Методическая разработка на тему "Английские праздники. Хэллоуин"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
В процессе обучения иностранному языку учащиеся сталкиваются с незнакомыми, но интересными иноязычными праздниками.
Безусловно, на уроках учащимся предлагается ознакомится с историей происхождения праздника, с основными его традициями, атрибутами. Праздник Хэллоуин не является исключением.
В качестве домашнего задания для развития еще большего интереса учащимся предлагается исследовать этот праздник самостоятельно.
В социальной сети www.vk.com была создана группа для проведения игры - соревнования по теме "Хэллоуин"
В игре принимали участие учащиеся 7-9 классов.
Игра состояла из 4 - х блоков вопросов, на каждый из которых давалось по 15 минут, из расчета 1 вопрос - 1 минута.
Продолжительность игры - 60 минут.
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Предварительный просмотр:
1 блок
- Halloween is celebrated every …
- Which terrible creature is also known as lycanthrope?
- Another name for Halloween is the Feast of the dead, All Hallow Eve, Samhain or all of them are?
- The Romans called Halloween "Pomona Day". Who or what was Pomona?
- Before they happened upon the pumpkin, the Irish carved jack o' lanterns out of what? Turnips, rutabagas, potatoes, all of these things?
- How much did the world's largest pumpkin weigh?
- According to The Phobia List, which phobia is the fear of Halloween: Hallowphobia, Triskaphobia, Samhainophobia, Eat-to-much-phobia
- A male witch is known as a Witchman, Warlock, Halloweenie?
- The first Halloween greetings card was made in?
- This custom began as a way to find out who will get married first!
- What does the Old English word "hallow" mean?
- People in which country celebrate their culture's Halloween by eating candy skulls?
- A popular Halloween drink in the 18th century Ireland was called "Lamb's Wool". It was made with roasted, crushed ___ and milk.
- Which one of the following people passed away on Halloween? Dwight Eisenhower, River Phoenix, Kurt Cobaine, Boris Karloff?
- In what year can we expect to have a full moon on Halloween night?
2 блок
- Pumpkins grow on stalks, trees, vines, bushes?
- The Celts celebrated their new year on…?
- The name given to a group of witches is a convoy, a coven, a cauldron, a commune?
- What priests first celebrated what we've come to know as Halloween?
- At Halloween parties, guests traditionally "bob" for what?
- The time of darkness between sunset and sunrise.
- A witch rides on this.
- An ugly old woman who practices magic.
- The English for «чудовище».
- Trick or treat! Smell my feet! Give me something good to ____
- A small creature with 8 legs
- It’s a season of the year when the days get shorter? The leaves fall from the trees? And we celebrate Halloween.
- The spirit of a dead person who appears again
- A very unlucky number.
- His favorite drink is blood.
3 блок
- It’s a thing you put over your face to pretend you are someone else
- What`s considered if a black cat crosses your path?
- What do you need to keep vampires away?
- When are werewolves supposed to come out?
- A ghost says ____!
- Black animals that fly at night and sleep during the day.
- Bones that rattle in the night
- I've got soft black fur. When you hold me I purr. Who am I?
- I'm round on all sides. I've got a light inside. Who am I?
- I've got a black cat and a big pointed hat. Who am I?
- I’m yellow or white. I smile on Halloween night. Who am I?
- How many bones are there in the human skeleton?
- What is it “ignis fatuus”?
- What words form Halloween?
- Who changed the date of celebrating Halloween from the 15th of May to the 1st of November?
4 блок
- What do the pagans wear costumes for?
- Name three Religions that used to observe All Hallows Day to honor all Saints in heaven, known or unknown
- The custom of Halloween was brought to America in …
- What is this “Samhain”?
- How is Samhain pronounced? Write a transcription, please
- Find the Welsh equivalent of the holiday
- What is Feile Moingfinne, Irish fairy?
- Whose Gods are they, Gwynn and Nudd?
- Whose God was Arawn?
- Who is Pomona and how is she connected with this holiday?
- Who was the famous IRISH myth about that gave name to the traditional pumpkin?
- Why is Jack’s soul still walking on the Earth and not going to the heaven or to the Hell?
- On Halloween’s Day when people make a fire and throw there a nut, if a nut burns, what does it mean, and if a nut explodes what does it mean?
- What do traditional Halloween colours mean? Orange and black?
- What did the word HALLOW mean in old English? In old English the word 'Hallow' meant 'sanctify'
- 31 st of October – 1st of November
- Wolf man
- All of them
- The goddess of of fruits and gardens
- all of these things
- 1,524 lbs
- Samhainophobia
- Warlock
- (Early 1900)
- Bobbing for Apples
- Saint
- Mexico
- Apples
- River Phoenix
- 2020
- vines
- 1st of November
- Coven
- The druids
- Apples
- midnight
- broomstick
- witch
- beast
- eat
- spider
- autumn
- ghost
- 13
- vampire
- mask
- bad luck
- garlic
- during the full moon
- Booh!
- bat
- skeletons
- black cat
- Jack’o’lantern
- witch
- moon
- 206
- pumpkin or jack-o’-lantern
- All Hallow Eve
- Pope GregoryIII
- To scary ghosts and spirits
- Roman Catholics, Episcopalians and Lutherians
- 1840
- end of summer, the harvest and the beginning of the dark, cold winter, a time of year that was often associated with human death
- /sauhein/
- In Welsh it's Nos Galen-gaeof, the Night of the Winter Calends
- Snow Goddess
- The Celtic Gods for the British
- for the Welsh
- the Roman goddess of fruit and trees and the symbol of Pomona is the apple and the incorporation of this celebration into Samhain probably explains the tradition of "bobbing" for apples that is practiced today on Halloween
- "Stingy Jack."
- Devil promised Jack not to claim his soul, that’s why he can’t go to hell and he was really a bad man, so he can’t go to heaven
- If the nut burns it means you are loved and if the nut explodes – it means that you beloved doesn’t love you anymore.
- Orange – colour of fruit and vegetable that are grown, black – colour of black cats and evil spirits
- In old English the word 'Hallow' meant 'sanctify'
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