Презентация по английскому языку "My favourite movies"
творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме

Презентация по английскому языку "My favourite movies" выполнена ученицей в качестве проекта по теме " Кино" в 11 классе по учебнику В.Кузовлева


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Слайд 1

My favorite movies . Prepared by the pupil of the 11 th Form Miroshnichenko Svetlana .

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I really like American films. I watch different genres : adventure, historical, comedies, melodramas, animated cartoons. I like if the movie teaches you to be kind and good or when it’s with a happy ending where everyone is happy.

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I do not like such films, where there is cruelty and malice, where the end is not happy , such films does not teach anything.

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My favourite actors are : Channing Tatum, Brad Pitt, Mario Kasas , Jonny Depp and others.

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Angelina Jolie, Keira Niley , Eva Longoria , Charlize Theron , Megan Fox and other…. My favourite actresses are :

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300 Spartans , King Arthur , Troy, The eagle of the ninth Legion , Steep Georgia , Dark shadow , Pirates of the Caribbean , Harry Potter, Macho and Botan , Konstantin, the Titanic and other…. My favorite movies are are:

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Kung Fu Panda, the Lion King, Madagascar, Shrek, Wheelbarrows, Brave Heart , “ How to tame the dragon”, the Prince of Egypt and other M y favorite cartoons are :

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Titanic It is a love story. It is a about love between a rich girl and a poor boy. The main actors are Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet . The film begins when young people Jack and Rose find each other in the first and last voyage of he liner Titanic. Then liner hit an iceberg. At the end Jack donates his life and save Rose from a terrible death.

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Pirates of the Caribbean This is an adventure movie. It is a bout the famous captain who wants to return to his ship. The main actors are Jonny Depp, Kira Knightley, Orlando Bloom. The film begins with the fact that the pirates kidnap a young Elizabeth and her beloved William goes to her rescue, but before this frees pirate sentenced to death by the name of captain Jack Sparrow . At the end the captain returns to his ship and William saves Elizabeth.

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The end Thank you for your attention!!!

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