Викторина по истории Америки
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Елина Татьяна Николаевна

Внеклассное мероприятие "Викторина по истории Америки"


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

History of America

Слайд 2

What was the first holiday, celebrated by American colonies? a)Thanksgiving Day b) The New Year c) Easter d) Christmas

Слайд 3

Thanksgiving Day 5.000 $

Слайд 4

Who was the first president of the USA? a) Theodore Roosevelt b) Benjamin Franklin c)Thomas Jefferson d) George Washington

Слайд 5

George Washington 10.000 $

Слайд 6

What tea party is a historical event? Franklin and Washington tea party Roosevelt and Churchill tea party Boston tea party Atlanta tea party

Слайд 7

Boston tea party 15.000 $

Слайд 8

What was the number of the first English colonies in America ? 14 27 45 13

Слайд 9

13 20.000 $

Слайд 10

What ship did the Pilgrim Fathers (the first American settlers ) sale to America in? the Mayflower the Aurora Santa Maria Titanic

Слайд 11

The Mayflower 25.000 $

Слайд 12

Why did the pilgrims come to America? For great money For a newland For religious freedom For great love

Слайд 13

For religious freedom 30.000 $

Слайд 14


Слайд 15

What is the real name of Mark Twain? Samuel James Clemens Samuel Langhorn Clemens Sidney James Clemens William Sidney Porter

Слайд 16

Samuel Langhorn Clemens 5.000 $

Слайд 17

Who wrote the story “The old man and the sea?” Ernest Hemingway Mark Twain Edgar Poe Walt Whitman

Слайд 18

Ernest Hemingway 10.000 $

Слайд 19

Who wrote “ An American tragedy?” Walt Whiteman Ernest Hemingway Mark Twain Theodore Dreiser

Слайд 20

Theodore Dreiser 15.000 $

Слайд 21

Who went to Alaska to find gold but instead, found ideas for his stories there? Robert Lee Frost Ray Bradbury Jack London Mark Twain

Слайд 22

Jack London 20.000 $

Слайд 23

Who is the founder of the modern detective story? Arthur Conan – Doyle Ernest Hemingway Edgar Poe Walter Scott

Слайд 24

Edgar Poe 25.000 $

Слайд 25

Who is the author of the novel “The Martian chronicles?” Edgar Poe Ray Bradbury Robert Heinlein Arthur Clark

Слайд 26

Ray Bradbury 30.000 $

Слайд 27

Education, culture, science.

Слайд 28

What is the center of the cinema production in the USA? New York Washington Boston Hollywood

Слайд 29

Hollywood 5.000 $

Слайд 30

Who is the father of the telephone? Alexander Bell Henry Ford c) Orville Wright d) Norman Rockwell

Слайд 31

Alexander Bell 10.000 $

Слайд 32

Who is the “King of rock – and – roll?” Louis Armstrong Walt Disney Elvis Presley Stephen Spielberg

Слайд 33

Elvis Presley 15.000 $

Слайд 34

What is the famous library in Washington? Library of the White House Library of Capitol Library of the Supreme Court Library of Congress

Слайд 35

Library of Congress 20.000 $

Слайд 36

What was the first American University? Harvard college Yelle college Massachusetts college Wisconsin college

Слайд 37

Harvard college 25.000 $

Слайд 38

What is the national anthem of the USA? The star-spangled banner America, the beautiful Silent night Yesterday

Слайд 39

The star-spangled banner 30.000 $

Слайд 40

Famous people

Слайд 41

Who is considered to be the Father of his country? Abraham Lincoln Benjamin Franklin Thomas Jefferson George Washington

Слайд 42

George Washington 5.000 $

Слайд 43

Who created the best animated cartoons in the USA? Walt Disney Charles Jones Norman Rockwell John Portman

Слайд 44

Walt Disney 10.000 $

Слайд 45

Who was known as the “King of jazz?” Elvis Presley Wilbur Wright Ansel Adams Louis Armstrong

Слайд 46

Louis Armstrong 15.000 $

Слайд 47

Who was the greatest American architect of all times? John Portman Stephen Spielberg Louis Armstrong Frank Lloyd Wright

Слайд 48

Frank Lloyd Wright 20.000 $

Слайд 49

Which of the US Presidents was a Hollywood actor? Ronald Reagon Benjamin Franklin George Bush Abraham Lincoln

Слайд 50

Ronald Reagon 25.000 $

Слайд 51

Who is the 43d President of the USA? Bill Clinton Ronald Reagon George Bush, junior George Bush

Слайд 52

George Bush, junior 30.000 $

Слайд 53


Слайд 54

What kind of state is the USA? Parliamentary monarchy Presidential republic Constitutional republic

Слайд 55

Presidential republic 5.000 $

Слайд 56

Who is the main figure in the emblem of the USA? Owl Eagle cockoo

Слайд 57

Eagle 10.000 $

Слайд 58

Who was the President of the USA when “Emancipation Proclamation” was adopted a) George Washington b) Abraham Lincoln c) Thomas Jefferson

Слайд 59

Abraham Lincoln 15.000 $

Слайд 60

What are the main political parties of the USA? Democratic and Republican Conservative and Labour Liberal and Conservative

Слайд 61

Democratic and Republican 20.000 $

Слайд 62

When was the Declaration of Independence issued? On July 4th, 1776 On July 14th, 1776 On July 4th, 1778

Слайд 63

On July 4 th , 1776 25.000 $

Слайд 64

Where was the Constitution of the USA worked out? In New York In Washington In Philadelphia

Слайд 65

In Philadelphia 30.000 $

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