A typical Australian. Stereotypes to discuss .
творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Stereotypes to discuss. ( This material was used for the project "Countries and people" in 2006-2007 by the pupil of the 9th form Tarasova Veronika.)
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The typical Australian. The Australians in films like to think of themselves as strong and hard people who can cross deserts, hunt crocodiles and kill snakes with their hands. But most Australians never go near the “out-back”, as they call the land far away from town. Most of them live in the cities. They go to work every day in offices and factories and return every night to their homes in the suburbs just like the people of New York, London, Tokyo and Rome.
One more false belief concerns the typical Australian bushman, living on hot land in the Out back. Here also there is a paradox, as the bushman still likes comfort and often goes home to an air-conditioned house complete with freezer, TV and computer. Tasmanians are down-to-earth, friendly and generous people. Generally, they are contented and there is less serious crime and fewer divorces than in a lot of other countries.
A typical Australian is called the “ocker". He drinks a lot of beer, talks about nothing but sport and would die for his friends-his men friends, of course. To ockers, women are not important-their place is in the home, cooking plenty of red meat for their husbands and looking after their children. Like all typical national characters, there is a little truth in the ocker.lt is true that some Australian men drink a lot, love sport and enjoy spending time with men friends. But not all Australians are ockers and not all ockers are Australians.
The most popular kinds of sport are cricket, tennis, golf, basketball, various codes of football and, of course, aquatic recreating-swimming, yachting and surfing.
One more interesting feature a visitor can find in almost every Australian city is plaques. Australians put plaques on just about everything, as a visitor from the USA in the Internet information testifies with humour: “John William Wallingduddy, honourable mayor, commissioned this plaque to honour the visit of the such-and-such British queen, who sat on this bench during the naming ceremony Of such-and-such ship in 1903”.
The way of life of people depends on climate and natural conditions.
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