"Молодежные субкультуры"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Опрос старшеклассников по теме "Молодежные субкультуры" после предварительного ознакомления с материалом (презентации и буклеты прилагаются).


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Предварительный просмотр:

Опрос старшеклассников по теме «Молодежные субкультуры»

(Опрос проводится после ознакомления учащихся с материалами (презентациями, буклетами) о  субкультурах)

  1. When did Hippie appear? (in the 1960s)
  2. Do you know (remember) one of the most famous hippy’s slogans? (make love, not war)
  3. What is bad thing in their movements? (hippies often take drugs)
  4. How do Hippies call themselves? (flower children)
  5. When did Reggae music appear? (in the 1960s)
  6. What is Reggae music? (one of the new styles of Jamaican pop-music)
  7. When did Metal Music appear? (in the end of 1980s)
  8. Is Metal subculture concentrated on music or religion? (on music)
  9. When and where did Punks appear? (in the middle of 1970s in the UK)
  10. What is the main idea of punk? (possible to express in a slogan: “nonconformism, individualism, creativity”)
  11. Where and when did Skinheads appear? (in 60th in England)
  12. What is the main idea of this organization?
  13. Do you like a special type of skinheads’ music? And what is it? (“Oi!” It came from punk-rock)
  14. Describe the style of Skinheads. (Skinheads shave their heads, wear leather jackets, braces and black boots. They are very stupid. They are just against the government. They fight with foreigners, especially with people who have another color of skin.)
  15. When did Goths appear? (in early 1980s)
  16. Where do some Goths like to spend their free time? (in a cemetery)
  17. How can you describe Goths? (Goths are people who wear black clothes and have hair dyed in black. Their faces are always white and they have special black make up. They like to watch horror films and read about mysticism and esotericism)
  18. What does rapping mean? (emceeing, MCing, spitting, or just rhyming) (It is the rhythmic spoken delivery of rhymes, wordplay, and poetry, one of the elements of hip hop music and culture)
  19. Describe Rappers’ style. (They like to wear sport style clothes: caps, T-shirts and basketball vests, jackets with hoods, baggy trousers which are always lowered a little. They usually have short hair dresses)
  20. Describe a traditional Emo hair style. (The slanting, fragmentary cut off to the nose bang, closing one eye, and very short hair) on the beach of the head.)
  21. Are the main colors in their clothes black and white or black and pink?
  22. What do you know about straight edge bands? When did they appear? What kind of life do they choose? (Straight edge bands grew out of the punk rock movement in the 1980s. They choose clean and healthy life. A sXe means that you don’t smoke, drink or take drugs.)

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Молодежные субкультуры.

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