Презентация к уроку английского языка в 6 классе по теме "Мир вокруг нас"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Презентация и конспект наиболее полно отражает все аспекты проблемы окружающей среды.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект урока английского языка
в 6 классе по теме «Мир вокруг нас»
Цели урока :
Образовательные -развитие лексических навыков; развитие навыка диалогической и монологической речи;
Развивающие - развитие логического мышления; развитие объема памяти, развитие способности к логическому изложению содержания; формирование познавательного интереса к учению; развитие умений учебного труда.
Воспитательный - формирование ответственного отношения к природе;
воспитание правильного экологического поведения;
Формы работы: индивидуальная, фронтальная, парная, групповая
Методы и приемы: метод эвристической беседы; метод исследовательских заданий; метод диалогического изложения; метод монологического изложения.
Оборудование и наглядные пособия- аудиозапись, компьютерная презентация , опорные карточки, картины с видами природы, работы учащихся, фотографии, плакаты, учебник.
Ход урока:
- Орг. момент
Good morning, children! I am glad to see you! Sit down, please.
What is the weather like today?
What is the temperature?
2.The theme of our lesson is “The World around us». If we speak about the world, let’s remind the words of the song of Jackson “We are the world». Let’s warm up our tongues with the words of the song. Pay attention to the sounds _____________.
What are your associations with the word “the world”.(________)
Now look at the screen. You can see very an important word of famous people. Your task is to match the columns and to explain the meaning.
Things, we need to live are | a mirror of his soul. |
The bihaviour of a person in Nature is | Earth Day. |
Nature is a special book, written on a special language. | Sun, Freedom and a Small flower. |
Every day is | This language must be learnt. |
Now I would like to ask you some questions:
- What gas do we breathe in? (oxygen)
- What gas do we breathe out? (carbon dioxide)
- How do we call birds and animals, which don’t live on our planet? (extinct)
Do you know any examples?-слайд
- What can be polluted?
- How do we call a place, where a certain animal or plant is found? (habitat)
- There are some illnesses, which we still cannot cure. Do you know examples?(cancer AIDS)
- What is the synonym of the verb “to ruin”?(to destroy)What can people destroy?
- How do we call animals, that feed their young with milk?- слайд
- What is the rule of 3R’s?-слайд
- What can we reduce?
- What can we reuse? (a plastic container)How can we reuse it?-слайд
- What can we recycle? There are containers of different colors -слайд
- Do you know any organizations, which protect our nature?-слайд
- What day do people all over the world celebrate on the 22nd of April?-слайд
- What environmental problems do you know? Слайд
A greenhouse effect-is the problem of a rise in temperature in the Earth’s atmosphere.
It works like this: sunlight gives us heat.
Some of the heat warms the atmosphere, and some of the heat goes back
into space.
Now the air becomes warmer, because the heat can’t go into space.
And now let’s discuss some situations from our real life.(Dialogues)
Dialogue 1
1. -What are you doing?
2. -I am trying to catch a beautiful bird (стреляя из рогатки)
1. -You must not do it. Birds are our friends. If you kill birds, you will destroy
our environment.
2. –OK. I will follow your advice.
Dialogue 2
1. -What a tasty sweet! (разворачивает конфету, бумажку кидает)
2. -Don’t you know, we must not throw away litter, even from your sweet.
1. -Why? It’s only a small piece of paper.
2. -But it’s also a small piece of the great pollution. Don’t do it!
1. -OK. I’ll put it into a rubbish bin.(берёт бумажку-кидает в урну)
We shouldn’t catch birds/We shouldn’t throw away litter
How long do you think litter lasts? -слайд
Traffic ticket- 1 month,
banana peel- up to 6 months,
wool sock -1 year,
tin cans – 100 years,
aluminum cans up to 500 years,
plastic bottles up to 500 years,
glass bottles – forever!
Физкультминутка (head and shoulders)
We have already spoken about rainforests. They are very important because they are habitats for animals and plants and they give some medicines to cure people.
I would like you to watch a short film about rainforests. But not only to watch, but also to do exercise. Look at your sheets of paper. Fill in the missing words.
Oooh!, it gives us ____________ to breathe.
Oooh!, the animals call it ________________.
Oooh!, its ______________help you and me.
Oooh!, ________ us save it before it’s gone.
Now let`s try to sing this song aloud!
I have a question for YOU. Have you ever heard of the RED BOOK. This book includes animals and plants, that number becomes smaller every day.
Our Arkhangelsk region also has such RED BOOK. It was published in 1995. Look at the screen. Here you can see the examples of such animals, birds and plants.-слайд
A bowhead whale.(гренландский кит)
Its length is 18 meters.
Its weight is 90 tons.
They live nearly 40 years.
They have a very large head ( nearly half of the body).
A white gull (белая чайка)
It lives in Arctic.
It’s a bit larger than a pigeon.
The size is 45 centimeters.
They fly very fast.
A white bear (белый медведь)
Its height is 3 meters.
Its weight is 700 kilogram.
It swims and dives well.
Their main food is a seal.
A walrus (морж)
It is a sea mammal.
It lives in the Arctic Ocean.
The length of the body is 5 meters.
Its weight is ton and a half.
A pink rhodiola (a golden root)-
радиола розовая, или золотой корень.
It has small yellow flowers.
It is very useful for health.
We have discussed many problems today. Let’s come to some conclusion. What should/ shouldn’t you do to save our planet???
I would like to ask you to draw a smile on your sheet of paper about you’re your mood at the lesson, If you like it or not? I’ll understand.
Marks for the lesson.
Transform from Active into Passive Voice:
- People often cut forests.
- My friends don’t hurt animals.
- Weathermen forecast the weather several times a day.
- My classmates fed birds last winter.
- Children will protect wild animals.
- Factories poison water in the river.
Thank you for the lesson, Good bye!
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