Задания по теме «Интернет»
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку по теме

Шишкунова Лариса Владимировна

Задания по теме «Интернет»

1. Make an Internet glossary

Words to define:

www; website; web page; browser; surfing the web; online; e-commerce; graphic images; ISP (Internet Service Provider); to download; to upload; spam; software; hardware; antivirus software; to update; to install; e-mail; search engine; operating system; Internet.

Definitions to help:

an international network of computers; protection against computer viruses; to bring files to your computer from the Internet; unwanted advertisements sent to you by e-mail; connect to another person using the Internet; moving from one website to another looking for something; one section of a website; worldwide web; all kinds of business done on the Internet (banking, shopping, travel, booking); to put a program into a computer; mail service via the Internet; a company that offers users’ access to the Internet; pictures, icons, diagrams; a program that you use to look up websites on the Internet; all companies that make a computer (processor, hard drive, motherboard, etc.); to renew or modernize computer programs/databases; a website used to look for other sites (Yandex, Google, Rambler); a computer program that enables operating other programs and files.

2.  Which of the activities do you and your parents use the Internet for?

Complete and send your chart to make a survey.  Use the words:

  • every day
  • once a week
  • never




My parents

Browse/surf the web



Send/receive e-mails



Get information about hobbies and interests



Get product or service information



Read the news



Get information for schoolwork



Get travel information



Download images or photos



Look up entertainment events



Check the weather




Send your answers to my e-mail address.




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Предварительный просмотр:

Задания по теме «Интернет»

1. Make an Internet glossary

Words to define:

www; website; web page; browser; surfing the web; online; e-commerse; graphic images; ISP (Internet Service Provider); to download; to upload; spam; software; hardware; antivirus software; to update; to install; e-mail; search engine; operating system; Internet.

Definitions to help:

an international network of computers; protection against computer viruses; to bring files to your computer from the Internet; unwanted advertisements sent to you by e-mail; connect to another person using the Internet; moving from one website to another looking for something; one section of a website; worldwide web; all kinds of business done on the Internet (banking, shopping, travel, booking); to put a program into a computer; mail service via the Internet; a company that offers users’ access to the Internet; pictures, icons, diagrams; a program that you use to look up websites on the Internet; all companies that make a computer (processor, hard drive, motherboard, etc.); to renew or modernize computer programs/databases; a website used to look for other sites (Yandex, Google, Rambler); a computer program that enables operating other programs and files.

2.  Which of the activities you and your parents use the Internet for?

Complete and send your chart to make a survey.  Use the words:

  1. every day
  2. once a week
  3. never



My parents

Browse/surf the web

Send/receive e-mails

Get information about hobbies and interests

Get product or service information

Read the news

Get information for schoolwork

Get travel information

Download images or photos

Look up entertainment events

Check the weather

Send your answers to my e-mail address.

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