"Как быть бодрым и здоровым"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №1
с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов»
«Как быть бодрым и здоровым»
Сценарий открытого урока
Учитель: Дворецкова Л.В.
Учебник: «Английский язык» 8 кл.
Авторы: Богородицкая В.Н.,
Хрусталева Л.В.
Цели урока:
- практическое овладение английским языком;
- использование его как средства общения;
- развитие языковой компетенции;
- развитие умственных способностей учащихся;
- расширение кругозора.
Задачи урока:
- отработать лексику по теме «Здоровье»;
- развитие умения найти конкретную информацию;
- развитие навыков составлять краткие сообщения;
- развивать языковую догадку;
- расширять лексический запас;
- развитие навыков поискового аудирования.
Этапы урока:
- Организационный момент.
- Вводный этап.
- Речевой этап (по опоре).
- Работа с текстом (детальное чтение).
- Диалогическая речь с элементом аудирования с последующим говорением.
- Словарно-речевой этап (выполнение лексических упражнений).
- Работа с текстом (поисковое чтение).
- Аудирование по теме (поисковое).
- Монологическое высказывание по теме «Правила здоровья».
- Пауза.
- Заключительный этап.
Ход урока:
- “Good morning, boys and girls! Nice to meet you! (T)
- Today our lesson is how to keep fit. Is there anything more important than health? I don’t think so. “Health is the greatest wealth”, wise people say. You can’t be good at our studies or work well when you are ill”. (T)
- Some people care about their health, others don’t: they have bad habits. What good and bad health habits can people have? Which habits are good, which are bad? (T)
Make a list. (Gr1, Gr2)
- Eating wholemeal bread;
- Physical inactivity;
- Smoking;
- Exercising;
- Eating low fat food;
- Drinking alcohol;
- Dieting;
- Eating sweets;
- Eating high fibre food;
- Environmental influence.
- In your opinion, which are the seven worst health habits people may have? (T P1, P2, P3)
Now read the text “Seven deadly health sins” and check your ideas. “When the Bible set the Seven Deadly Sins they were not meant to be taken literally. Few of us will die of pride, envy or anger. There are, however, modern health sins which are in fact far more deadly”. (P1, P2, P3 …P10)
Two of them – obesity and physical inactivity are known from ancient times. They are joined by the modern bad habits: smoking and drinking too much alcohol, and the surprising “danger” of sleeping too much or too little, eating between meals and skipping breakfast. In combination, these poor health habits could double the chance of dying or lead to different diseases for those who survive.
Of course sleeping too much or too little, snacking and skipping breakfast are not quite as deadly as smoking, obesity and drinking. But they are indicative of dangerously chaotic lifestyles.
Regularity in life promotes, you health. Sleeping seven or eight hours, getting up early, eating breakfast, a healthy diet and regular meals is really a good way to live”. What are seven deadly health sins? (T P)
- People have different, good and bad, health habits. What habits do your classmates have? Your tasks are:
- Ask and answer the questions:
- sleep too much (P1 P2)
- sleep too little (P3 P4)
- eat between meals (P5 P6)
- skip breakfast (P7 P8)
- smoke or drink alcohol (P9 P10)
- play any sport
- follow diet
- attend any club
(При утвердительном ответе – вопрос «How often?»)
- Listen to each other and fill in the table:
Names Questions | Sasha | Vika | … | |
How often? |
- Make a portrait of the average student in your class. / The average student in our class…/ (P1 (возможно добавление))
- And now let’s make up healthy living guide doing two exercises:
- Complete these healthy eating tips using -much-, -many-, -little-, -a lot of-.
Don’t forget.
- Too _______ food makes you thin. (P1)
- Too _______ food makes you fat. (P2)
- Too _______ sweets are bad for you, especially for your teeth. (P3)
- Eat _____ high fat food and ____ fibre. (P4)
- _____ fruit and vegetables keep you healthy. (P5)
- Walking ____ makes you fit. (P6)
- Sleeping too ____ or too _____ can make you nervous and restless. (P7)
- Correct the mistakes.
-Eat more sugar. (Gr1, Gr2, Gr3)
-Don’t eat vegetables.
-Eat many fat.
-Eat the same things every day.
-Eat ales fresh fruit.
-Eat a lot of salt.
-Eat a lot between meals.
- Everyone wants to be fit, strong and healthy. Three teenagers tell us what they do to keep fit. Read the information and say what Paul, Monica and Andrew do to keep fit. (Ex. 14a, p.44) (P1, P2, P3)
Paul: “I play in our football team. So I simply have to keep fit. Playing football is hard work today. You have to train a lot. Once or twice a week I get up early in the morning and go for a run in the woods. At first I felt tired after running for only ten minutes. But I soon got used to it. Today after half an hour’s run I feel fine”.
Monica: “I don’t really do anything just to keep fit. But I get a lot of exercise doing things I enjoy. I belong to the school gum club, and I go skating at our ice rink. It helps me to feel cheerful after a hard day at school. And it gives me plenty of exercise. Now we’ve got a new PE teacher at school. He’s going to start a badminton club, which sounds fun. So I think I shall try that”.
Andrew: “My case is a bit different. A year ago I went through an operation. I had to lie in bed for a long time. Now I’m still not strong enough. To be quite honest I didn’t very much care for sports and games before. Unlike most boys of my age, I sometimes even stayed away from PE lessons at school. Now things have changed. I get as much exercise as possible. I have to. What, then, can I do to keep fit. A lot I play tennis. On my doctor’s advice I’ve begun to lift weights to strengthen my arms. What I like best, however, is swimming”.
- And now listen to story of Helen and say why the girl looks great. (Speaker, P1)
Helen: “I am not going to be a supermodel. But I think it is very important to be fit and healthy and look nice. Some firms don’t employ people who are overweight or who are smokers. I agree with that because smoking affects other people’s life, too. I pay a lot of attention to my health. I try to eat only lowfat food, more fruit and vegetables which are rich in vitamins and less sweets. I don’t smoke. I don’t want to have unhealthy skin and teeth. Besides, I have been doing aerobics for a year. I feel great”.
- And now present your work “Health Rules” (P1…P11) (н-р “You can practice breathing the right way. Of course, everybody breathes – it is something everyone does automatically, but breathing the right way helps you get plenty of oxygen to every cell of your body”).
- Some wise people, doctors and scientists advise to do some exercises in the morning; let’s have a pause and do three of them: (T Cl, P1, P2, P3…P11)
- count from 1 to 100 quickly
- say 5 women’s names and 5 men’s names
- remember 10 words beginning with a letter -b-
- In conclusion I’d like to remember you that every action, exercise needs time. We should find time for being strong, for keeping fit, for standing and staring.
“Leisure” (P1)
What is this, if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare,
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty’s glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
W.B. Davies
Thank you everyone. Your marks are… (T)
Your homework is to remember the words (p.p. 42, 44) and write down the new words (p. 48).
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