variant 1
I. Put in suitable reflexive pronouns.
1. Mary bought a book and taught ________ to play the guitar.
2. John fell and hurt _______ yesterday.
3. The computer will turn _________ off if you don't use it.
4. She looked at _______ in the mirror to check her makeup.
5. June can't afford to buy _______ a new car, so her dad is going to buy one for her.
6. It is best if you do it ___________.
7. The house __________ is nice, but the garden is small.
- Make the sentences passive.
- Shakespeare wrote 'Hamlet'.
- They have arrested her for shoplifting.
- They are repairing your car now.
- People in Chile speak Spanish.
- Somebody will ask Peter.
- My mother made this ring.
- Electricity drives this car.
- Complete the sentences with the or no article( - ).
- The population of ___China is four times bigger than the population of ____USA.
- ____ Nile is the longest river in the world.
- ____ Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in _____Africa.
- _____ Sahara desert is expending to the south at a rate of 30 miles a year.
- The coldest month in ______ Antarctica is ____ July.
- Change the words if it possible.
Beauty, work, water, hurt, protect, predict, compete, nature, ecology, culture, teach.
V. Use suitable forms of the words above to fill the gaps below.
1. We have a lot of _________________ problems nowadays.
2. He is the best ____________ of our company.
3. If you make a ____________ about something, you say what you think will happen.
4. If you describe something as___________, you mean that it is very attractive or pleasing.
5. It is impossible to change the laws of nature.
6. She didn't want to_______ his feelings.
7. The _________ of a mineral spring is used medicinally for bathing in or drinking
8. The government has organised some _____________ for school children in the area..
VI. Work with the text.
Test for the 9th year students Variant 2
I. Put in suitable reflexive pronouns.
1. No one is going to help us, so we'll have to do it ___________.
2. Veronica always cuts her hair _________, and it always looks great.
3. Robert ________ is quite friendly, but the rest of his family is very cold.
4. Did you know that the Morrises built their house ___________?
5. I don't trust anyone else to do my accounts; I always do them _______.
6. I got to see the gardens, but the palace _________ was closed.
7. We decided to keep most of the fruits for ___________.
II. Make the sentences passive.
- Somebody will tell you where to go.
- A drunken motorist knocked her down.
- Liverpool beat Manchester 3-0.
- The Chinese invented paper.
- You need hops to make beer.
- The sell stamps in post offices.
- The directors are still considering your application.
III. Complete the sentences with the or no article( - ).
- The Middle East is the world east of ____ Mediterranean Sea and west of____ India.
- ____ Atacama desert is in ____ Chile.
- ____Chile is situated between ____ Pacific Ocean in the west and ___ Andes to the East.
- We stayed at the hotel near _____lake Balaton.
IV. Change the words if it possible.
Wonder, drive, waste, damage, pollute, explore, collect, nation, geography, music, sing.
V. Use suitable forms of the words above to fill the gaps below.
1. It was rather interesting _________________research.
2. Recycling also helps control environmental __________ by reducing the need for waste dumps.
3. His goal was to______________the world of science and technology.
4. The climate was ______________ all the year round.
5. They liked that song as they had similar ____________ tastes.
6. The car was badly______________ in the accident.
7. A ___________ is an individual country with its social and political structures.
8. I don't use the car, so why should I ____________ my money on it?
VI. Work with the text.
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