Сказка "12 месяцев" на английском
материал по английскому языку по теме

Глазунова Виктория Владимировна

Сказка 12 месяцев на английском языке для новогоднего праздника в школе. 4-5 класс


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Предварительный просмотр:

Twelve months

Действие первое

Squirrels runs and tells:

-oh, how cold in the street

-I am a fur, fur, furry squirrel,

With a bush, bush, bushy tail,

And I scamper here and there, searching for some nuts.

Rabbit comes to them:

-squirrels, let’s play touch and run.

Вместе кролик и белки:

-One, two, three, four

Can I have a little more?

Five six seven eight

Put some candies on my plate.

Действие второе:

Stepdaughter goes and sees how squirrels and rabbit are playing. She is laughing.

Soldier comes to the girl and asks why she is laughing. She says that she saw how squirrels and rabbit were playing.

-Don’t you believe me?

-I BELIEVE, because today is the special day, the end of the old year and the beginning of a new one. My grandfather told me that long ago on that day he was happy to see all 12 months at the same moment.

Everything can happen on the 31st of December. And why do you come to the forest in such a cold weather?

-stepmother told me to bring brushwood. And what are you doing here?

- I need a fir-tree for the queen. Though she is not older than you, but she is the strictest mistress in the world.

Действие третье

Teacher is teaching the queen:

-spring is green.

Summer is bright

Autumn is yellow

Winter is white.

-I don’t want to learn. You must tell me something interesting.

The teacher begins to tell about months.

-there are 12 months in a year; every month gives us its own present and fun. January and February –skating, skiing, and playing snowballs. In March snow is melting. And in April  the first snowdrops appear through the snow.

-Really? I want April to begin now. I like snowdrops so much!

-but it is impossible, Your Majesty! Now it is December.

Queen is angry.

  • I will make new law. Sit at my desk and write.

Spring is green

Summer is bright

Autumn is yellow

Winter is white.

Snowdrops are growing

Here tonight

Pick up full basket of snowdrops till night.

Действие четвертое

Guards are shouting:

Spring is green

Summer is bright

Autumn is yellow

Winter is white.

Snowdrops are growing

Here tonight

Pick up full basket of snowdrops till night.

The stepmother and her daughter hear the law, come back home and tell to the stepdaughter:

-Go to the forest and bring full basket of snowdrops.

-But there are no snowdrops in winter. Look at the street. Such a snowstorm, that you can’t see the sky and the ground.

-go and don’t return without snowdrops.

Snowman in the forest:

I am a little snowman short and fat.

Here is my scarf and here is my hat.

When the snow is falling come and play.

Build a snowman every day.


-I am so cold.


-look, there is a fire not far from here. Go there.

The girl is going to the fire.

-can I get warmer near your fire.

-you are welcome. Why do you come to the forest? Do you want to pick cones?

-no, not cones. I know it’s funny. But my stepmother told me to bring snowdrops. And who are you?

-I am January

January brings the snow, (Январь приносит снег)

Makes our feet and fingers glow. (Ноги и пальцы горят от мороза)

-I am February

February snows again (Февраль снежит снова)

And sometimes it brings us rain. (А иногда дождит)

-I am March

March brings sunny days and winds (Март дает солнечные дни и ветер)

So we know that spring begins. (Итак, мы знаем, что весна началась.)

-I am April

April brings the primrose sweet, (Апрель приносит сладкие примулы,)

We see snowdrops at our feet. (Мы видим подснежники под ногами)

-I am May

May brings flowers, joy and grass (Май приносит цветы, радость и травы)

And the holidays for us. (И праздники для нас.)

-I am June

June brings tulips, lilies, roses. (Июнь приносит тюльпаны, лилии, розы.)

Fills the children`s hands with posies. (Заполняет детские руки букетами.)

-I am July

Hot July brings apples and cherries (Жаркий Июль дает яблоки и вишни)

And a lot of other berries. (И много других ягод.)

-I am August

August brings us golden corn, (Август приносит золотые зерна,)

Then the harvest home is borne. (Наполняет закрома урожаем.)

-I am September

Warm September brings us school, (Теплым Сентябрем идем в школу,)

Days are shorter, nights are cool. (Дни короче, ночи холоднее.)

-I am October

Fresh October brings much fruit (Свежий Октябрь приносит много фруктов)

Then to gather them is good. (Которые так приятно собирать.)

-I am November

Red November brings us joy, (Красный Ноябрь приносит нам радость,)

Fun for every girl and boy. (Развлечения для каждой девочки и мальчика)

-I am December

Cold December brings us skating, (Холодным Декабрем катаемся на коньках,)

For the New Year we are waiting. (И мы ждем Новый Год.)

January tells:

Brother April, she is your guest. Help.


Spring is coming, (Весна идет,)

Spring is coming, (Весна идет,)

Flowers are coming too. (Цветы приходят тоже.)

Snowdrops, lilies, daffodils (Подснежники, лилии, нарциссы)

Now are coming too. (Сейчас приходят тоже.)

Spring, spring, spring! (Весна, весна, весна!)

The trees are green, (Деревья зеленые,)

Blue skies are seen. (Видно синее небо.)

Grey winter has gone away! (Серая зима ушла прочь!)

The world looks new and gay. (Мир выглядит новым и веселым.)

Winter months:

-we, winter months, know her. She is always in the forest.

Summer months:

-and we, summer months know her too. She always works in the garden. She is a very good girl.


-if all of you like her, I want to give her my fairy ring.

Take the ring, and when you  need our help, drop it to the ground and say

Go, go my fairy ring

Through the forest, through the wind

Through the snow, through the rain

Where New Year’s fire flames.

-and all 12 months will come to help you. But don’t show the way here.

Then January backs the winter:

Winter is snowy, (Зима снежна,)

Winter is frosty. (Зима морозна.)

The ground is white (Земля бела)

All day and all night. (И днем и ночью.)

This is the season (Это сезон)

When children can ski, (Когда дети могут кататься на лыжах,)

Play snowballs (Играть в снежки)

And dance round the New Year Tree. (И танцевать вокруг новогодней елки.)

*jingle bells*

Dashing through the snow
In a one-horse open sleigh
Over the hills we go
Laughing all the way
Bells on bobtail ring
Making spirits bright
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight! 

Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way. 
Oh! what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh. 
Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way;
Oh! What fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh. 


 -all boys and girls know the end of this fairy tale- it is happy! Because a New Year brings happiness and joy. We like this holiday: we get presents, dance and sing merry songs!

We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Glad tidings we bring to you and your kin

Glad tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year

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