Открытый урок в 11 классе "Hug the Earth"
видеоурок по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
Ход открытого урока:
1 слайд: The topic of our lesson today is “Hug the Earth” (на протяжении всей презентации звучит песня Imagine (оригинал John Lennon)
Представьте (перевод FKCE из Ижевска)
Imagine there's no heaven,
Представьте, что нет рая,
It's easy if you try,
Лишь неба синева,
No hell below us,
Не существует ада,
Above us only sky,
Это легко, друзья.
Imagine all the people
Представьте, что все люди
living for today...
Одним лишь днем живут...
Imagine there's no countries,
Представьте, что не стали
It isnt hard to do,
На страны мир делить.
Nothing to kill or die for,
Причин нет быть убитым,
No religion too,
И не за что убить.
Imagine all the people
Представьте, что все люди -
living life in peace...
Братья на земле...
You may say I'm a dreamer
Быть может, я мечтатель,
But I'm not the only one
Но такой я не один.
I hope someday you'll join us
В наш круг скорей вставайте,
And the world will be as one
И станет мир един.
Imagine no possesions,
Представьте, что нет нищих,
I wonder if you can,
Что этот мир ничей.
No need for greed or hunger,
Не жадность, и не голод,
A brotherhood of man,
А братство всех людей.
imane all the people
Представьте, что все люди
Sharing all the world...
Поделят этот мир...
You may say Im a dreamer,
Быть может, я мечтатель,
but I'm not the only one,
Но такой я не один.
I hope some day you'll join us,
В наш круг скорей вставайте,
And the world will live as one. И станет мир един.
2 слайд: We know that on the 22nd of April we had the international holyday Earth Day. And today we’ll speak about it because discussing these problems is never late.
3слайд: I’d like to begin our lesson with T.Ryzhova’s words … (translate)
4слайд: Translation
5 слайд: Тема урока актуальна, т.к. сохранение нашей планеты – наиважнейшее дело всего человечества. Уметь обсуждать эту проблему на языке международного общения (английский0 важно в современном мире. Итак, сегодня на уроке мы будем совершенствовать навыки всех 4х видов речевой деятельности: аудирование, чтение, говорение, письмо; расширим и закрепим лексический запас по теме «Экология»; будем учиться культуре ведения беседы и написания писем на английском языке.
6-7cлайд: Now let’s begin to discuss Earth’s problems with the “Warming-up”. You can see the sheets on your desks with “Eco-alphabet”. Look through them, look at the screen and answer my questions:
1. What chemical element is the part of Carbon dioxide? – Carbon.
2. What is the other name of the crud that factories dump into water? – Wastes.
3. What dangerous effect influences the climate? – Greenhouse.
4. Name another dangerous event linking with warming? – Global warming.
5. How do we call the energy from the Sun? – Solar.
6. What natural event should we fear because of acid? – Rain.
7. What is able to be decomposed? – Biodegradable.
8. What is volcanic air pollution? – Vog.
9. What do we breath in? – Oxygen.
10. How do we call those who kill animals and birds illegally? – Poachers.
11. The layer that stops the ultraviolet radiation people call …? – Ozone.
12. What is the other name of spray? – Aerozol.
13. Dirty air is…? – Smog.
14. Place where garbage (litter) is buried under ground? – Landfill.
8-21слайд: Well, the next point of our lesson is checking your h/w. You should make some reports.
Please, 1st group…
2nd group…
22 слайд: well, have you any questions each other? May be our guests have any questions? So I have some…
23слайд: Предъявляю текст письма: Here is the letter from our friends. Listen to what they write and answer the questions (прослушивание текста письма в записи или читает сам учитель).
Текст первой части письма (аудирование)
Dear friends,
We are glad to inform you about the celebrations of the Earth Day in our club. It is a very important holiday for all people. Do you know anything about it? We would like to tell you about it and suggest our understanding of the international Earth problems. It would be very interesting for us to know your mind. We are quite sure that we must be together to survive and preserve our mutual motherland – the Earth.
April 22 is a special day around the world. On that day inhabitants of Earth celebrate Earth Day.
Earth Day is the time when many people show their care for our fragile planet. They show concern about the threats the planet faces. It is the day for people to learn what they can do to preserve the planet Earth.
The first Earth Day was held in the US in April 1970.
An American naturalist Aldo Leopold was the first to suggest a deep thinking – thinking like a mountain – about our environment. He wrote that the world of people and the natural world are inseparable. We must save both worlds and live in harmony with nature.
24 слайд: Now look at our Earth primitively. Our American friends suggested original scheme in their letter “An Apple as the World’. Read the letter in a chain, translate it and watch my experiment.
After my experiment I’m asking: “What would happen if this part of the world were damaged or destroyed?’
Вторая часть письма
An apple as the world
Use your imagination. Figure out that the apple represents the Earth. Cut the apple into quarters. Three quarters of the Earth’s surface is water and only one quarter is land. Cut the piece representing land in half. Only one half of the land is habitable. The rest of the land is deserts, mountains, other places people can not live. Cut the piece that represents habitable land into 4 sections. Only 0.25 of the Earth’s habitable land or one-thirty-second is where all the Earth’s food come from. What would happen if this part of the world were damaged or destroyed?
25 слайд: The other stage of our lesson is working in creative groups. You should divided into 2 groups: 1st – the beginning and the closing of your letter; 2nd – basic content of the letter with the conclusions. And then you should produce your project on the blackboard that name is ‘We are responsible for our mutual home – Earth”. You have 10-12 minutes.
26 слайд: домашнее задание.
27 слайд: Вместе поем песню
Imre Sooäär/ Kersti Kuusk
Every little creature, amongst the forest trees
Winter follows summer, so it’s always been
Friendship lasts forever, nature wants to see
If it is important both for you and me
Forest is a home for every bird and tree
Forest is a home for every bug and bee
Forest is a home for every animal
Forest is a home for even you and me
All the little antiсs, crawling day and night
Never ending stories, how they clean the land
In the rain and sunshine, working very hard
They don’t need the malls, with the ice cream stalls
Forest is…
Humans are consumers, taking all they see
Going to relax amongst the ancient trees
Don’t disturb the nature, you can better see
How to save your forest, all your hear and see
Forest is…
28 слайд: выразительное чтение стихотворения
Hug the Earth (L.Bayes)
Walking along feeling free
Feeling the Earth here with me
And I love her. She loves me.
I hug the Earth. The Earth hugs me.
She is our friend.
We’d like to be together forever.
The Earth is a garden.
It’s a beautiful place.
For all living creatures.
For all humane race.
Helping Mother Earth
We can peacefully roam.
We all deserve a place
We can call our home.
Используемая литература:
1. Журнал «Английский язык. Все для учителя» №2 февраль 2012 года
2. Рыжова Т., Костина Л. Гуманный английский-2. – Псков, 1998.
3. Интернет-ресурсы.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
«День Земли» - международный праздник, который отмечают 22 апреля.
“Belonging by birth to the local part of the globe we at the same time belong to the whole Earth which is our great mutual motherland” (T. Ryzhova ).
«Принадлежа от рождения определенному месту на глобусе, мы, в то же самое время, принадлежим всей Земле, которая является нашей большой общей родиной» Т. Рыжова
Цели сегодняшнего урока: приобщиться к решению общемировых проблем, связанных с сохранением нашего общего дома – Земли; осознать себя гражданином мира, ответственным за судьбу человечества; использовать знания по географии и английскому языку для общения на международном уровне .
Эко-азбука Acid rain – кислотный дождь Atmosphere – атмосфера Biodegradable – разлагающийся Carbon dioxide – углекислый газ Decompose – разлагаться Ecology – экология Endangered species – биологические виды, находящиеся в опасности Environment – окружающая среда Extinct – вымирать Fertile – плодородный Global warming – глобальное потепление Greenhouse effect – парниковый эффект Habitat – среда обитания Oxygen – кислород Ozone layer – озоновый слой Pollute – загрязнять Recycle – вторично перерабатывать Solar energy – энергия Солнца Threatened species – виды под угрозой Wastes - отходы
Carbon Wastes Greenhouse Global Solar energy Rain Biodegradable Vog Oxygen Poachers Ozone Aerozol Smog Landfill
Темы докладов Too much garbage. Water and air pollution.
Too much garbage
Water and air pollution
Questions : Why is the problem of garbage so threatening exactly nowadays? Почему именно сейчас проблема мусора приобрела угрожающий характер? In what way can people solve the problem of spontaneous dust-heaps? Как решить проблему стихийных свалок? What dangerous events can you name? Why are they dangerous ?
Questions: 1. What kind of time is Earth Day? 2. What can people learn on this day? 3. When and where was the first Earth Day held? 4. Who was the first American to suggest a deep phylosophical ecological thinking? 5. What does it mean “thinking like a mountain”?
An apple as the world Use your imagination. Figure out that the apple represents the Earth. Cut the apple into quarters. Three quarters of the Earth’s surface is water and only one quarter is land. Cut the piece representing land in half. Only one half of the land is habitable. The rest of the land is deserts, mountains, other places people cannot live. Cut the piece that represents habitable land into 4 sections. Only 0.25 of the Earth’s habitable land or one-thirty-second is where all the Earth’s food come from. What would happen if this part of the world were damaged or destroyed?
Работа творческих групп. « We are responsible for our mutual home – Earth. » Beginning of the letter. How to protect nature. Closing of the letter.
Homework Do a project for the school site : « Eco Problems in My Home Village » « Environmental Programme at My School » « We are Responsible for Our Mutual Home - Earth »
FOREST IS A HOME Imre Soo ää r / Kersti Kuusk Every little creature, amongst the forest trees Winter follows summer, so it ’ s always been Friendship lasts forever, nature wants to see If it is important both for you and me Forest is a home for every bird and tree Forest is a home for every bug and bee Forest is a home for every animal Forest is a home for even you and me All the little antics, crawling day and night Never ending stories, how they clean the land In the rain and sunshine, working very hard They don ’ t need the malls, with the ice - cream stalls Forest is … Humans are consumers, taking all they see Going to relax amongst the ancient trees Don ’ t disturb the nature, you can better see How to save your forest, all your hear and see Forest is …
Hug the Earth Walking along feeling free Feeling the Earth here with me And I love her. She loves me. I hug the Earth. The Earth hugs me. She is our friend. We’d like to be together forever. The Earth is a garden. It’s a beautiful place. For all living creatures. For all humane race. Helping Mother Earth We can peacefully roam. We all deserve a place We can call our home.
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