конспект урока "Кинематограф"
план-конспект урока (английский язык, 11 класс) на тему
Данный материал представляет собой конспект урока по теме "Кинематограф" в 11 классе общеобразовательной школы. Возможно, он будет интересен не только тем, кто работает по УМК Кузовлева, но и по другим УМК, предполагающим изучение данной темы.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект урока по теме «Кинематограф»( “Travelling to the world of cinema”) 11 класс. (учитель – Купенко С.Г.)
Тип урока – обобщающий.
Цель урока: систематизация знаний учащихся по теме «Кинематограф», совершенствование монологической речи и навыка аудирования по теме.
Задачи урока:
развитие навыков говорения;
совершенствование навыка аудирования;
активизация изученной лексики.
развитие внимания, воображения, памяти;
развитие языковой догадки, гибкости мышления, логики, коммуникабельности, способности осуществлять продуктивные и репродуктивные речевые действия;
расширение кругозора учащихся.
формирование уважения к культуре других народов и культуре своей страны;
воспитание этики взаимоотношений.
Оснащение урока:
- учебник “English” 11 класс (автор В.П.Кузовлев);
- пособие “TopicsandIssues” (Издательство «Титул»);
- записи диалогов;
- диск с песнями;
- ксерокопии с грамматическими и лексическими заданиями;
- плейер.
Ход урока:
| T. – Good morning! Sit down, please. I’m very glad to see you and hope that you are ready for the lesson and are in good mood. Today’s lesson is dedicated to cinema, it’s place and role in people’s lives. |
2. Introduction. | T.- To make the atmosphere of the lesson more enjoyable I’d like to start with the problem of interconnection of music and films. Sometimes the melody and the lyrics are so catching that when we hear the first sounds of a particular song we say “ Oh, yes, it’s from this or that movie.”Or, sometimes the lyrics of a certain song is a real plot for the movie.So, let’s listen and sing a song. Your task will be as follows – Imagine that you are a script-writer and make a plot for the film. And the second task – what will be the possible type of your film? (listening to the song, discussing the plot). |
| T.- If we speak about cinema it is necessary to refresh some information about the first steps of cinematography.Do you remember who the first people who introduced cinema inti our lives were? (P.) T.- So cinematography has spread with an enormous speed.What can you day about Russian films and directors? (P.) T.- They say “Tastes differ”.There are many trends in cinematography. What are your favourite types of movies ad why do you like them? (P.) T. – Who is your favourite actor or actress? (P.) |
4.Listening Practice. | T.-Thank you for your answers.Now let’s listen to the opinions of different teenagers. First of all, look through the titles of some films. Do you know them? What are their types? (p.) T.- I draw your attention to the questions below. You are to answer them/ Use a pencil if it necessary. (listening and doing the task) |
5.Speaking. | T.- And what are your favourite films and why? (P.) T.- I know perfectly well that some of you would mention fantasy films. It’s but natural! You are real experts in mysterious creatures of a hidden world. I’d like to show you some pictures and you are to guess what they are. (P.) |
6.Listening. | T.- And now listen to the descriptions of some creatures and guess their names. (listening and guessing) |
7.Dialogues. | T.- My next task is… Imagine the situation – you are an exchange student. Lectures are over. You have plenty of free time. You have to decide what film to choose as you want to go to the cinema.Let’sdevide into 3 groups. Choose a leader if it’s necessary. Look at possible billboards. If you get any questions I’ll willingly help you. Try to use phrases of support. (making and presenting dialogues) |
8.Rounding off. Summary of the lesson. | T.- So, there is a world of cinema around us. Is this world large or small? It often depends on how much you know: the more you know, the larger the world is. Tell me please what the aim of the cinema is? (P.) T.- It’s time to finish our lesson. You’ve worked really hard and I’m satisfied with your work and efforts.(Marks and comments). Your homework will be the exercises from the paper I’m going to give you right now. |
“Do you know magic creatures?”
The Bogeyman, Dwarfs, Elves, Gnomes, Goblins, Leprechauns, Sandman, Trolls, Giants.
Texts for listening and guessing:
- These aged creatures of the mountains are miners with magical powers. They won’t appear in daylight because they’ll turn into stone. They wear long clothes to cover their feet, which are deformed or point backwards. (DWARFS)
- These creatures are nasty to children and frighten them in the dark. Only children can see their furry bodies and red eyes. ( THE BOGEYMAN)
- These clever, independent little men wear three-cornered hats. They are shoemakers who make only one shoe, not a pair. Every creature has a hidden pot of gold. ( LEPRECHAUNS)
- These are merry creatures who live in colonies. They love parties, music, dancing, they are very sophisticated craftsmen. Sometimes they kidnap people, who arw caught listening to their music. ( ELVES)
- These are bearded men with broad features who never age and who always wear hoods. They guard hidden treasure in the woods and hills where they live. ( GNOMES)
- These creatures have enormous size and strength packed in a human form. They can roar like thunder, make an earth shake and snack on grown people. Their characteristics depend on their nationalities : Irish are pleasant English are openly evil and Welth are clever and cunning. (GIANTS)
- There creatures are thieves of the fairy world, have a bad reputation. They have deformed bodies with huge eyes and and live in underground caves. (GOBLINS)
- To make life less boring;
- To immortalize smb’s deeds;
- To ennoble Man’s heart;
- To broaden one’s outlook;
- To awaken in smb.mercy and understanding;
- To form tastes.
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