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презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
творческая работа на тему "Винегрет Америки"
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P.S. they were the first Russian salad of America
Science…. Phone Photo background The metal detector a water wing Alexander Graham Bell, 1847 — 1922 — the North American scientist, the inventor and the businessman of the Scottish origin, the founder of a telephony, the founder of company Bell Telephone Company which have defined all further development of telecommunication branch in the USA. A.S.Popov invented a practical radio in 1895 A.S.Popov was the first had shown a practical radio receiver (on May, 7 1895) A.S.Popov was the first had shown experience of radiotelegraphy, having sent the radiogramm (on March, 24 1896). In the USA it is considered to be Nicola Tesla who was radio transmitter and patented it in 1893
The well-known inventions Electric chair The electric counter of voices at elections Use of carbon Phonograph The accumulator Has suggested Hallo Cherepanovs work are steam machines which they persistently tried to introduce in industrial production. Since 1820, Cherepanovs have constructed about 20 steam machines capacity from 2 up to 60 h.p. In 1833 Miron Cherepanov has been sent on business to England where studied the device of railways. After returning, in 1833 they have created the first steam locomotive in Russia Edison and Cherepanovs
Space… during the 1960s the USA and the Soviet Union raced to get to the moon. Soviet rockets got there first but the U.S Apollo program landed the first human there… The Russian cosmonaut, the first person who has made flight in a space. Start of the ship "East" has been made at 09:07 on April, 12, 1961 Moscow time from the cosmodrome Baikonur. Having one flying around of the Earth at 10:55:34 on 108 minute, the ship has finished scheduled flight (for one second earlier, than it has been planned). Gagarin signal was "Cedar " On July 20, American astronaut Neil Armstrong, gave onto the moon. Back on earth, close to a billion people were listening. A moment later, he put his left foot into the powdery lunar surface, took a few steps, and humanity walked on the moon .
They are not poor… Abramovich William (Bill) H. Gates Is chairman and chief software architect of Microsoft Corporation , the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential. He founded Corbis, which is developing one of the worlds largest recourses of visual information… He ranks one of the highest places among the Russian businessmen, it is estimated 24,3 billion, in April, 2008
music… It was arisen in the end of 1970 in USA, in black city blocks. Disc-jockeys were inventors of hip-hop. Elvis Presley In America he has come in a daily life of inhabitants, level with presidents and sportsmen for a long time. Jokes, associations, the hints, open parodies, etc. became the integral phenomenon of the American show business. The set of cinema and television movies, both biographic, and having only indirect attitude ( relation) to Presley's life are removed (taken off), a lot of books (including encyclopedias and culinary) is issued still. The extensive industry of simulators of Presley worldwide (thus they, as a rule, use the most recognized image Presley 70th) prospers . His Graceland is the second in the US after the White house a place on attendance (600 thousand person in one year).
Sport… Russian borrow some games which are popular now, but we don’t play lapta, salki and so on ( our native games) Baseball is considered to be an American investigation, there are professional and not professional ( to your liking) Kinds of baseball This kind of sport includes in Olympic games since 1992 Street basketball is popular too.
Gluttony … The American nation - the inventor of fast food, the nation sits on it and consequently it is the fullest nation on a planet, 61 % of the population the USA suffers from adiposity. For some reason many think, that wet pies - primordially Russian dish. But it not absolutely so
Conclusion : There are various fields of American and Russian cultures ( America includes different nations and a lot of immigrants, but Russia has a great soul) America has strong sides in some fields and Russia in others Style of life of America has positive and negative consequences ( remember the last slide)
Thank you for attention To be continued …
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