Тест на фразовый глагол take
тест по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
1) She ……………….. her mother. She looks and acts just like her. 2) Did you ………………. what I said or should I repeat it? 3) He …………………. his remarks about her cooking because she was obviously upset. 4) This sofa …………………………… most of the living room. 5) We saw the plane ……………………. and disappear into the clouds. 6) She has really …………………. her nephew and always buys him expensive presents.
1) She ……………….. her mother. She looks and acts just like her. 2) Did you ………………. what I said or should I repeat it? 3) He …………………. his remarks about her cooking because she was obviously upset. 4) This sofa …………………………… most of the living room. 5) We saw the plane ……………………. and disappear into the clouds. 6) She has really …………………. her nephew and always buys him expensive presents.
1) She ……………….. her mother. She looks and acts just like her. 2) Did you ………………. what I said or should I repeat it? 3) He …………………. his remarks about her cooking because she was obviously upset. 4) This sofa …………………………… most of the living room. 5) We saw the plane ……………………. and disappear into the clouds. 6) She has really …………………. her nephew and always buys him expensive presents.
1) She ……………….. her mother. She looks and acts just like her. 2) Did you ………………. what I said or should I repeat it? 3) He …………………. his remarks about her cooking because she was obviously upset. 4) This sofa …………………………… most of the living room. 5) We saw the plane ……………………. and disappear into the clouds. 6) She has really …………………. her nephew and always buys him expensive presents.
1) She ……………….. her mother. She looks and acts just like her. 2) Did you ………………. what I said or should I repeat it? 3) He …………………. his remarks about her cooking because she was obviously upset. 4) This sofa …………………………… most of the living room. 5) We saw the plane ……………………. and disappear into the clouds. 6) She has really …………………. her nephew and always buys him expensive presents.
1) She ……………….. her mother. She looks and acts just like her. 2) Did you ………………. what I said or should I repeat it? 3) He …………………. his remarks about her cooking because she was obviously upset. 4) This sofa …………………………… most of the living room. 5) We saw the plane ……………………. and disappear into the clouds. 6) She has really …………………. her nephew and always buys him expensive presents.
1) She ……………….. her mother. She looks and acts just like her. 2) Did you ………………. what I said or should I repeat it? 3) He …………………. his remarks about her cooking because she was obviously upset. 4) This sofa …………………………… most of the living room. 5) We saw the plane ……………………. and disappear into the clouds. 6) She has really …………………. her nephew and always buys him expensive presents.
1) She ……………….. her mother. She looks and acts just like her. 2) Did you ………………. what I said or should I repeat it? 3) He …………………. his remarks about her cooking because she was obviously upset. 4) This sofa …………………………… most of the living room. 5) We saw the plane ……………………. and disappear into the clouds. 6) She has really …………………. her nephew and always buys him expensive presents.
1) She ……………….. her mother. She looks and acts just like her. 2) Did you ………………. what I said or should I repeat it? 3) He …………………. his remarks about her cooking because she was obviously upset. 4) This sofa …………………………… most of the living room. 5) We saw the plane ……………………. and disappear into the clouds. 6) She has really …………………. her nephew and always buys him expensive presents.
1) She ……………….. her mother. She looks and acts just like her. 2) Did you ………………. what I said or should I repeat it? 3) He …………………. his remarks about her cooking because she was obviously upset. 4) This sofa …………………………… most of the living room. 5) We saw the plane ……………………. and disappear into the clouds. 6) She has really …………………. her nephew and always buys him expensive presents.
1) She ……………….. her mother. She looks and acts just like her. 2) Did you ………………. what I said or should I repeat it? 3) He …………………. his remarks about her cooking because she was obviously upset. 4) This sofa …………………………… most of the living room. 5) We saw the plane ……………………. and disappear into the clouds. 6) She has really …………………. her nephew and always buys him expensive presents.
1) She ……………….. her mother. She looks and acts just like her. 2) Did you ………………. what I said or should I repeat it? 3) He …………………. his remarks about her cooking because she was obviously upset. 4) This sofa …………………………… most of the living room. 5) We saw the plane ……………………. and disappear into the clouds. 6) She has really …………………. her nephew and always buys him expensive presents.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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