Презентация к уроку 7 класс "Merry Christmas"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
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Подписи к слайдам:
Santa's sleigh slides on slick snow. Tiny Timmy trims the tall tree with tinsel. Bobby brings bright bells. Chilly chipper children cheerfully chant.
When is Christmas celebrated? What do people celebrate? What do people send each other during winter holidays? How do people decorate their houses? Where do people put the presents? What is traditional Christmas food? What are traditional Christmas colors? Is New Year as widely celebrated as Christmas in Great Britain? Do you know any traditions connected with the New Year?
Christmas Wishes for Greeting Cards Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! With best wishes for Christmas and the New Year! Merry Christmas and many gifts from Santa Claus! May your holiday be wrapped with joy and filled with happy surprises!!!
I’m Santa Claus… If I were Santa Claus, I would…. give a new big house for each family. make Christmas holidays longer. arrange more Christmas parties. make people happy and healthy. build modern schools. give a lot of presents to children. make all the wishes become true.
We Wish You a Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas! We wish you a Merry Christmas! We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Good tidings to you and all of your kin! Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year!
How to make English tea? Enjoy your tea! Then pour a little boiling water into a teapot to warm it. Fill the kettle with cold water. Put one teaspoon of tea into the pot for each person and one extra for the pot. Wait 2-3 minutes. Pour boiling water into the teapot. Boil the water.
Подготовила: Холомеева Инна Владимировна учитель английского языка ОАУ С(К)О школы-интерната III - IV ви да г. Липецк, Липецкая область. В презентации использован материал сайтов: www.animashky.ru fotki.yandex.ru
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