The verb "to store" and the noun "a store"
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Подписи к слайдам:
1) to make up and keep a supply as to store food in the cupboard
2) to keep in a special place (warehouse), as to store one’s furniture
3) to fill with supplies, as to store one’s cupboard with food
4) to put away for future use, as to store one’s winter clothes: Where do you store your fur coat for the summer?
a supply for future use: This animal makes a store of nuts for the winter
2) a place for keeping things: My food store is in the kitchen.
In store
1) kept ready (for future use), as to keep a few pounds in store for a rainy day
2) about to happen: Who knows what is in store for us?
set much (great , small, little) store by smth, smb to feel to be of (the) stated amount of importance: He sets great store by his sister’s ability.
Storehouse (used lit. and fig.)
The storehouse was a large grey building stuffed with any kind of furniture.
He is a storehouse of information.
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