Фразовый глагол "take"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс)

Изучая английский язык многие испытывают трудности в освоении фразовых глаголов. Сложность при изучении данных глаголов заключается в том, что словарные статьи, посвященные данным глаголам, занимают не одну страницу и содержат огромное количество примеров. Данный материал представляет собой основные значения фразового глагола "take" и 2 упражнения, позволяющие проверить сформированность навыков по теме.


Office presentation icon take.ppt550 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon phrasal_verbs_take.doc30 КБ
Microsoft Office document icon take2_-_kopiya.doc30.5 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1


Слайд 2

take Off 1)Leave the ground 2)Remove 3) Become successful In Understand fully Give a bedroom to smb Over Take control On Employ Out Take smb as your guest to a restaurant etc Up Start Occupy After Be similar to a relative Apart Separate into parts Back Return

Предварительный просмотр:

Phrasal Verbs - Take

Write the correct preposition.

  1. She really takes ________her  mother, she has the same manners, the same taste on food and clothes, even the same temper. It's incredible.
  2. The plane couldn't take ________ because of the snow.
  3. He took _____ swimming when his doctor told him he needed to take more exercise.
  4. The company took ______ several new employees to cope with the extra demand.
  5. I took my hat ________ when I entered the building.
  6. If you don't take your books _______ to the library on time, you will have to pay a fine.
  7. It took me a long time to take ______ what you were saying.
  8. I couldn't put the radio back together after I had taken it ____.
  9. These old clothes take ________too much space in the wardrobe, I'm going to put them somewhere else.
  10. The company made big profits last year, in fact, since he has taken _______his father's business.
  11.  I’m taking my parents _______ for a meal next week.
  12.  He had nowhere to sleep so we offered to take him ______.


  1. After
  2. Off
  3. Up
  4. On
  5. Off
  6. Back
  7. In
  8. Apart
  9. Up
  10.  Over
  11.  Out
  12.  In

Предварительный просмотр:

Phrasal Verbs - Take

Write the correct preposition.

  1. "It's raining terribly," Douglas said taking ______ his raincoat.
  2. At big airports planes take ______ every five minutes.
  3. Vic is only six, but his computer skills are amazing. He took ______ his father, who is a fantastic programmer.
  4. In Japanese restaurants you must take _______ your shoes.
  5. When I won 250,000 dollars, it took me a few minutes to take it all______.
  6. When Hans was a student, he took girls ________ for a meal every night.
  7. Rita's brother speaks fantastic English; last week he took ______ Italian - he wants to go to Italy on holiday.
  8. This book is due tomorrow. I guess I should take it _______ to the library.
  9. Having succeeded in attracting lots of investors, we took ________ lots of new employees.  
  10. We should get rid of all these old books. They take ______ so much space!
  11. The family took ___________ three homeless kittens.
  12. IBM is taking _______ the smaller company.
  13. Tom was always taking things __________in the garage.


  1. Off
  2. Off
  3. After
  4. Off
  5. In
  6. Out
  7. Up
  8. Back
  9. On
  10. Up
  11.  In
  12.  Over
  13.  Apart

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