Темы по говорению для 3 класса
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
My favourite animal, p.130
My favourite animal is a giraffe. It is a wild/domestic animal. It lives in Africa. It is orange and white. It has got a very long neck, a small head and a tail. It eats leaves and fruit. It can run. I like to watch the animals and listen to them.
My favourite season, p.125
Winter, spring, summer and autumn are four seasons of the year. My favourite season is summer. It is usually hot in summer. The sun shins brightly in the blue sky. The days are long, the nights are short. Children don’t go to school. They can swim and play games.
My Family, p.32
My name is…. I live in…., Ukraine. I am Ukrainian (Russian/Crimean Tatar). I am 9. I have a family. It is not very big. I have a father, a mother (a sister and a brother). My father’s name is… He is a driver. My mother’s name is… She is a housewife. I love my family very much.
My Hobby
Hello! My name is… I am 9. I am from Ukraine. My favourite day is… My favourite lesson is… My favourite sport is tennis. My favourite toy is a doll. I like music and reading. I don’t like writing. My phone number is 0991837090. Call me if you need a friend.
My House, p.39, 42
We live in the village house. It has got two bedrooms, a living-room, a kitchen and a bathroom. My room is light and clean. I eat, sleep and play here. The sofa is near the wall on the left. The table is near the wall on the right. You can sit and do your homework there. The wardrobe is next to the table. We like to have guests in our house.
My Working Day, p.69
My name is… I go to school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. My favourite days are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I have got Maths on these days. Maths is my favourite lesson. On weekdays I get up at 7 o’clock. I have breakfast at 8 o’clock. School starts at 9 o’clock. We count and do sums at the Maths lessons.
I come from Ukraine. It is a big country. It is in the centre of Europe. The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv. Ukraine has many fields, rivers and forests. Our flag is blue and yellow. We speak Ukrainian. I like Ukraine very much. I am proud to be a Ukrainian.
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