Контрольная работа 3 класс.
тест по английскому языку по теме

Варлахина Ирина Рифовна

Финальный тест для школ с углублённым изучением английского языка. 3 класс.


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Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Test        I                                         the 3rd form
  2. I. Choose the correct item.
  1. My friend … a letter now.

 is reading, reads, read

  1. The English usually … porridge for breakfast.

are having, have, had

3.  I … for a walk yesterday.

am going, go, went

  1. They … to school now.

are going, go, went

  1. People often …  their friends at the weekend.

are visiting, visit, visited

  1. He … to much juice last morning.

is drinking, drinks, drank

7.  Your … bikes are there.

friends, friends’

8. The … house is nice.

        fox, fox’s

9. There … a lot of books on the table.

is, are

10.There … ten chairs in the room last week.

        was, were

  1. Open the brackets.
  1. We usually (to have) fish for supper.
  2. Last week he ( to go) to the swimming pool.
  3. My sister (to do) her home work now.
  4. Mummy (to buy) a lot of fruit yesterday.
  5. He (to watch) cartoons tomorrow.
  6. They  (to have) dinner now.
  7. She (to visit) her granny next Sunday.

  1. Change to the plural.
  1. The story was funny.
  2. The wolf is hungry.
  3. The child likes to play.
  4. The woman is thirsty.

  1. Write the questions to this sentence:

Granny grew a lot of vegetables in the garden last summer.






  1. Test        II                                         the 3rd form
  2. I. Choose the correct item.

1.The English usually …. four meals a day.

         are having, have, had

2.Last week I … a lot of work to do.

         am having,  have, had

  1. They … TV now.

are watching, watch, watched

  1. She … too many cookies yesterday.

is eating, eats, ate

  1. The people of Norway   … a big Christmas tree to Londoners every year.                  are sending, send, sent
  2. We … dinner now.

are having, have, had

7. My … uncle works in London.

 friend, friend’s

  1. My … friends work in Kiev.

parents, parents’

  1. There … a lot of books in the bag.

was, were

  1. There  … two clocks in the room.

is, are

  1. Open the brackets.
  1. He always (to get up) at six o’clock.
  2. We (to clean) the room now.
  3. They (to go)  for a walk with their dog tomorrow.
  4. My friend (to bring) me a very interesting book last week.
  5. I (to speak) on the phone now.
  6. She (to drink) a lot of milk yesterday.
  7. He (to play) football  next week.

  1. Change to the plural.

1.The baby was clever.

2. The wife likes to cook.

3. He is a funny man.

  1. The  tooth was white.


  1. Write the questions to this sentence:

Usually they have dinner at five o’clock.






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