“Countries and Nations” for the 5th forms
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
“Countries and Nations” for the 5th forms
- to raise an interest in the English language
- to revise the material on the topics «Countries and people&Around the world»
- to be able to use the vocabulary on the topics
- to be able to answer questions orally
- to be able to make and present the poster about a country
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“Countries and Nations” for the 5th forms
- to raise an interest in the English language
- to revise the material on the topics «Countries and people&Around the world»
- to be able to use the vocabulary on the topics
- to be able to answer questions orally
- to be able to make and present the poster about a country
Materials and equipment
- pictures on the topic “Countries and nations”
- cards with tasks
- presentations “Countries and nations” and “Flags” in PowerPoint
- sheets of paper with the names of the teams
- felt-tip-pens/glue/scissors
- whatman paper
Course of the contest
1. Greeting and organization moment
Teacher: Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you. Take your seats, please.
2. Introducing into the topic
Teacher: Today we’ve got a competition on the topic “Countries and nations” and we have 3 teams: “Greens”, “Reds” and “Blues”.
Before we start our contest, let’s remember some facts about different countries. Watch the presentation and be very attentive as all the facts will be useful for the competition.
(Children watch the presentation “Countries and nations” in PowerPoint)
3. Contests
Contest 1 “Fill in the table”
Each team gets tables with missing words. Their task is to fill in the table. This task costs 30 points (30 right missing words). In addition, after each contest the team that copes with the task first gets 2 more points.
country | capital | nationality | language |
American | |||
England | |||
Madrid | |||
Moldavian | |||
French | |||
Italy | |||
Berlin | |||
Russian | |||
Greek | |||
Bucuresti |
Contest 2 “Whose flag”
The teams watch the presentation “Flags”. Each team (one by one) should name the country that owns this or that flag. If the answer is wrong, the right to give the answer is passed to the next team. Each right answer – 2 points.
Contest 3 “Match the sights”
Each team gets cards where they should match the sights with the cities in which they are situated. This task costs 5 points.
- The Statue of liberty a) is in Moscow
- Big Ben b) is in New York Harbour
- The Kremlin c) is in Paris
- The Eiffel Tower d) is in London
Contest 4 “Rome is situated on the river…”
Each team again gets cards where they should match cities with the rivers on which they are situated. This task costs 7 points.
Rome is situated on the river……. a) Potomac
Moscow is situated on the river……. b) Tiber
Washington is situated on the river ……. c) Seine
Bucuresti is situated in the river……. d) Moskva
London is situated on the river…… e) Dimbovitsa
Paris is situated on the river……. f) Thames
Contest 5 “Present your country”
Teacher: Dear children now you will choose 1 envelope out of 4 for each team. In the envelopes, you will find the flag of your country and different pictures. Besides, on your tables you can see felt-tip-pens, whatman paper, scissors and glue. Now you task - make the poster about the country you have chosen and present it.
These expressions can help you:
- Let us present our poster.
- We want to tell you about……
- The capital of…….is……..
- The colours of the national flag are……
- People in ……..speak……
- Nationality in this country is
- I think this country is…….
- I like this country because……
This task-presentation costs 20 points.
Judges (senior pupils) count points during all the contests and the teacher put them down on the sheets of paper with the names of the teams. At the end of the competition all the points are summed up and the teacher names what team is a winner.
Countries and Nations
Teacher: Chicoi Elena
Forms: 5A
• to raise an interest in the English language
• to revise the material on the topics «Countries and people&Around the world»
• to be able to use the vocabulary on the topics
• to be able to answer questions orally
• to be able to make and present the poster about a country
Materials and equipment
• pictures on the topic “Countries and nations”
• cards with tasks
• presentations “Countries and nations” and “Flags” in PowerPoint
• sheets of paper with the names of the teams
• felt-tip-pens/glue/scissors
• whatman paper
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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