тест по английскому языку на тему

Абакарова Кистаман Буниаминовна

грамматический тестовый материал по английскому языку


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Предварительный просмотр:

Вариант 1

1.        Open the brackets and use the correct form of the verb.

  1. Jane (come) to tell us she (make) the coffee.
  2. John (give) her the flowers that he (buy) for her.
  3. I (expect) that Russia is a cold country and I (find) it was true.
  4. She (be born) before the World War II (begin).
  5. Our parents (get married) after they (meet) two years ago.

2.        Open the brackets.

  1. You (consider) to be the most fashionable girl in our class.
  2. The English (think) to be polite.
  3. Tony (suppose) to be an excellent doctor.
  4. The British (believe) to be intellectual.
  5. Kate (know) to be hard-working.

3.        Complete the questions.

  1. The Welsh are supposed to sing well. Is...?
  2. foreigners think of the Russians?
  3. the most famous drink in Britain?
  4. Great Britain consists of four countries ... about Russia?

4.        Write the opposite.

  1. reserved;
  2. sociable;
  3. hard-working;
  4. well-mannered;
  5. kind.

5. Fill in the necessary words from the box.

snobbish, typical, language, emblem, humour

  1. The... of England is the red rose.
  2. Fish and chips is the... British food.
  3. She has a good sense of...
  4. For centuries the British have been known as hypocritical and...
  5. English is the official... of the UK.

Вариант 1

1.        Open the brackets and use the correct form of the verb.

  1. Jane (come) to tell us she (make) the coffee.
  2. John (give) her the flowers that he (buy) for her.
  3. I (expect) that Russia is a cold country and I (find) it was true.
  4. She (be born) before the World War II (begin).
  5. Our parents (get married) after they (meet) two years ago.

2.        Open the brackets.

  1. You (consider) to be the most fashionable girl in our class.
  2. The English (think) to be polite.
  3. Tony (suppose) to be an excellent doctor.
  4. The British (believe) to be intellectual.
  5. Kate (know) to be hard-working.

3.        Complete the questions.

  1. The Welsh are supposed to sing well. Is...?
  2. foreigners think of the Russians?
  3. the most famous drink in Britain?
  4. Great Britain consists of four countries ... about Russia?

4.        Write the opposite.

  1. reserved;
  2. sociable;
  3. hard-working;
  4. well-mannered;
  5. kind.

5. Fill in the necessary words from the box.

snobbish, typical, language, emblem, humour

  1. The... of England is the red rose.
  2. Fish and chips is the... British food.
  3. She has a good sense of...
  4. For centuries the British have been known as hypocritical and...
  5. English is the official... of the UK.

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