Teacher's profession devotion through lifetime
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Эссе на тему "Autumn's Аnspiration"
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Success is a way, not a goal.
Ben Switlend
...The bell rang for the class. Several pairs of curious eyes looked impatiently at the door of the classroom. After a moment the door opens, and she comes in - a Teacher of English. This will be the first lesson of a new school subject. «Foreign language » are the words that fascinated and attracted.
At the third desk by the window was sitting a schoolgirl of the fifth form with funny pigtails. Perhaps at that moment was deciding her fate, a road in her profession and in life…
Eleven years later, the girl was standing already on the other side of the door in class, worrying before the first meeting with her disciples. Behind were fascinating school lessons, exams with shiny «excellent» mark in her favourite subject in the certificate, the student years at one of the prestigious faculties of the pedagogical University and ... A whole range of emotions from surprise to the sympathy of my former classmates and friends: «How? To work at school with your English? After all, there are excellent opportunities for self-realization in other professions related to foreign languages: an interpreter, a guide, a diplomatic staff, a stewardess of international airlines. Why not?!»
But I was drawn to where I was successful in school years, where I was comfortable and extremely interesting. And finally I really wanted to see how adults have a success of sincere, open and do not like lies the little people, in what cherished words and actions pedagogical success is.
Working at school, each of us finds or trying to find their own formula of success.
In my opinion it is very important, first of all, to be able to set goals and achieve them.
This ability applies to all purposes, without exception. They are vital, cultivating, educational and organizational purposes. If we want to achieve professional success, we must learn to reconcile personal and business goals. Formula probability of achieving the objective is: presentation of a detailed picture of the desired plus a choice of the main goals plus assessment of internal and external dangers plus personal enthusiasm and real steps!
Effective goal setting and planning allows you to turn the future into the present. After all, «the future belongs with a greater extent to people seeking to achieve high results, independent, rely primarily on themselves, who respects the other purposeful and directed people's success and expresses its appreciation to those who appreciate what he has. The future belongs to those who knows that the welfare of the community, the member of which he is, tantamount to its own benefits». (From the book by Nikolaus Enkelman «Power motivation».)
I am sure personal qualities are also important. They are a support for professional success. Tolerance, love to children, sociability, insistence, the ability to notice the good things, justice and artistry this are an incomplete list of the quite appropriate pedagogical qualities. Parents value a teacher’s education, erudition, love for the profession, kindness, love to children and respect to people. I state this as a parent and as a teacher.
To learn more about ourselves we have a survey in our school «A teacher through the students’ eyes» and «A teacher through the parents’ eyes».
In the basis of the image is the moral position of a teacher. It can be expressed in the form of short philosophical justification of his own activities. My life principle is everything will be all right (Hakuna Matata). My own formula is «Think about the children as your own and they will think of you as their parent».
I remembered the legend of the «Echo in our lives». One day a father and his son were walking in the mountains. Suddenly the son fell, hurt and cried: «AHHH!» To his surprise he heard a voice somewhere high in the mountains responded: «AHHH!» Intrigued, he shouted: «Who are you?» And the answer was: «Who are you?» Then he looked at his father and asked: «What was it?» The father smiled and said, «Son, listen». After this he turned to the mountains and shouted: «I like You!» And the voice answered him: «I like You!» The boy was very surprised, but he didn’t understand anything. Then the father explained to him: «People call it the ECHO, but really this is life. You meet the same what you said or did. Your life is just a reflection of your actions. If you want to be loved more, first fill your heart with love».
If we want our students to know more, we must be the first ourselves to get to know. Such a relationship exists with towards everything in life, to each it’s aspect and life will return to us all things that we gave her. Under this formula I'm trying to build my educational system. The main condition is an absolute sincerity because any false instantly captured with children and undermines any effort.
We cannot forget about our own image .A dictionary says that an image is a type or purposefully formed image of the person called to render the emotional and psychological impact on anyone. Particular importance has the external image of a teacher. Children are not alien to the aesthetic sense; they are highly sensitive to any dissonance, including dress and manners. The educational impact of external shape is impossible if we are in drab, knitted sweaters, combined with jeans, worn shoes, greasy cosmetics or its absence. This style consists in the ability by available means to achieve a perfection. The main thing in style is «a little».
A smile… When we are happy and full of enthusiasm is always a choice, but not the result. A joy and happiness do more perfect personality and attitude of people to us, helping to keep the right direction in the life. The happiness and energy are similar to influenza: they infect the others. After all, to pose an unhappy grimace is necessary to put seventy-two muscles into operation, but to smile we need just fourteen muscles. If we smile and shine with a joy gloomy people will be removed from us. The person, wishing to achieve success, must be in a good mood!
As practice shows, professional comfort is often associated with the personal resilience and mental condition of a teacher. You need to learn to «get out» of the profession, to find a saving island. As for me, I have got it. This is my family. It is warm in my family. All the free time we spend together. We read, play, travel... I draw a huge reserve of optimism and enthusiasm from family relations.
I think the result will be a harmony, if create of all this strive something whole, as the little panes set of colored mosaic pattern. And then any dream can come true, and in any case you can achieve success. The word «success» is close etymologically to the word «succeed», which means to assert you in the society, to stand out in it. But remember: a short way to success does not exist. The road to the award has greater value than the award itself. In the life struggle not always overcomes the strongest, but the one who thinks «I can!»
...Probably, these words repeated to herself the diligent schoolgirl who with awe and excitement (But suddenly can't I do it?») awaited for the first lesson of foreign language; and the young teacher, that was entering in the class for the first time; and that Teacher - my school English Teacher, who showed by her own example how to be successful in the profession and remain a human being.
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