Урок английского языка в 4 классе к УМК М.З.Биболетовой "Английский с удовольствием". Тема урока: Дом для Тайни.
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку по теме
Урок английского языка в 4 классе к УМК М.З.Биболетовой "Английский с удовольствием" .
Разработала учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ №15 г. Королёва Мотина А.А.
Тема урока: Дом для Тайни.
Цель урока: развивать иноязычную компетенцию; совершенствовать информационную компетенцию.
Задачи урока:
- Образовательные - тренировка произносительных навыков; активизация лексических и грамматических навыков (конструкция there is/are); тренировать навыки монологической и диалогической речи.
- Развивающие - развивать внимание,память, мышление, творческое воображение учащихся; формирование навыков аудирования, расширение социокультурной компетенции.
- Воспитательные - воспитывать в детях чувство добра, красоты, гармонии; формирование потребности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в парах; привитие любви к родному дому.
- Используемое оборудование: картинки, карточки, раздаточный материал, плакаты с пословицами, макеты своих квартир, CD - диски, магнитафон.
- Тип урока: урок комплексного знания (комбинированный).
- Форма проведения: урок - игра.
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Предварительный просмотр:
I Организационный момент.
Good morning, boys and girls. I am glad to see you. Let’s greet our guests. (We are glad to see you). Look at the picture and say what the topic of our lesson is. Today we are going to talk about the place we live in. We are revising the words, the grammar rules (your favourite grammatical construction there is/ there are), creating dialogues, playing interesting games and singing songs. So let’s get started!
II Фонетическая зарядка
I want you to begin our lesson with the poem “Pussy’s Flat”. Let’s play the “Echo” game.
Our Pussy cat has got a nice flat [flᵆt]
It has a yellow door [dɔ:]
And a brown floor [flɔ:]
The walls are white [wait]
All the flat is bright. [brait]
- Let’s play a game “Name the rhyme”. I shall say a word and you should make a rhyming word.
Wall (hall)
Floor (door)
Cat (flat)
Bathroom (bedroom)
Sable (table)
III Речевая разминка. Групповая работа.
Teacher: As you know Tiny is a gnome. He lives in the English forest. Let’s build a new house for Tiny.
Ученики разбиваются на группы по 4 человека. Берут карточки с названиями комнат и «строят» дом для сказочного героя. Учитель «строит дом» у доски. Затем один ученик из группы рассказывает о доме.
Teacher: Ask Tiny about his new house.
Pupil 1: Do you like the house?
Pupil 2: What is your house like?
Pupil 3: Is it comfortable?
Pupil 4: What rooms are there in the house?
IV Развитие навыков монологической речи.
Teacher: Now we will have a competition. Imagine you are real designers. Who is going to be the best to describe your favourite room?
Учащиеся выходят к доске с макетами, фотографиями, рисунками своих комнат и составляют рассказ из 4-5 предложений.
T: You can ask questions after each story.
- What is there on the floor in your room? (There is a carpet)
- Is there a TV set in your room?
- How many windows are there in your room?
- Have you got a sofa in your room?
- What colour is the carpet in your room?
V Физкультминутка. К уроку “Home Sweet Home”.
Let’s have a rest and sing a song all together. Please, stand up.
Учащиеся поют песню, выполняя движения.
Sing a little song,
Sing a little song,
One, two, three.
Point to the window
Point to the door
Point to the ceiling
Point to the floor.
Teacher: Well done! Thank you. Sit down, please.
VI Активация навыков диалогической речи. Ролевая игра.
Teacher: Miss Chatter wants to buy a present for Tiny. This is a furniture shop. Complete the conversation between Miss Chatter and a shop assistant.
Работа в парах:
- Can I help you?
- Yes, please. I would like a present for Tiny.
- We have some very nice shelves.
- How much are they?
- They are 10 pounds each.
- Here you are.
- Thank you.
- You are welcome.
- Hello!
- Hello, Madame!
- How can I help you?
- I would like to buy a lamp.
- Here you are.
- Thank you.
- Goodbye.
- Bye.
- Excuse me, can I help you?
- Yes, please. Give me a picture, please.
- Here you are.
- Good, anything else?
- No, thank you. That is all.
VII Тренировка памяти и логического мышления. Тренировка орфографических навыков.
Teacher: Do you like your home?
Do English people like their homes?
Let’ remember what proverb Tiny often likes to repeat. Open your workbooks and do exercise 19 at page 17.
(There is no place like home).
Give a Russian equivalent to this proverb. What other sayings about homes do you know?
- East or West home is best.
- Home, sweet home
- An Englishman’s house is his castle.
- He has no home / whose home is everywhere.
- Home is where the heart is.
VII Подведение итогов урока.
Teacher: The lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Your marks are only excellent. What have we done today?
Pupils: We play games, sing songs, answer the questions, build the house for Tiny, describe rooms.
Teacher: What do you like best of all?
Show your opinion about our lesson:
Happy ok sad
Teacher: Goodbye, boys and girls.
Pupils: Goodbye. Thank you, Alla Alexeevna!
IX Домашнее задание:
Prepare a project.
Учитель сообщает учащимся, что следующий урок будет поводиться в форме проектной работы.
Цели урока: углубить знания учащихся об истории настоящем одной из англоязычных стран – США; развивать навыки устного неподготовленного высказывания по конкретному вопросу и навыки коммуникативного общения, научить учащихся добывать дополнительную информацию при помощи компьютера, проконтролировать знания учащихся по истории США в форме тестового задания (на компьютере).
Оборудование: компьютеры, магнитофон, карта мира, карта США, тематические картинки, гитара.
Ход урока.
- Организационная работа с учащимися
T: I hope you are well.
P1: Yes, sure. I am fine.
T: And what about you, Victor?
P2: I am all right.
T: Are you in high spirits, Olya?
P3: Of course, I am. I have a nice mood.
T: Any problems, Sasha?
P4: No problems. Everything is OK.
T: Does anything trouble you?
P5: Nothing at all. I am eager to start our lesson.
T: I am glad to hear you are fine. So let’s begin our lesson. It will be a kind of journey to the past and present of the USA.
Звучит мелодия песни «Cindy» - популярной американской песни, которая возникла еще во времена первых переселенцев в Новый свет. Люди любили танцевать под эту мелодию.
- Warm up!
T: let’s recollect the main facts about the Unite States of America as a country.
Учащиеся один за другим говорят по 1-2 предложения, а один ученик находится у карт мира и США, показывая то, что называют другие учащиеся в классе.
P1: the United States is one of the largest countries in the world. It lies in the central part of the North American continent.
P2: the whole name of the United States is the United States of America. There are 50 states and the District of Columbia.
P3: it is washed by 2 oceans – the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.
P4: the country borders on Canada in the North and Mexico in the South.
P5: the USA consists of 3 parts: the Hawaiian Islands, Alaska and the central part of the USA.
- Рассказы учащихся о государственных символах США.
- Флаг.
The American flag has 13 stripes (the country started with 13 states) and 50 stars because there 50 states in the USA. The flag is blue, red and white and often called “stars and stripes”. Americans love their flag very much and even have a special holiday for it – the “Flag Day”, which is celebrated on June 14th. There are many rules for the flag: to display it only during the day, to fold on a special day and so on.
T: And now switch on your computers and find extra information about the American flag, especially about its history.
- Гимн.
Слова гимна подаются через компьютер, учащиеся читают его про себя, а один ученик вслух.
Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn’s early light
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming.
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight,
O’er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air.
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
Oh, say, does that – Star spangled Banner-yet-wave,-
Or the land - of the free and the home of the brave?
- Орел.
The bald eagle is an official national symbol. It carries an olive branch as a sign of peace and arrows as a sign of strength.
- Статуя свободы.
The Statue of Liberty is one of the most famous unofficial USA symbols. It is a statue of a woman holding up a torch in her right hand. The statue symbolizes liberty. France presented it to the USA in1884.
- Учебный разговор об основных страницах истории США в режиме Р1-Р2-…
T: Let’s return to the past of the USA and turn the main pages of its history.
Учитель демонстрирует на магнитной доске тематические картинки, которые отвечают определенным моментам истории. Каждый ученик сам выбирает себе картинку, по которой он будет высказываться.
Этой работе предшествует ознакомление учащихся с некоторыми опорными словами, которые необходимо использовать в процессе рассказа. Слова подаются через компьютер.
- Выполнение компьютерного теста по истории США
Задание: на месте пропусков вставить соответствующую букву, которая обозначает правильный ответ.
- Исполнение песни «We shall overcome»
- Аудирование кратких описаний городов США
Учащиеся должны прослушать текст и заполнить таблицу.
Text1. The city has little industry and no skyscrapers. The Capitol, the White House, the Lincoln Memorial are there.
Text2. It is the gateway to Alaska.
Text3. It is the largest city if the USA. It is the financial centre. The Statue of Liberty is there.
Text4. It is a very big city. Hollywood, where movies and many TV shows are made, is there.
Text5. It is the city where the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were made up and signed.
Text6. The city is the heart of the New England States. It was one of the first settlements. The famous tea party took place there.
Text7. The city is the birthplace of mass production of motorcars, and today it is the centre of country’s manufacturers.
Text8. It is the second largest city in the USA not far from Lake Michigan, it is a railway centre.
- Работа в парах.
Построение диалогов по ситуациям:
- Вы на таможне в США. Поговорите о цели вашего приезда, плане поездки и дате возвращения;
- Вы турист в США, хотите увидеть известные места в столице. Спросите прохожего на улице, как туда добраться.
Dialogue 1
- Welcome to the USA. May I see your passport?
- Yes, here you are.
- Where are you from?
- I am from Russia.
- Have you been to the USA before?
- No, this is my first time here.
- What is the purpose of your visit?
- It is a holiday.
- Where are you going?
- I am going to New York, then to Washington, and to Los Angeles.
- Where are you going to stay?
- Err, with my friend.
- How long are you going to be here?
- Well, I think for about 3 weeks.
- What is the date of your return?
- I have got an open-date ticket.
- OK. I will make it June 31st.
- Thanks.
- Thank you. Have a nice journey.
Dialogue 2
- Is this your first visit to the USA?
- Yes, it is the first time I am here.
- Are you enjoying your stay here?
- Oh, yes. It is wonderful. Washington is a beautiful city.
- I have seen the White House and the Capitol. There are many sights in Washington.
- Can you tell me the way to the Lincoln Memorial?
- Yes, sure, take bus 20 to…
- Can I get there by subway?
- Oh, yes. There is a metro station over there.
- Thank you.
- You are welcome.
- Учебный разговор Р-Сl в форме ситуации «Телемост «Москва-США»»
Один ученик выступает в роли политического обозревателя США в Москве. Остальные учащиеся – российские корреспонденты, работающие в разных городах США. Происходит телевизионный диалог по вопросам последних событий и новостей в США.
- Ознакомление с дополнительной информацией из компьютера.
- Итог урока.
- Домашнее задание.
- Introduction.
- Warming up.
- Pupils sing the song “Excuse me, please”.
“Excuse me, please!”
Excuse me, please, oh, please excuse me,
Can you help me, please?
I wonder, can you tell me the time?
If I am going to be late
For a meeting at eight?
Excuse me, please, oh, please excuse me,
Just a moment, please.
I wonder, can you show me the way?
I am looking for somewhere
Down by the station in the park.
But it is getting so dark.
I do not want to be late.
I do not want to get lost.
I am sure that the meeting is eight.
But I can’t remember which road to cross.
Excuse me, please.
I do not want to be late.
Excuse me, please, oh, please excuse me,
Can you help me, please?
I am sorry, but I need a pound.
Can you lend me one now
And I’ll see you around here quite soon.
At the latest next June?
- Pupils answer questions:
- Do you wash your hands before you eat?
- Do you clean your teeth before you sleep?
- Do you bathe every day?
- Do you play with fire?
- Do you touch electrical wires or electrical sockets?
- Do you play by the road side?
- Do you sit too close while watching TV?
- Do you often trim your nails?
- Do you throw litter on the ground?
- Do you save water and electricity?
- Phonetic exercises.
Teacher: Read and translate the words:
Electrical wire
To accept a gift
To push
To seek shelter
Traffic lights
To trim nails
Pupils read these words together with their teacher. Then they read and translate the words in turn.
- Lexical activities.
Teacher: Translate the phrases:
- Трогать электрический провод и электророзетки;
- Подрезать ногти;
- Принимать подарки от незнакомца;
- Бросать мусор на землю;
- Кашлять и чихать.
Pupils translate these phrases:
P1: to touch electrical wires and sockets.
P2: to trim nails.
P3: to accept gifts from a stranger.
P4: to throw litter on the ground.
P5: to cough and sneeze.
- Reading.
Pre-reading activities.
Ex.26, p.58.
Before reading a story about a clever bird pupils put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms:
Be-was, were
Reading activities.
- Pupils read the text using the correct form of the verbs.
- Pupils read the text playing different roles (the cat, the bird).
Post-reading activities.
Ex.27, p.58.
Teacher: Choose the title for the story. Explain why.
- All is well that ends well.
- Why cats wash after dinner,
- The clever bird.
P1. I think the title of the story should be “All is well that ends well”, because the cat did not manage to eat the bird. The clever little bird was in the garden in the tall tree. The bird began to sing.
- Ex.28, p.59.
Teacher: Find out who said that:
- Now I can have breakfast.
- You can’t have breakfast now.
- The farmer and his family always wash their hands before breakfast.
- I live with a farmer’s family and I must do what they do.
- I must wash but I must wash after dinner.
The cat said: “Now I can have bre…”
Ex.29, p.59.
Answer the questions:
- Do your pets wash before or after they eat?
- What do you do for your pets?
Pupils answer the questions:
P1: I have a cat. My cat’s name is Sport. Sport is funny and clever. It washes after meals.
P2: As for me, I have got a clever dog. My dog’s name is Jack. I like to look after Jack very much. I feed my dog and go for a walk with it.
- Speaking.
- Monologue.
Teacher: Look at the pictures, learn and follow Miss Chatter’s manners.
- If you want to visit your friends, call up before.
- Do not be late. Come on time.
- Wash your hands before you eat.
- Do not talk with your mouth full.
- Say “thank you” and “good bye”.
Teacher: Now close your books and repeat these rules, please.
Pupils should remember the rules and say them to their classmates.
- Dialogic speech.
Teacher: Are you polite at the table? Read and act out.
Pupils act out the dialogues.
Paul (P1): Miss Chatter, can I have some coffee?
Ms.Chatter: Sorry, it is too late. You won’t fall asleep well.
Paul (P2): Can I have some milk, please?
Mr.Chatter: Yes, dear. Here it is.
Teacher: Complete the dialogue.
Nancy (P3): Grandma, can I have some sweets?
Grandma (P4): Sorry, it is too late. You must not eat them at this time.
Nancy (P3): I say, Grandma. Can I have some chocolate?
Grandma (P4): Sorry, it is bad for your teeth.
Nancy (P3): Can I have some fruit?
Grandma (P3): Yes, dear. Here you are.
Nancy (P3): Thank you.
- Project technology (защита плакатов)
5 этап проектной технологии. (Предоставление результатов). Каждая группа учеников (2-3 человека) защищает свой плакат, наглядно иллюстрируя каждую инструкцию.
- The conclusion of the lesson.
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