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Информационный материал обо всех русских праздниках.
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In Russia, the same as in every other country, there are many holidays: interesting and funny, patriotic and dedicated to any historical event.
The word "holiday" comes from the Old English word hāligdæg . The word originally referred only to special religious days. In modern use, it means any special day of rest or relaxation, as opposed to normal days off work or school. The word derived from the notion of "Holy Day", and gradually evolved to its current form.
There are dates and events in the life of this our country that are memorable to every Russian citizen. The dates of this kind are: Victory Day, May Day, Constitution Day, the Women's Day, Independence Day. These are national holidays, people do not work on these days.
Russians love to celebrate, and Russia's public holidays should not be treated lightly. For the most important holidays - New Year's, Christmas, and the May holidays - many shops close down completely and city streets become strangely quiet. All government offices are closed on public holidays, and most overseas embassies are too.
Russian traditions and celebration s . Religious holidays New Year’s Eve Russian Christmas Old New Year’s Eve Epiphany Shrovetide Easter National holidays New Year’s Day Defender’s Day Women’s Day Day of Laugh of April 1. May 1, or the Labour Day Victory Day Independence Day the Knowledge Day People's Unity Day the Constitution Day Professional holidays The Day of Space Exploration The Day of the Russian Navy The customs Day The medicine Day
New Year - January 1 Orthodox Christmas - January 7 Svyatki (Saint Days) - January 7-19 Old New Year - January 13, holiday in memory of Old Calendar The Student Day ( Tatyana's Day ) - January 25 Holiday of lovers-St. Valentine's Day - February 14 The Army Day - Men's Day - February 23 The Pancake Day - February 27 Women's Day - March 8, very popular! Fool Day (the Day of laughter) - April 1 Orthodox Easter - two weeks after Catholic Easter The Holiday of Spring and Labor - May 1 Victory Day - May 9 The International Day of Children Defendence - June 1 Independence Day - June 12 The Day of Knowledge - September 1 The International Day of Peace - September 1 Teacher's Day - October 5 The Constitution Day - December 12
New Years is by far the biggest celebration in Russia. Russians prepare for many days (and sometimes weeks) in advance, to create a celebration that will see in the New Year in style! The belief is that the way you celebrate the New Year will indicate how you will fare in the remainder of that year. So, everyone wants to have a dinner table filled to the brim! To dress up in flash new clothes, and dresses, to mingle with family and friends, take photographs, drink and laugh until dawn . Usually, people spend the New Years Eve dinner at home with their extended family. Only after midnight, when the New Year has begun, will young people head out to parties and nightclubs with friends. Russians give and receive gifts on New Years, and according to fairytale, they are visited by Grandfather Frost, Ded Moroz , who is accompanied by Snegurochka , a snowmaiden who helps to distribute the gifts. New Years day
January 7, Orthodox Christmas Most Christian Russians belong to the Orthodox Church, and it is traditionally to fast until the first church service on January 6, Christmas Eve. . The church in Russia still uses the old Julian calendar; therefore their Christmas celebration is 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar that we use. The period from 7 till 19th January is called " Sviatki " (Saint Days). It is a holy week leading up to the celebration of Christ's christening. During these days girls and young women in Russia tell fortunes every day in a whole variety of ways
January 25, Tatiana's Day On the 25th of January students and women named Tatiana celebrate one of the most favorite holidays - St. Tatiana's Day. This holiday was first celebrated in the middle of the 18th century, when in 1755 the Moscow University was founded. Students chose this day to glorify students' life.
February 23, Defenders' Day, The Army Day - Men's Day This holiday is celebrated on the 23rd of February. It is our tribute of respect to all the generations of Russian soldiers from the ancient times till nowadays to those who defeated courageously our motherland from invaders. On this day all the masculine representatives from boys to old men receive congratulations and presents and the military men greet each other. Women have a happy opportunity to say the warmest and the sweetest words to their lovers and to please them with sings of attention.
March 8, International Women's Day International Women's Day is one of Russia's most important holidays. It's celebration is a combination between Valentine's Day and Mother's Day in the West. All men try to do something pleasant for their daughters, wives, mothers and beloved ones on this day. They present them flowers (usually mimosas, tulips and roses), candy and shower with compliments. They are also supposed to do all the housework. All women receive flowers on this day. Forgetting to send a lady a card, or a gift on this day would be equal to forgetting her birthday.
Orthodox Easter - two weeks after Catholic Easter Easter is hold on the 1st Sunday after the vernal equinox and it is celebrated solemnly and merrilly . The date of Easter is usually determined by the church calendar and calculate according to so-called paskhalias - the special tables. It is the main Christian holyday established in honor to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ crucified on the cross and to the Outcome of the Jews from Egypt.
Russian Maslenitsa In Russia winter is rich in festivals. It is time to celebrate thought it’s cold, frosty and snowy. We want to tell about one Russian winter festival called Shrovetide ( Maslenitsa ). It is celebrated in late February – early March. People all over the country don’t work. They just have fun. Usually it is celebrated on Sunday.
You should answer some questions after reading the text When do Russian people celebrate Maslenitsa ? How do they do it? What dishes do they eat on Maslenitsa ? How do our young people attitude to Russian customs and traditions? Have English people got a similar holiday?
Maslenitsa is a cheerful farewell to winter and meeting of spring, bringing solar heat, t he holiday symbolizes awakening of nature from a winter dream. People buy a pine-tree and decorate it with toys, coloured lights. Earlier it meant the beginning of field works. Maslenitsa in Russia was celebrated when there was still no Christianity. In those days this holiday had another meaning. Eve people put the presents under the tree. It was connected with the name of the God of fertility- Velesa . Father Frost has got a big bag of presents for children. Maslenitsa is celebrated 7 days before the Easter. The main attribute of Maslenitsa are pancakes and national festivities. For lunch people eat turkey, potatoes, vegetables and pudding. The last day of Maslenitsa is called Forgiven Day . Maslenitsa is an ancient holiday, dating back to pagan culture. It is celebrated on the 25 th of December. During this day people make a straw scarecrow, put old wom a n’s clothes on it, place it on the pole, and walk with such scarecrow around the village. People dance and sing around the Christmas tree all nlght long.
Stolb Fortune-telling Blin A tree that people decorate with toys, small lights Chuchelo A sledge Coster A pancake Ryazhenye Clowns playing tricks and jokes Scomorokhi A short song on topical, humorous or lyrical theme Sancki A pole where a person climbs to get a prize Chastushka A fire Smetana, icra National festivities Narodnye gulaynya People in national costumes and masks singing and dancin Gadaniya Sour cream, caviar
May 1-2, International Labor Day Even though no longer celebrated on a same grand scale as it was during Soviet times, this event retains the festive nature, with colorful parade through Moscow's Red Square and St.Petersburg's Palace Square. Most of the people prefer to spend these days just relaxing, going for picnics, meeting with friends and visiting their summerhouses ("dacha") in countryside. During Soviet time there were huge demonstrations on this day. But nowadays it's just a traditional holiday of spring.
The International Day of Children Defendence - June 1 What is sunnier, joyful, and memorable than the childhood? A child gets to know the world, learns good and friendship, finds out new in familiar things. A child is happy when he is loved, warmed fed and understood. The children are the future of the mankind. Tomorrow is in their hands. Their right for life and dignity must be respected and defended. Trinity is the unity of three God's faces: God Father, God Son and Sacred Spirit. It is a Chritian holyday. It is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter hence it follows its another name- Pyatidesyatnitsa (the 50th day). On this day Holy Spirit went down on the Apostles and gave them Christ's instructions to spread news of Christianity to all the peoples and languages. This holiday is hold according to folk rites. The dwellings are decorated with twigs of birch. People remember the deceased. In the evening people sing and dance in rings. In Russia Whitsunday merged with the Semic holiday. It is the esteem of plant Spirits. People also celebrate the Parents' Saturday.
The Day of Knowledge The first day of school is widely celebrated as a holiday in the Russian speaking world. Besides going to school, the day is marked by giving flowers to teachers, a speech given by the director of the school to the students, and other events such as the "first bell" where a first grade girl is lifted to the shoulders of an older male pupil to ring in the first school day.
People's Unity Day Russia's absolute newest holiday, created in 2004, celebrates the liberation of Moscow from Polish troops in 1612 and the subsequent end of the "time of troubles." This is the first time in nearly 400 years, however, that an official state holiday has marked the occasion, leading many Russians to ask why it was created. It's very possible that when the Duma abolished November 7 (formerly Revolution Day) from the national calendar, they felt a holiday was needed in November so that people would not have to go from June to January without one. November 4 was sufficiently important. Given its proximity to the old holiday , many Russians still associate it with the communist holiday . The communists have actively boycotted the holiday and marked the seventh with demonstrations instead. In any case, the new holiday is celebrated the same as the old holiday: with political activism - only this time that activism is coming largely from the United Russia party.
December 12. Constitution Day . The date of this holiday changed several times over the course of history, with each new Russian constitution from Lenin to Stalin to Brezhnev to Yeltsin. Celebrated with fireworks, food, and drink. On this date in 1993 the new Constitution of the Russian Federation was approved, a fundamental law of the state, one of the most important democractic institutions.
In your culture. Search for 10 worlds in any direction and use 7 of them in the story about the Day of Russia. R H G W W O L L O F E N U N I T E K I K L M A R K E D R N L I S R F E G E O C U G P D Q A W X Y L T I C X E O R T A U W O B D R K O E L D O U U K X A J I K E L S S P E E C H V D W I N T R O D U C E D
In your culture. Search for 10 worlds in any direction and use 7 of them in the story about the Day of Russia. R G W O L L O F E U N I T E I L M A R K E D R N I R E O C G D W Y L I O A U O R L D U K E S P E E C H D I N T R O D U C E D
The 12th of June is the Day of Russia but still many people don't know what we celebrate. First the 12th of June was ________ as "Independence Day" but most people didn't like the name. Later it was ________ as the Day of Russia into the list of the national holidays. But when asked only 16 % of people re ready to _____ _ it. And more people want a holiday when people can _____ the nation, the day when people can get together and listen to the President's _______ on the occasion of the national holiday, watch the march of the presidential ______ and enjoy the colourful _____ . The nation needs the day, which can ______ as the birth of a be new democratic Russia.
The 12th of June is the Day of Russia but still many people don't know what we celebrate. First the 12th of June was introduced as "Independence Day" but most people didn't like the name. Later it was included as the Day of Russia into the list of the national holidays. But when asked only 16 % of people re ready to follow it. And more people want a holiday when people can unite the nation, the day when people can get together and listen to the President's speech on the occasion of the national holiday, watch the march of the presidential quard and enjoy the colourful fireworks . The nation needs the day, which can marked as the birth of a be new democratic Russia.
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