Мастер-класс на тему "Восьмое чудо света"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Нигмаджанова Г.З. Астрахань- 2013
Hello, dear colleagues! Let’s begin our lesson. I will be your teacher and you are my students.
The topic of our lesson is “What Is the Eighth Wonder of the world?”
- to develop students’ attitude to belonging to a group and expressing individualism.
- to learn and experience the process of writing.
- students will learn to evaluate the results of the group work.
- to enrich students’ vocabulary.
- students will try to understand the importance of their local sights and beauty.
Skills development.
- students will practice expressing their opinions.
- students will practice writing and using new words.
- learn to focus on structure.
- practice understanding new words through listening.
Hello, boys and girls. We are going to speak about the Wonders of the world. Although most people know that a list exists of the Seven World Wonders, only few can name them. The list of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World was originally compiled around the second century BC. The first reference to the idea is found in History of Herodotus as long ago as the 5th century BC. Today, archaeological evidence reveals some of the mysteries that surrounded the history of the Wonders for centuries. For their builders, the Seven Wonders were a celebration of religion, mythology, art, power, and science. For us, they reflect the ability of humans to change the surrounding landscape by building massive yet beautiful structures, one of which stood the test of time to this very day.
Well, there were the Seven Wonders of the World in the ancient times. What were they? Match the English names with their Russian equivalents.
А. Статуя Зевса Олимпийского 1.The Great Pyramid of Cheops
В. Великая пирамида Хеопса 2.The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
С. Висячие сады Вавилона 3.The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
( Сады Семирамиды ) 4.The Statue of Zeus at Olympia
D. Храм Артемиды Эфесской 5.The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
Е. Александрийский маяк 6.The Colossus of Rhodes
F. Галикарнасский мавзолей 7.The Pharos of Alexandria
G. Колосс Родосский
I see you know a lot of words. There is no space for them on the blackboard. But some words are still unknown to you. Do you think they may be necessary for you at the lesson? Be very attentive. Well, what’s the Eight Wonder of the World? Oh, I see it’s hidden. If you guess all the words correctly, you’ll be able to name the topic. All together.
Salisbury Plain
ancieNt times
pottEry vessels
horsesHoe of trilithons
a knowledGe
astronomical mEasurements
So, we can see our topic. What is it?
T: Write you are. And we are going to speak on this topic as much as possible to refuse the words you know, to memorise new words to learn many new things
Students read: Stonehenge. and to go inside to our history.
2. Listening to the text.
So the topic is known, our tongue is ready for reading.
The greatest memorial of ancient times
A. Stonehenge is the most famous prehistoric monument in Briton, it is located in the middle of Salisbury Plain, to the northwest of Southampton. Even now, nearly 4000 years after it was built, large numbers of tourists come to see it, especially on June 21 when the sun rises immediately over the Heel Stone of the circle and casts its shadow on the Altar Stone in the middle. But what does it all mean, and who were the people who built it?
It was started about 2700 B.C. by the late Neolithic people (or people of the Stone Age). Then Somewhere around 2000 B.C. the Beaker people continued to build it. The people were named Beakers by the archaeologists when they found many pottery vessels in their graves. Stonehenge was built at various stages, and was finished at about 1500 B.C. Its older part is the outer ditch and circular bank. Inside the bank there were 56 pits which are known as the Aubrey Holes after their discoverer, John Aubrey. Later a double semicircle of Bluestones was put up, and these stones were brought from the mountains in Wales by land, sea and river. At about 2000 B.C. the Bluestones were removed, and two double circles were built.
One speculation is that its builders were sun-worshippers and that the monument was a temple to the Sun. On the other hand, many scientists believe that it was used as a calendar to establish a fixed point in the year from which the annual calendar could be counted. However, the most interesting theory is that of Professor Gerald Hawkins. He filmed the sunrise and showed that the sun rose exactly over the Altar Stone. He also proved that the stone circle could contain other exact astronomical measurements. Hawkins found that by using the 56 Aubrey Holes outside the stone circle, Stonehenge could be used as a very exact computer to forecast the time of the next eclipse. Also, Stonehenge as their memorial is very impressive with its huge stone circle and central horseshoe of trilithons, the ruins of which people see today.
Language work.
T: Thank you for your reading. It was very beautiful reading.1) And now, please, answer my questions.
- What is it?
- Where is it situated in Britain?
- Can you find its location on the map of Great Briton?
- Does it look impressive to you?
- Have you ever seen it in any book read by you?
- Would you like to read any books about it?
- Is there anything mystic about it?
- What purposes was it built for?
- Would you like to visit it? If yes, why?
- How can you get there?
2) Which statement is true and which is false?
1. Stonehenge is situated in the northwest of Scotland.
2. It was built by people of the Stone Age.
3. John Aubrey removed the Bluestones and brought them from the mountains in Wales.
4. Stonehenge could be used as a very exact computer to forecast the time of the next eclipse.
5. Archeologists found a lot of stone constructions of such type. They are called megalits (from Greek ” megas ”- “great”; “litos”- “stone”).
6. Stonehenge had been not only a temple to the Sun but it was used as a calendar.
7. Large numbers of tourists come to see Stonehenge, especially on Christmas Eve when the snow falls immediately over the Heel Stone.
Teacher: Today people wonder how these vast stones were transported so far and erected. Some people believe that they were transported by sledge, and were erected by using a lever and piled up timber. The lintel stones(horizontal ones) were raised and put into position over the two vertical stones. So we see that ancient people were very clever, and could construct huge monuments though they did not have machines. But what was Stonehenge used for? Over the years many theories have appeared and people continue to present their versions.
3 небольших текста раздаю ученикам.
1. Meet in groups of 3-4 peoples. Summarize the information you’ve got.
2. Choose the best title for the story.
3. Take turns to retell groupmates the stories about Stonehenge you have read.
4. Ask 3 questions concerning your information. Be sure to know the answers to the questions.
5. Listen to your classmates with more attention and put them notes for their retelling the story.
1) A. Stonehenge Legends.
Funny story.
There is one legend which is quite funny. According to it the devil built it in one single night.
He flew backwards and forwards between Ireland and Salisbury Plain carrying the stones one by one, and putting them in place. While he worked he laughed to himself because he knew that doing so people would have to think how the stones were brought to the site. But a friar or monk who was hiding in a ditch nearly saw this. He surprised the devil and made him very angry. The devil took a stone and threw it hitting the friar on the heel. According to this legend the stone which the devil threw is known as the “heel stone”. It still can be standing by the side of the road and it really has the form of the heel of a shoe. As for the stones geologists have shown that the stones were brought by the ancient people as far away as from south Wales and north Wiltshire, and not from Ireland.
2) B. The greatest memorial of ancient times
Well developed culture.
Geographically, one can speak about two main regions of Britain: Highland Britain and Lowland Britain. The limestone and chalk hills offered a good refuge for primitive man and that is why his greatest memorial STONEHENGE is on Salisbury Plain. The builders of Stonehenge were a mixed people. England had long been thinly peopled by Stone Age hunters and foodgathers. Then in the 5th century BC immigrants from the Continent arrived and with their descendants and other immigrants had come the tradition of building great stone tombs. About 2000 BC these people may have been joined by others from Holland and Rhineland which were called the Beaker folk from their characteristic drinking- vessel. They brought a knowledge of metal work. Trade and metal tools brought prosperity, immigrants and natives became one people.
3) C. Midsummer’s Day.
Rare but still living custom of Druids.
Midsummer’s Day, June 24th is the longest day of the year. On that day a very old custom at Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England is observed. Stonehenge is one of the Europe’s biggest stone circles that are 10 or 12 metres high. Actually the Druids priests (жрецы) in Britain used Stonehenge for a calendar. They introduced it about 2000 years ago. The sun and the stones at Stonehenge let the Druids know when the month and seasons start. On the morning of June 24th the sun shines on one famous stone- the Heel Stone, this is the most important moment of the year for the Druids. There are Druids in Britain today, too, and every June a lot of them attend Stonehenge. It is a strange, ancient, rare but still living custom.
Teacher: Thank you for your work.
1. Song. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words.
2. Listen to the song.
3. Don’t forget to check up yourself.
4. I’ll give you the lines of this song.
5. Come to the blackboard and stand in a row to make the both couplet of the song.
6. Sing your lines of this song.
A Ballad of Stonehenge
Three thousand before Christ was a child,
England beautiful, young and wild.
There were people, forests and rivers______,
And the magic stones hung in the .
The people who brought them were strong and ______,
And under these stones they found their ______.
Where did they come from? Where did they ___?
Who were these people? We’ll never ____.
5. Concluding.
Teacher: So, our big talk is over. Now I can see that you know much about the countries you have just represented. Your marks are good and excellent. Good luck. See you at the next lesson.
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