Nouns and prepositions
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Воинова Юлия Витальевна

Упражнения по теме "существительные с предлогами"


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Предварительный просмотр:


A)     FOR: a present, a demand (or on), a reason, a need, room, an idea.

         You don’t need to buy a present  me.

         We have just received a demand  the electricity bill.

         My new job is making great demands  my time.

         What’s a good reason  spending money?

         We don’t have room  a grand piano.

         There is no need  a new car at the moment.

         I have a great idea  the party.


B)      IN: a pain, an ache, a good friend, a teacher, an improvement, a change.

         I have a pain  my chest.

         She has an ache  her left leg.

         He has a good friend  Mrs. Jones.

         They have a good teacher  John Roberts.

         There was a great improvement  my grades last year.

         It was a chance a million and I got it!


C)      OF: a work, a method, an idea, an opinion, students, a coordinator.

         This is a wonderful work  art.

         I really like the methods  the new teacher.

         Jane had the idea  starting her own business.

         Students  English are all around the world.

         The new coordinator the program is very strict.


D)     TO: a bus, a train, a trip, a card, an answer, a question.

         The train New York leaves at 3 o’clock.

         Unfortunately there is no bus  the suburbs at night.

         We are planning a trip  China in our honeymoon.

         Please, send a card me from London.

         Do you have an answer  this question?

         Well, I have a question  you.


E)      WITH: coffee, hotel, a woman with, an article.

         She always drinks her coffee  sugar and cream.

         The hotel meals will cost more than we budgeted.

         Did you see a woman  a baby a few minutes ago?

         I have an article pictures for my presentation.


F)       BETWEEN: a fence, a difference, a connection, a relationship.

         My neighbor and I built a fence our backyards.

         There is clearly a difference your car and mine.

         We have such a connection us that we could be sisters.

         Is there any relationship  Tom and Susan?

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