Необычные памятники англоговорящих стран
презентация к уроку по английскому языку по теме

Страноведческая презентация о необычных памятниках и странных монументах в англоговорящих странах. Можно использовать как дополнительный материал при изучении культуры анлоговорящих стран, для расширения кругозора учащихся.


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Слайд 1

Weird and Strange Monuments of the English-speaking countries Done by the English teacher Svetlana Shmalts Kurganinsk Krasnodar Region

Слайд 2

Original sculptures and amusing monuments are put all over the world. Travelling around different countries and cities do not miss wonderful masterpieces of architecture and art.

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Australia This monument was put down in honour of the first Governor of Port Phillip, L.A. Trobe. Nobody knows exactly why he is upside down.

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Melbourne, Australia A great purse is on one of the city squares. It serves as a bench for tired people.

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While creating such monuments the designers did not limit themselves with formality and social standards. They use their imagination fully.

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It’s difficult to say what the creator s want to say with these monuments. Some are a real mystery for example a giant fork or maybe a finger sticking out of the ground or a man with his head in the wall.

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The UK Traffic light tree in London attracts many tourists.

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Oxford, the UK

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Vancouver, Canada Engagement rings

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Calgary , Canada A device to root out the evil. The creator is an American sculpture Dennis Oppengame.

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Toronto, Canada The monument to sport fans.

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Los Angeles, the USA The monument to workaholic.

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New York, the USA The crocodile eating Capitalist.

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Rothsay, the USA This massive prairie chicken is propped up in the small town of Rothsay, Minneso ta The statue stands 13 x 18 feet and weighs 9,000 pounds.

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New York, the USA «The Virgin Mother»

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Joke-monuments, protest-sculptures, smart design experiments decorate streets, parks and squares of many cities and towns all over the world.

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Thank you for your attention

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Internet resources http://www.funforever.net/archives/strange-monuments/ http://www.oddee.com/ http://neobychno-neobychno.blogspot.ru http://www.evangelie.ru http://yaneznal.ru/

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