Открытый урок английского языка в 7 классе по теме "Vertebrates"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Лобанова Светлана Геннадьевна

Разработка заключительного урока по теме "Позвоночные животные" на английском языке для 7 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Открытый урок спецкурса “Science” по теме “Vertebrates”(Позвоночные животные).

Тип урока: Заключительный по теме «Позвоночные животные»

Форма урока: Ролевая игра

Цель: Проанализировать характерные черты различных групп животных и систематизировать полученные знания. Составление схемы – анализа.

Используемый материал: Наглядные пособия, таблицы, игровые карточки

Ход урока:

Учитель говорит вступительное слово.

Teacher: Well, students, we have already classified and studied all the groups of animals at our “Science” classes. Today we shall have the final lesson on the topic “Vertebrates”. I want to invite you to the Zoo where we can find all the representatives of the vertebrates. The result of our visit will the skim, that you will fill in during our play.

Pupils: O.K. Here we are. It is the Zoo. And there are many animals to see and to discuss.

Teacher: Remind me, please, what animals are called vertebrates.

Pupils: Vertebrates are animals with backbone.

Teacher: That’s right. What two groups of vertebrates can you name?

Pupils: We know that they are divided into cold-blooded and warm-blooded.

Teacher: Good. Let’s begin our excursion with the cold-blooded animals. What is the definition of cold-blooded?

Pupils: Cold-blooded are animals whose body temperature depends on their surroundings (water or air).

Teacher: That’s right.

Pupils: Look, it’s a big aquarium! There are many fish there. And this is the biggest fish – the white shark.

Shark: Fish is a cold-blooded vertebrate that lives in water and breathes through gills.

(В это время один из учеников записывает в схему слово Fish)

Teacher: Look at the covering of the fish. What is it?

Pupils: It has scales that protect the body of the fish from water.

Teacher: And what helps fish to move in water?

Pupils: I know that all fish have fins to swim.

Teacher: That’s right. Now we see that fish make up one group of cold-blooded vertebrates. And their main characteristics are:

Pupils: -    live in water;

  • have gills to breathe in water;
  • have fins to move in water;
  • have scales to protect the body from water;
  • lay eggs in water.

Teacher: That’s good. Please look over there. There are frogs and salamanders. What group of cold-blooded vertebrates do they represent?

Pupils: They are amphibians as well as toads and newts.

Frog: Amphibians are cold-blooded vertebrates that live part of their lives in water and part on land.

(В это время один из учеников записывает в схему слово Amphibians)

Teacher: Yes, they can live in water and on land that is why they have two things to breathe. What are they?

Pupils: Gills to breathe in water and lungs to breathe on land.

Pupils: I wish I have both lungs and gills that I could stay in water for a long time.

Teacher: Yes. Look at the salamander’s body. It has nothing but skin.

Pupils: The skin is moist, slimy and scaleless. And with the help of the skin amphibians can get and additional oxygen from the air.

Teacher: Do amphibians drink like other animals?

Pupils: No, they don’t. They absorb water through their skin.

Teacher: That’s good. So, amphibians are the second group of cold-blooded vertebrates. Let’s go on our excursion and visit the third group – reptiles. Remind us please who represents this group.

Pupils: -    crocodiles and alligators;

  • lizards;
  • snakes;
  • tortoises and turtles.

Crocodile: Reptiles are cold-blooded vertebrates that have lungs and dry skin.

(В это время один из учеников записывает в схему слово Reptiles)

Pupils: Yes, we learned this at our “Science” classes.

Teacher: We know that reptiles lave on land but can also stay in water. Does this fact mean that reptiles also have gills?

Pupils: Oh, no. They have only lungs to breathe oxygen.

Teacher: Please look at this lizard. It looks like salamander from the amphibian group of animals. What’s the difference between them?

Pupils: Lizards have got dry skin with scales, but salamanders have slimy skin without scales.

Teacher: So, what three groups of cold-blooded vertebrates do you know?

Pupils: Называют все три группы из заполненной схемы.

Teacher: That’s good. Let’s go on our excursion. We shall see the warm-blooded animals now. But first of all tell me the definition of the warm-blooded.

Pupils: Warm-blooded are animals whose body temperature doesn’t depend on their surroundings (water or air).

Teacher: Let’s visit cages with tigers, zebras, bears and echidnas. Do you remember what group of warm-blooded they represent?

Pupils: They are all mammals.

Tiger: Mammals are warm-blooded vertebrates that feed their babies with milk from their mothers’ bodies.

(В это время один из учеников записывает в схему слово Mammals)

Teacher: What main features of mammals do you know?

Pupils: -     they have well-developed brains;

  • can solve problems;
  • learn through their experience;
  • they are careful parents and nurse there babies for a long time;
  • they born babies alive.

Teacher: Are there mammals that lay eggs?

Pupils: Yes. There are two of them: echidna and platypus, but they also feed their babies with milk.

Teacher: Why can’t a tiger and a zebra stay in one and the same cage?

Pupils: Because the tiger is a carnivore that eats meat and the zebra is a herbivore that eats plants. The tiger can eat the zebra.

Teacher: What is the covering of mammals?

Pupils: Hair or fur.

Teacher: And what about humans? Our mothers also feed babies with milk. Are humans mammals?

Pupils: Yes, we are.

Teacher: let’s go to the birds. There are a lot of different birds in the world Do you know the largest and the smallest birds?

Pupils: The largest is ostrich and the smallest is hummingbird.

Ostrich: Birds are warm-blooded vertebrates that are covered with feathers.

(В это время один из учеников записывает в схему слово Birds)

Teacher: Look at these birds. What is common to them?

Pupils: They have feathers and wings to fly.

Teacher: Do all birds fly?

Pupils: No, ostrich and penguin can’t fly. Their wings help them to run fast or to swim.

Teacher: All birds have different sizes and shapes of the beaks. Why?

Pupils: Because they eat different food: meat, crops, seeds, insects.

Teacher: That’s right. Do you remember how the birds breed?

Pupils: They make nest and lay eggs. After hatching parent feed their nestling with insects or pieces of meat.

Teacher: O.K., students. That’s good. Let’s summarize everything we have repeated today. Look at our skim and read it aloud.

Один ученик читает в слух заполненную схему.

Teacher: I’m pleased with you knowledge. And I hope you liked our excursion to the Zoo. And at the end of the lesson let’s sing a song “Hippo”.

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